Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1893: Two Bone You Kings

An icy voice came from the Bone Throne.

Mu Qing looked up, her pupils shrank slightly.

The man in front of him had a disturbed aura, but only a trace of aura revealed Mu Qing's heart palpitations, and he was probably far more powerful than him!

The man had a naked upper body, black hair to waist, pale skin and a thin body.

However, what makes people horrifying is that the other party's upper body splits a series of openings, hollow and deep, just like a hideous mouth, vomiting something.


Mu Qing's eyes changed into golden snake pupils again, catching some traces.

The upper body of the strange man in front of him was swallowing up the shouyuan around him with the open mouth.

As a person who had practiced the Eternal Life Sutra, Mu Qing could clearly see the vigorous vitality.

And these lifespan vitality comes from the creatures outside who have become ice sculptures!

"You are transforming into other creatures..." Mu Qing said solemnly.

He saw some changes in this guy in front of him. The breath of this guy was obviously an undead creature, but it was secretly transformed into a creature like a human race.

Live from the dead!

The opponent is getting rid of the shackles of undead creatures and transforming themselves into normal creatures!

"That's right." The man on the Bone Throne was stunned. He didn't expect Mu Qing to see so thoroughly, and he showed an intriguing smile.

"This king has fallen here since he failed to break through the Great Domination. I don't know how many years later, my consciousness has recovered, and I started to prepare for the resurrection with the help of my life."

"Perhaps there are no rumors about me from the outside world. After all, my era has passed for too long, too long, and I can't even remember it myself."

"This king is called Bone You King, have you heard of me?"

The man straightened up slightly and looked at Mu Qing.

He didn't show any hostility, maybe he wanted to learn some outside news from Mu Qing's mouth.

As he said, he has not known how long he has been here!

However, Mu Qing's face was quite strange. He could feel that something was wrong with the other party's state, so even if his strength was far superior to himself, he did not rush to leave. With the world snake ability beyond the limit, he could escape at any time.

At the same time, the words of the man in front of him shocked Mu Qing.

The formation of Bai Bone Abyss was rumored to be caused by a half-step Dharma body who failed and fell when breaking through the realm of Great Domination.

Coupled with the other party’s words, it also means that the other party is the half-step Dharmakaya, who did experience the fall, but did not completely die after using a certain method. Instead, he survived and tried to resurrect in the depths of Bone Abyss. .

Why does every creature that falls into the Bone Abyss will have a lifespan of hundreds of times and thousands of times loss?

Probably it was because the weird man in front of him was devouring the vitality of these people to help him resurrect himself.

At the same time, this weird man's methods are quite amazing. The opponent was originally an undead creature, but at this moment he seems to want to transform into the state of a normal creature and get rid of the state of an undead creature, which requires a lot of life force.

The ability of the other party to present in such a posture has already shown that the transformation is almost complete, and it is about to transform from an undead creature into a normal creature.

When he is truly transformed, it is the time when this half-step Dharma body is resurrected!

However, the one message that really shocked Mu Qing was the name of the weird man!

Bone You King!

If Mu Qing remembers correctly, there is also a half-step Dharmakaya named Bone You King in the Lich Race of the Undead Realm.

The other party colluded with Ji Cang, the original Black Demon Sovereign, and that's why Mu Qing would remember this name.

"What's wrong? You seem to have heard of this king's name?"

The man who claimed to be the Bone You King frowned slightly. In his opinion, Mu Qing's reaction was not right.

After all, when I fell into the unconscious during his lifetime, I don't know how many years have passed. After regaining consciousness, he has lived under the Bone Abyss for countless years, absorbing the lifespan of every creature who accidentally fell into the Bone Abyss.

He didn't think that after so many years, his name could still be circulated in the outside world.

Even though he was a half-step Dharmakaya before his death, but rarely showed up outside, even if he had news of his own, it only existed in ancient books.

Mu Qing had weird eyes, glanced at the other person, and then replied: "In the outer world of the undead, there is also an extremely strong man named Bone Youwang who has reached the half-step Dharma Body."

"There is another Bone You King?" The man's pupils shrank, and he stood up abruptly, then half-squinted his eyes, as if he was remembering something.

He looked at Mu Qing, fixed his gaze firmly, and shouted in a low voice: "That fellow! Isn't it from the Lich Race!"

Mu Qing froze, then nodded, "Yes."

Mu Qing still got a lot of information about the Bone You King from Mo Zi. He knew that he was an extremely strong man of the Lich clan. He was very powerful, and it was the opponent who turned the fallen Dragon Lord into an undead creature. , Only then has the Frost Dragon King.

