Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1891: White Bone Abyss Again

Near the Black Flame City, Mu Qing condensed the power of the rule-level starry sky and repaired the fragmented Zhou Tian Xing Dou Tu over his body.

He did not go back to the Undead Realm for the first time to rescue the companions under the Bone Abyss, but waited for nearly a month at the junction of the Black Realm and the Undead Realm.

If you are too anxious, it is very likely that you will run into King Bone You again.

Facing the half-step Dharma Body, Zhou Tianxing Doutu might be able to transfer the opponent's lock away for the first time, but if he encounters it again, that may not be the case.

It was not until a month later that Mu Qing used the World Gate to step into the Undead Realm again. This time, he did not go to Bitter Mountain, but went directly to Bone Abyss.

There are no shadows of creatures around Bai Bone Abyss. After all, it is quite terrifying here. The masters who dominate the strong fall into it and will die forever. Usually, there is no other figure except for some unreasonable undead creatures wandering nearby.

Mu Qing stood above Baiguyuan, squinting his eyes and looking down.

Below is the terrifying spirit of resentment. In the constant surge of resentful spirit, Mu Qing can see densely packed ice sculptures. Those are all creatures that have fallen into the abyss of bones, many of which are undead creatures.

Mu Qing didn't know whether the undead creatures had a lifespan, but it was definitely much longer than the human race.

"So, how do you go down?" Mu Qing thought, touching his chin.

The reason why he dared to come was because he knew that the life code in his body had a certain restraint against Bai Bone Abyss' resentment spirit!

It is impossible to even say restraint. Before, he had seen the fire of life easily swallowed the spirit of resentment, just as it had swallowed the Frost Dragon King's treasure house before.

"According to the rumors, the formation of Bai Bone Abyss was caused by a half-step Dharma body power attempting to impact the realm of the Great Domination, but failed."

"As for the half-step Dharma Body, naturally he fell on the spot."

"And the power of the half-step Dharma body is at the level of the rules, and even condenses an incorporeal body, understands the principles of the law, and is extremely close to the power of the law. Strictly speaking, it can be regarded as in line with the conditions for swallowing the life code."

Mu Qing whispered.

The Life Code can swallow anything related to the power of rules, even the second-level treasure, if it has a relationship with the rule level, it can be swallowed and absorbed.

The spirit of resentment is naturally among them.

Others were afraid of the spirit of resentment, but Mu Qing was not too afraid. At the very beginning, with the help of the life code, he used the world gate to escape from the abyss of bones, becoming the first person ever to escape from the abyss of bones.

Mu Qing is even more worried at this moment whether the life code can protect his integrity.

After all, what he had to do was to go deep into the Bone Abyss, find Wu Xuanyi and others among the dense ice sculptures, and then rescue them.

As long as you can find them while ensuring your own safety, you will be considered to have completed the task.

When you leave, you can directly activate the world gate.

The first time he accidentally fell into the Bone Abyss, Mu Qing also failed to react for the first time. Now, as long as he is cautious enough, it is probably no problem.

Mu Qing looked down, still a little worried.

Starlight gathered in his eyes, and he could see with all his eyesight. Unfortunately, most of his vision was blocked by the violent spirit of resentment. He could only see countless ice sculptures, but could not accurately find the whereabouts of Wu Xuanyi and others.

A cluster of pure white flames rose from Mu Qing's palm, and then the fire of life covered his whole body, making him look like a fire creature.

Mu Qing, who was covered by the fire of life, leaped softly and jumped into the abyss of bones.

This time he was fully prepared and at the same time focused. Once he found that the situation was not right, he immediately stepped into the world and left.

After Mu Qing leaped into the Abyss of Bone, the spirit of resentment around him surged like a tarsal maggot.

He immediately urged the life code fire in his mind, and more life fire burst out of his body.

After touching the fire of life, the surrounding spirits of resentment were decomposed into golden particles and disappeared in mid-air.

When Mu Qing saw this, his face was immediately happy.

The fire of life really restrains this resentful spirit!

Although the miracle light energy provided to Mu Qing is quite scarce after these resentful spirits are decomposed, Mu Qing doesn't care.

It is already quite good to be able to protect him in Bone Abyss, what's more, Bone Abyss is so huge, I don't know how much the spirit of resentment is in it, and it can be a good harvest if you accumulate less and more.

Mu Qing's figure quickly landed, and finally came to the bottom of Bai Bone Abyss, where there is a deep pool, biting cold, and exuding a strong breath of resentment!

Under the envelope of the fire of life, Mu Qing approached the past and could feel a terrifying resentment against his face.

With regard to Bai Bone Yuan, Mu Qing did some more understanding afterwards. It was rumored that the half-step Dharma body of a corpse clan failed when it broke through and fell here.

And the resentful spirit radiated by Bai Bone Abyss was derived from the deep pool of water right now.

According to legend, the water of these deep pools was actually formed by the blood of the half-step Dharma Body.

The realm of the half-step Dharma body is already standing at the top of the origin realm, only one step away from the realm of the great master.

Since they have all chosen to make breakthroughs, they must have enough confidence in themselves. As a result, they will fall to death in this realm. In other words, everyone will be full of resentment and feel unwilling.

