Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1894: Prophecy

"No, the waters of resentment are formed with my strength, and they will never dry up."

"Believe me, if other people dare to approach the water of resentment, they will inevitably encounter a terrible counterattack. Even the Lord of the Nine Tribulations will be hit hard, rather than being able to absorb their power safely like you."

The man on the throne squinted his eyes to look at Mu Qing. He knew that Mu Qing must have some special secrets, mostly related to the level of the power of the law body, which is the biggest reason why he did not show maliciousness to Mu Qing.

The man didn't mention too much about Mu Qing's absorption of the water of resentment, but just mentioned it casually.

"It is one of my sincerity to let you absorb the water of resentment. In fact, it won't be long before the water of resentment will condense again, and Bone Abyss will still be enveloped by the aura of resentment."

"Therefore, I need your help to use your bloodline ability to bring enough lives here, and only you can do it!"

The man stared at Mu Qing, waiting for Mu Qing's response.

Mu Qing pondered, in fact, he was more inclined to trade with the guy in front of him.

In that way, he can get some third-level treasures, which can improve his strength to a greater extent.

Although he has now reached the ruler of the Five Tribulations, it is far from enough.

Mu Qing knew that the ruler of the Five Tribulations was a threshold, and the subsequent Six Tribulations and Seven Tribulations were not so easy to cross, and after that, it was necessary to build a holy tower and perceive the law.

It's still far away from the power of the Dharmakaya!

If you want to quickly improve your strength, you can only rely on the life code in the depths of your soul!

Of course, on the other hand, Mu Qing also heard that there was definitely a huge contradiction between the man in front of him and King Bone You.

A long time ago, this man was also called the Bone You King, obviously it was the Bone You King of the Lich Race behind that did something that caused him to fall and took away his power.

The specific details are not clear to Mu Qing, but one thing he can be sure of is that the man in front of him is in a big conflict with King Bone You.

The enemy's enemy is a friend. Mu Qing feels that it is not impossible to trade with each other, as long as he is careful enough...

"If there is a chance, I will bring things that contain life, and I hope you can prepare enough benefits." Mu Qing said lightly.

He did not promise a specific date and quantity. After all, he could not arrest other creatures unscrupulously for this transaction.

"Naturally." The man smiled and nodded.

Mu Qing glanced at each other, turned around, and the world gate appeared. He stepped into it and left the bone palace.

After waiting for Mu Qing to leave completely, the expression of the man on the Bone Throne gradually became excited, revealing a fanatical color.

"That's right! There can be nothing wrong!"

"That guy is definitely the one in the prophecy! The prophetic son who has the world gate and can leave the origin world!"

The man on the throne became short of breath.

In his mind, he couldn't help but recall the situation he encountered when he hit the realm of Great Domination.

The man on the Bone Throne is named Bone Youwang, which is the name that truly belongs to him. However, he comes from one of the branches of the Lich Tribe, belongs to the subspecies, and has a much lower status than the Lich Tribe. Even if he is a half-step Dharmakaya, he is often called to and fro.

But the man's talent can be regarded as the best in the undead realm, almost touching the realm of the great master, coupled with his own accumulation of background, he is quite sure to break through.

However, the man was conspired when he broke through the dominion, not only led to his failure to break through, but also deprived of most of his power, and made all his efforts to become a wedding dress.

A Tianjiao of the Lich Race took everything from him, including his name, and it was the current Bone You King!

The man believes that behind this is definitely the handwriting of the first generation Lich King!

Otherwise, one's own power would not be deprived of a large part, nor would it be transferred to the current Bone You King intact.

The reason why he was targeted, everything was because of his **** background, just because he was a subspecies branch!

Of course, in his opinion, the biggest reason is probably that the first generation Lich King did not need a second magic body power to appear in the Undead Realm, so he would attack the man on the throne and change his power to the first generation witch. The Demon King’s loyal clansman is the current Bone You King.

However, although the man was conspired to fail to make a breakthrough, he was not without gains. First of all, it was the greatest luck to be able to keep a trace of the remnant soul.

Secondly, at the moment of his fall, he fell into a weird state. After all, the half-step Dhammakaya had clearly understood the principles of the law and felt the realm of the law.

When the incorporeal body is completely solidified, it is the time to break through the realm and achieve the Dharmakaya.

In this mysterious realm, the law exploded, and the man saw the essence of the origin world. It turned out that this place was a prison, a special world, wrapped in a film.

Immediately afterwards, the man's soul fell into the silver-white river again and saw a picture of the future, but it was obviously impossible to look directly at the future. He could only get some information vaguely.

If so, his soul exploded, leaving only a strand of remnant soul falling to the bottom of the abyss.

The information about the future seen from the long river of time is very vague. The man only knows that a creature with a world gate will come to the origin world, and the other party can freely enter and leave the origin world, and will bring major changes to the origin world.