"Sure enough, that guy!"

The man sat down slowly, his expression converging, but Mu Qing could feel that the killing intent in the opponent's body was almost overflowing!

Mu Qing's heart moved, this guy had a feast with the Bone You King of the Lich Race?

What is the connection between the two?

"I should have known... it was him! It was him! It took away my power! It made me fail to break through and fell, and even replaced my name!"

At first, the man just whispered to himself, but his voice grew louder and louder, almost roaring out, and the atmosphere of terror swept the entire palace, causing the place to shake.

Mu Qing retreated to the side in silence, his mind was always on display. Although the realm of the man who claimed to be the Bone You King was obviously far superior to him, the advantage of doing so was that he could capture some of the other's mood swings. .

This can also be regarded as a magical effect of the mind. Although it is impossible to read the memory for opponents of high realm, it is still very simple to perceive emotions.

Especially when the mood of the man in front of him is so violent.

Mu Qing found that from stepping into the Bone Palace until now, this man has never had malicious or killing thoughts on him. Of course, it is also possible that the other party hides so well that he can't read a trace of emotions with the use of Sensation. come out.

After all, this man has been devouring the life force of other people, not a good thing.

At the same time, when Mu Qing said that there was also a Bone You King in the outside world, the man's mood swings became extremely intense, full of killing intent.

There is no doubt that something must have happened between these two people.

"Friend, I wonder if you are interested in making a deal with me."

After a while, the man in front of him reduced his emotions, and his face returned to plain again.

It's just that his attitude has changed. He originally called himself the king, but now he calls himself me.

Mu Qing was very interested. In fact, from the very beginning, when he came here by himself, the other party didn't show any maliciousness, and he could tell that the other party wanted to come into contact with him.

"I don't know what kind of transaction you want to make? But before that, can you tell me where one of my companions is?"

Mu Qing said with a slight smile on his face.

"Naturally, I did not attack them. Even when you used that special bloodline ability to leave, I knew that you would be my best partner, so I deliberately did not absorb the vitality of your companion."

What makes people different is that the man on the throne seems to know Mu Qing's arrival and the whereabouts of his companions.

He didn't have the previous anger, but had a calm face with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Although I can only move around here before being completely resurrected, I still know what happened in the Bone Abyss."

"For so many years, many people have left their enemies to Bai Bone Abyss in order to resolve their grievances, and your arrival would not have attracted my attention until you used that bloodline ability and left from Bai Bone Abyss."

The man’s voice was louder, his eyes gleaming with spirits, and he said, “Yes! From that time on, I knew that your bloodline ability could help me. In order to show my sincerity, I deliberately did not devour the lives of your companions. Power."

"As for your companions, you have saved a few of them earlier, but the last one is not actually in Bone Abyss."

"Wait? Not in Bai Bone Abyss?" Mu Qing showed a surprised look on his face.

The man nodded and affirmed: "It is indeed gone. In fact, after you left White Bone Abyss, that guy also showed a certain means. Most of them were given to him by his parents, involving the power of the law body. The life-saving means broke away from the Bone Abyss."

His expression was somewhat abusive, and said: "However, he is obviously far inferior to you. He just managed to get out only by means of life-saving, but you are different. You can still come here safe and sound. I am afraid that going out and entering Bai Bone Abyss will treat you It’s not that difficult."

That said, Wu Xuanyi has left Bai Bone Abyss?

Mu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the other party is safe, and in this way, he can be regarded as rescued all his companions.

He nodded, then changed the conversation, and said: "Then what about your deal? What do you mean?"

"The deal me resurrect!" The man on the throne became serious.

"Resurrection?" Mu Qing frowned and looked at each other, then shook his head, "Sorry, I'm afraid I don't have this ability."

"No! You have!" The man interrupted quickly, and then immediately said: "I still need a certain amount of vitality, I need one creature after another, I hope you can help me catch some creatures, no matter who it is, as long as it contains life It will be all right!"

"Correspondingly, I will give you certain benefits. I have a lot of third-level treasures!"

Mu Qing hesitated, indeed a little emotional.

Although his world snake abilities are now beyond the limit, there will definitely be places where the life code will be used in the future. It seems that the light of miracle can strengthen all things and make everything evolve.

There must be as many as the third-level treasure, not too much!

Mu Qing was a little puzzled, and said: "The water of resentment under Bai Bone Abyss has been absorbed by me, and the spirit of resentment in Bai Bone Abyss is about to dissipate. In fact, you can find anyone, why it is me. ?"

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