The existence of half-step Dharma body such as the comprehension of the principles of the law, once the emotions erupt, the impact on the surroundings can be described as great, these feelings of resentment and unwillingness are retained, forming a white bone abyss.

Of course, not only emotions, but also the power of the half-step Dharma body and even the sacred artifacts.

Mu Qing searched around, his eyes swept across ice sculptures one after another, looking for the whereabouts of Wu Xuanyi and others.

He was enveloped in the fire of life, and the resentful spirit around him kept pouring in, but it was broken down into golden particles in the blink of an eye.

The energy of the miracle light in the depths of the soul is steadily increasing, and obviously more energy can be decomposed at the bottom of the Bone Abyss.

After a while, Mu Qing found Ao Yulin's ice sculpture quite smoothly. When the Tianjiao from the Dragon King Palace was frozen by the spirit of resentment, fear was revealed on that heroic pretty face.

Mu Qing snapped his fingers, and the world gate appeared beside him, looming, with obscure words imprinted on it.

At this time, Mu Qing noticed that the world gate was also wrapped in the spirit of resentment and was gradually frozen.

He immediately threw Ao Yulin into the world gate. On the other side of the world gate was the Black Flame City. Before he came, he had already let the Black Flame City Lord arrange everything.

After being frozen by the resentful spirit, it is not so easy to wake up, after all, the resentful spirit invades the soul.

However, at least after leaving the Bone Abyss, Ao Yulin's lifespan will not burn hundreds of times thousands of times, and then there will be time to find a way to help him get out of trouble.

Mu Qing did not leave. After closing the world door, he continued to search for the whereabouts of other people.

After two or three days, he found the ice sculpture of Long Mingqing quite smoothly and used the world gate to send it away.

Immediately afterwards, five days later, Mu Qing found Zhang Zhen's ice sculpture. Everything went smoothly. After throwing him into the world gate and leaving the place, Mu Qing glanced around, looking for Wu Xuanyi's whereabouts.

Although there are many ice sculptures everywhere at the bottom of Bai Bone Abyss, Long Mingqing and others seem to have fallen down recently, so they are all in one area, which is not far away.

However, another full three months passed, but Mu Qing could not find the whereabouts of Wu Xuanyi.

"It's not quite right. The ice sculptures of Long Mingqing and others are all very close, but I have searched this area in the past three months, but I haven't been able to find Wu Xuanyi's whereabouts."

Mu Qing frowned.

Could it be that Wu Xuanyi's ice sculpture was blown deeper by the storm formed by the spirit of resentment?

It seems that there is only this explanation.

"However, in this area, there are still places I haven't searched for..."

Mu Qing's eyes fell on the deep pool not far away.

It can be vaguely seen that there are also some ice sculptures under the deep pool. The creatures who accidentally fell into it are frozen into ice, and at the same time, I am afraid that the lifespan is tens of thousands of times faster.

Mu Qing hesitated, first stretched out his hand to dive into the deep pool, the pool water inside was not comparable to the spirit of resentment around, those were water of resentment!

With half-step Dharma body breaking through the resentment and unwillingness and part of its power when it failed.

With the palm of his hand leaning into it, protected by the fire of life, Mu Qing still felt a icy cold that penetrated into his soul, like death!

At the same time, unwillingness to regret was born for no apparent reason, constantly affecting him, as if to turn him into a lunatic.

Mu Qing took a deep breath and stayed sensible.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped and plunged into the deep pool.

There is no doubt that this is quite a dangerous move, but Mu Qing also believes in the power of the life code, and at the same time the world snake ability in his body is ready, once a situation occurs, it will be activated at any time.

Even the time seal on the center of his eyebrows appeared. If something went wrong, he would directly stop the time and add a set of combos to escape from the world gate to get out of this place as quickly as possible.

However, what Mu Qing did not expect was that the fire of life still swallowed everything around him. The water of resentment seemed to be something delicious, constantly being broken down into golden particles, turning into miraculous energy in the depths of his soul.

Mu Qing was shocked. He could feel that the water of resentment in the deep pool was diminishing at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a short moment, there was only one deep pit left on the spot. The water of resentment was completely swallowed and decomposed and turned into miraculous energy. .


Mu Qing was ecstatic, he might be able to obtain a large amount of miraculous light energy in this white bone abyss with the help of the life code.

The world's snake abilities are likely to evolve right away, reaching the point of surpassing the limit!

After looking at some ice sculptures under the deep pit, he found that there was no figure of Wu Xuanyi inside, and then flashed back to the top.

Mu Qing found another deep pit and jumped into it. The fire of life almost formed a pure white sea of ​​fire, decomposing all the water of resentment into golden particles and disappearing into nothingness.

Soon, a mouthful of the deep pool turned into a deep pit, and the power in it was absorbed by Mu Qing.

Until Mu Qing used the fire of life to swallow and decompose a total of thirty-two deep pools under Bai Bone Abyss, it seemed that the spirit of resentment around him had faded a lot.

Without the source of the water of resentment, I believe that it will not be long before the dangerous place of White Bone Abyss will be completely abolished and become a safe zone!

Mu Qing was delighted, mobilizing the miraculous light in the depths of his soul and enhancing the ability of the world snake in his body!

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