Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1892: Beyond the limit, abandoned by time!

The resentment spirit in Bone Abyss gradually began to dissipate.

Previously, the spirit of resentment here was too strong, and the range that Mu Qing could explore was too small, so he didn't rush to find Wu Xuanyi.

Now all the water of resentment has been swallowed and decomposed by the fire of life, turning into miraculous energy.

Taking advantage of the time before the spirit of resentment had completely dissipated, Mu Qing crazily consumed the light of miracle to strengthen the world snake ability in his body.

A large amount of miracle light poured into his body, and Mu Qing could feel that the miracle light energy deep in his soul was being consumed violently.

After a while, Mu Qing gasped. Although the advancement of the world's snake ability did not bring any pain, it seemed to exhaust his mind, and a sense of exhaustion came to his mind.

Soon, the brilliant golden light of miracle enveloped the whole body, eliminating this sense of exhaustion, and a mysterious and special breath spread from Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's eyes were shining with golden light, and an illusory giant snake rushed out of his body, connected end to end, and evolved into a portal.

This is the gate of the world, but unlike the previous one, this gate is completely condensed into substance, with ancient characters and serpentine patterns imprinted on it.

At this moment, Mu Qing seemed to have undergone a transformation, and his vision suddenly rose, passing through the clouds and across the sea of ​​stars.

At first, Mu Qing had explored the origin world, but found that the origin world seemed to have infinite height, even if he kept going up, all he saw would only be an endless sea of ​​stars, but nothing else.

But now, Mu Qing saw a different scene.

He can easily catch that in the depths of the endless sea of ​​stars, there is a film enveloped.

It seemed to be a barrier or a seal. I didn't know what specific method was used to make it. But Mu Qing knew that it was this barrier-like, seal-like film that enveloped the entire Origin Realm.

In the realm of origin, unless you reach the realm of great dominion and become the power of the dharmakaya, you cannot feel the existence of this layer of film, and there is no way to pass through the past.

Mu Qing was trapped in the endless sea of ​​stars before and couldn't fly out because of this film.

But now it’s different. His world snake ability has reached the point where it exceeds the limit. In this realm, Mu Qing exudes a mysterious and mysterious aura. He always has a hunch that he can go to any place. There is no hindrance.

For example, this layer of film in the Origin Realm cannot be detected at all unless the power of the Law Bodies is strong, let alone try to break through.

However, Mu Qing believes that he only needs a thought to pass through the world gate condensed by the world's snake power to the opposite side and return to the multiverse!

Soon, Mu Qing's perspective was infinitely magnified again, and his eyes became a pair of golden snake pupils, which seemed to be able to penetrate the ten thousand realms and see everything clearly!

His sight was separated from the origin world, and he could see that the origin world was a special huge sphere. The whole looked like a planet, but it was much larger than some universes.

Afterwards, he saw one universe, one deep space, and finally reached a mysterious space.

There is silence here, but there is an unimaginable silver-white river flowing turbulently, without end!

Just when Mu Qing was about to approach, a roar sounded in his mind, and his consciousness was instantly pulled back to his body.

"Long time!" Mu Qing took a deep breath, recalling the various scenes he had seen.

The location of the first origin world!

He has already determined the specific location of the origin world and branded it on the world gate.

After that, even if Mu Qing left, he didn't need to search for the coordinates again, he could enter directly through the world gate.

Immediately afterwards, there was a long river of time!

After the world's snake ability surpassed the limit, Mu Qing did feel that some changes had taken place in himself, and his consciousness once again descended for a long time without being affected in any way.

Mu Qing's heart moved, and the time seal between his eyebrows appeared.

Then, his face condensed, and the time seal between his eyebrows cracked!

Bronze brilliance burst out, and the terrifying but invisible power of time curse was even more terrifying than the water of resentment, bursting out and impacting Mu Qing's body.

The curse of time is targeted.

No matter how strong the curse is, it will only target the target that provokes the curse, and will not affect anyone around it.

However, when the power of the curse fell on Mu Qing, Mu Qing's eyes turned into golden vertical pupils in the blink of an eye, a pair of cold snake eyes!

The power of the curse slowly slipped from Mu Qing, not invading his body, but fell on the ground and disappeared.

All the curses stored in the time seal disappeared in just a few breaths.

The world snake ability beyond the limit, so that Mu Qing is no longer eroded by the curse of time!

Seeing this scene, Mu Qing's face also showed surprise.

In this way, I can rest assured that I will stop using the time boldly in the future!

You can even research unscrupulously and create time supernatural powers one after another!

In the old days, time dominated the realm against the power of the great dominated realm. At the beginning, Mu Qing's strength realm was still low, and he didn't know what it meant. Only now did he understand how terrifying the power of time would be.