Although the fragment of the future is vague, this message is like a prophecy, but the man on the bone throne knows in his heart that the creature in the prophecy will bring huge changes to the origin world.

At the same time, the man wanted to leave the origin world and look outside.

Perhaps the dharmakaya masters know what the origin world is like, and the perception of the law here has a certain bonus, and they have stayed here all the time.

But as a native creature in the origin world, when he knew that the world he had been living in was like a cage, surrounded by a thin film, his mentality had changed.

His current idea is to use Mu Qing to leave the origin world and go to the outside world to see.

After all, only the power of the law body is qualified to leave the origin realm, and he has fallen once, and it is a bit difficult to restore to the half-step law body realm again, not to mention the impact of the great master realm again.

Below Bai Bone Abyss, fell into immersion again, the resentful spirit gradually became stronger, covering everything.

The ancient portal appeared above the Bai Bone Abyss, and Mu Qing stepped out from it, took a deep look at the bottom of the Bai Bone Abyss, then turned around, and his perception reached other areas.

According to the man on the White Bone Throne, Wu Xuanyi relied on some means to resist the spirit of resentment and escaped from the White Bone Abyss.

Mu Qing was anxious to enter the White Bone Abyss at first, and didn't care too much. At this time, he paid attention to his surroundings, and sure enough, he found some residual aura.

Because there was no way to determine the specific coordinate position, Mu Qing used the world gate many times, and finally found Wu Xuanyi's whereabouts in a lair of fusion monsters.

Fusion monsters are a relatively special kind of undead creatures. According to rumors in the undead realm, fusion monsters can absorb the power of any race and gather together.


Mu Qing didn't hide his aura. The moment he just appeared, the fusion monster that looked like black mud in the mountains roared and rushed over.

The other side was like a black hill, thirty or forty meters high.

But in Mu Qing's view, the opponent is like an ant, only the level of the second-order supreme, although this strength is enough for it to become the overlord of the nearby area.

Mu Qing snapped his fingers lightly, and the faint blue flames surged out, turning into a phoenix that covered the sky and the sun, and the faint blue flame swallowed everything, including the fusion monster in front of him.

In just a short time, the Fusion Monster was burned into nothingness, and it became bare for thousands of miles.

The blue fierce fire receded like a tide, and Mu Qing stepped forward.

In the lair of Fusion Monster, Mu Qing found Wu Xuanyi who was sleeping in the past.

At this moment, Wu Xuanyi's body was entangled by the spirit of resentment, and the frightening cold aura spread, making the surrounding ground become frost.

Obviously, the Fusion Monster regarded Wu Xuanyi as a special power, collected it, and planned to swallow it and transform it into its own power.

Fusion monsters are considered to be the less intelligent among undead creatures, but their limits can reach the dominance.

The nature of such undead creatures is to collect various types of power and swallow them with their dark, muddy body to make themselves stronger.

"It seems that Wu Xuanyi has not completely escaped the erosion of the resentful spirit." Mu Qing whispered.

Wu Xuanyi used a certain method to escape from Bone Abyss, but apparently the spirit of resentment in his body had not been completely eliminated, so shortly after escaping from Bone Abyss, the spirit of resentment eroded his soul and fell into a coma.

However, in this state, there is not much harm.

The reason why everyone who fell into the White Bone Abyss would consume hundreds of thousands of times their lifespan was because the man on the White Bone Throne had swallowed it in secret.

No one had swallowed Wu Xuanyi's lifespan now, so he fell into a coma simply because of the spirit of resentment.

Mu Qing grabbed Wu Xuanyi's shoulder and pulled him into the world gate.

Now, all the companions have been rescued successfully!

Mu Qing also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately there were no casualties.

After all, the reason why the Frost Dragon King would act on them was for Mu Qing.

On the other side of the world gate is Heiyan City.

The Black Flame City Lord was extremely pleased to Mu Qing. Although the other party was such a remote city owner, he often sent people to the Black Demon Sect to inquire about the news and learned about Mu Qing's identity and some things.

The other party already knew that Mu Qing had broken through to the realm of dominance, so any requirements of Mu Qing would be met as much as possible.

When Mu Qing returned to the Black Flame City, his face was slightly taken aback. At this time, the Black Flame City was covered with frost, and the guards at the gate of the city were also shivering with cold.

Because this is a kind of icy cold that penetrates into the soul!

Heiyan City Lord ran out quickly, came to Mu Qing, and cried out: "Master, what is the origin of the ice sculptures you brought back? Couldn't they really be fished out from White Bone Abyss?"

He pointed to a few ice sculptures beside the gate of the city, it was Long Mingqing and others.

Mu Qing used the world gate to send a few people to the vicinity of Heiyan City.

As a result, the spirit of resentment escaping from Long Mingqing and others affected the environment near Heiyan City, making this place feel like a cold winter.

Even if he could not resist the cold air, even the supreme powerhouse would have to endure the coldness that penetrated into the soul!

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