Dominating the realm and slaying the power of the law body, whoever said it would only think that it was a whimsical thing, and that the person who said it was crazy.

This also illustrates how terrifying and terrifying the power of time is.

However, mastering the power of time has a terrifying curse. Now Mu Qing finally does not need to worry about the curse of time. With his strong starry power, he can even use the magical power of time many times in battle!

Mu Qing, who was constantly delighted, snapped his fingers, and was about to try to pause the time to see if the curse power would still appear.

But the next moment, the smile on Mu Qing's face froze, and his expression gradually solidified.

Nothing happened!

He can communicate for a long time, but he has not received any feedback from the power of time. The only thing he can feel is the disgust of the power of time!

Mu Qing's expression became extremely exciting, he used time magic many times, and finally came to a conclusion.

He was abandoned by time!

It turns out that after the world's snake ability exceeds its limit, it will be disgusted and disgusted by a long river of time.

Whether it is the power of curse or the power of time, it will become unwelcome to see him.

This is the real reason why the world's snakes are immune to the curse of time!

After surpassing the limit, the snake family of the world can enter the long river of time, but cannot control its power, and cannot peer into the past, future and present through the long river of time.

After the world snake's ability surpassed its limit, because it could shuttle and enter the mysterious space at will, it was disgusted by the long river of time, and everything related to the long river of time would have nothing to do with the world snake.

Mu Qing sighed.

This is different from what he imagined.

Although it was completely immune to the curse, it was a bit too clean.

Not only is it a curse, but the power of time has been cut off.

He can use the world gate to enter the river of time countless times, but the river of time will not show Mu Qing the past, present and future, nor will it give him any time power.

It may even be attacked by monsters in Hanoi for a long time!

Mu Qing sighed, it turned out that the so-called immune curse is such a thing.

The miracle light energy in the depths of his soul was exhausted at once, and Mu Qing took a deep breath, digesting the information in his mind.

It is the same as before, every time you strengthen anything with the light of miracle, you will get a piece of information feedback.

This time too!

World snake ability, world gate:

Under the action of the light of miracle, the bloodline ability that has surpassed the limit will no longer be able to evolve.

Its ability is to traverse the heavens and all realms, but any other space or world that is branded by the world gate can be reached in one step, and it has the characteristics of the Dharmakaya.

But correspondingly, the world snake bloodline beyond the limit will also be abandoned by the long river of time, unable to contact any existence related to time.

This piece of information came to mind, and Mu Qing quickly digested it.

The Code of Life is like the origin of all life, knowing anything, in the process of miraculous light strengthening, will also understand everything, and feedback the situation after the strengthening to Mu Qing in this way.

The world snake beyond the limit, abandoned by time!

Mu Qing shook his head.

If he doesn't do this, the curse of time will follow him forever, even if there is a sealing method.

The power of the curse will become stronger and stronger. In order to cope with the power of the curse, it is necessary to increase the sealing method. The increase in the capacity of the time seal requires the perception and understanding of the power of time, but once the power of time approaches, the curse will change again. Be strong.

This almost forms a closed loop, and it is difficult to get out of it.

The Crane Master of the Gate of Time is constantly circulating in this closed loop, and the power of the opponent's curse may have reached an unimaginable level.

Mu Qing calmed down.

In any case, it is a happy thing to be completely immune to the power of the curse, even if he loses time and timeout, a powerful magical ability.

From now on, he will no longer be able to display the power of time!

After returning to his senses, Mu Qing looked at the bottom of Bai Bone Abyss.

The spirit of resentment here is about to dissipate completely, Mu Qing's perception is no longer restricted, and he immediately explored the surroundings.

But in this dense ice sculpture, there is no figure of Wu Xuanyi, which makes him feel quite weird.

Mu Qing frowned and continued to deepen until he came to a palace.

"Under Bai Bone Abyss, there is a palace unexpectedly?" Mu Qing showed a look of surprise, and at the same time he was alert.

The palace in front of him seemed to be completely piled up of white bones, surrounded by quite powerful and terrifying restrictions, even with the strength of Mu Qing's current five calamity ruler, I am afraid it will be touched and mortal.

But at this time, Mu Qing revealed a pair of golden snake pupils, the world gate appeared in front of him, he stepped into it, and there were bones everywhere.

This is the internal space of the Bone Palace!

Mu Qing's gaze was quickly locked not far away, where the bones piled up into a mountain, and there was a gloomy bone throne above!

The most important thing is that there was a figure above the Bone Throne, and a gaze shifted over at the same time and fell on Mu Qing.

"Unexpectedly... someone could enter this king's palace..."

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