Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1896: The former owner of the wand of death

Seeing the Dark Sky Dharma King appeared, Zhang Zhen and others also immediately stopped the discussion, not daring to be disrespectful in front of the power of the Law Bodies.

The Dark Sky Law King chuckled slightly, looked at Mu Qing and others, and said straightforwardly: "The way to leave the Origin Realm is very simple. In fact, each of our dharmakaya masters a channel to the outside world. Where do you come in and go out? Where is the back."

He waved his hand, and saw the black power of the surrounding darkness spread out, revealing a vortex that exudes dim dim light.

"Going out is the Dark Abyss. Of course, opening the passage requires my consent, so it will be quite difficult for you to enter the origin world again."

The Dark Sky Law King smiled lightly. He knew the origins of Mu Qing and the others, but he did not deliberately conceal the position of his control of the passage.

This time is different from the past. In the outside world, his Dark Sky King is only recorded in ancient books as a poor master who was besieged by the top of the death hell.

But at this moment, he is standing here, revealing ancient meanings all over his body. He is already the most powerful ancient person in the power of the law body. For him, there is no concept of distance, no concept of death, no concept of limit!

The ancient, the older the stronger!

The Dark Sky Law King was confident that even if the Law Bodies of the King of Life found their passage, they would not be able to get in.

"Then, I'll go one step ahead!"

Wu Xuanyi nodded to everyone, then strode into the dark vortex, disappearing.

In fact, he has reached the limit of the ultimate supreme a long time ago, and his accumulation is even deeper than Mu Qing, but he is not in a hurry to break through to the realm of dominance. He is still waiting to return to the King of Life, and break through again with the help of the senior leaders of Guiyuan City. .

After all, he is the arrogant of Guiyuan City, who has enough preferential treatment and attention.

Later, Long Mingqing and others also stepped into the dark vortex one after another. This was indeed a passage, and they could even see the scene at the other end, which was the Dark Abyss!

Mu Qing also planned to leave, but was stopped by the Dark Sky King.

"What is the meaning of the French King?" Mu Qing looked at each other in a puzzled manner.

The Dark Sky Law King smiled and waved his hand, the wisps of dark power condensed into a light curtain, showing a picture on it.

"There is a chance, I wonder if you are interested?"

Mu Qing was stunned when he heard the words, he looked at the picture on the light curtain curiously, then frowned, and found that the picture was a familiar figure.

Chu Ying!

In the picture, a huge monster was destroying a city. The monster had scarlet eyes and most of its body was shrouded in black mist. It was vaguely able to see pitch-black scales, and its thick tail was covered with spines.

This is a race that does not exist in the origin world, the demon race!

And those monsters with scarlet light shining in their eyes and containing a brutal and killing aura were Chu Ying who had previously attacked Mu Qing and the others in the Dark Abyss and almost made everyone fall!

Mu Qing knew that Chu Ying came from the demon clan, and Dorgon, who was killed by him in the three power ratios, seemed to have a certain relationship with Chu Ying, perhaps a direct descendant of the other party.

At the same time, Chu Ying is also a strong master of the peak of the Nine Tribulations, possessing a holy tower.

Of course, this is the origin world, and it is unclear whether Chu Ying can still communicate with the holy tower in the **** of death.

But in any case, this is undoubtedly the powerful existence of a ninth-tier master.

Chu Ying was destroying that city. His body was huge, and when he stepped on it, the formation of the city was almost completely broken.

After observing for a while, Mu Qing suddenly noticed something wrong. Chu Ying seemed to be more like a violent beast than the dominant powerhouse of the demon clan.

However, after all, the demons are so cruel, and Mu Qing is not easy to judge, so he cast his sights on the Dark Sky Law King.

The Dark Sky Law King smiled and nodded, affirming Mu Qing's conjecture, and said: "He took away an eyeball of the Death Demon, but he was affected by the Eye of Death and completely lost his reason."

Only at this time did Mu Qing remember that the Eye of Death was obtained by Chu Ying, and the other party has also entered the origin world!

He looked at the Dark Sky Law King and asked curiously: "The Eye of Death, where is the Law King yours on?"

The Dark Sky Law King shook his head, and said: "No, the relic of the Death Demon, even if it is just an eyeball, seems to have a certain instinct. It is quite dangerous and terrible. It is more like a sense of the existence of the Origin World. , So I got close to the passage I controlled and hid it."

Mu Qing was even more shocked when he heard this.

There is still a certain level of consciousness in the remains of the death demon?

The Dark Sky Lord touched his chin, half-squinted his eyes and guessed: "Perhaps, there is also a part of the death demon somewhere in the origin world, and there is another possibility that the eye of death is attracted by the death wand. of!"

He thinks these two possibilities are the highest.

"Death wand?" Mu Qing recalled the first time he saw Dark Sky Law King, the other party had said that there was a death wand in Origin Realm.

The Dark Sky Law King smiled and nodded, "Yes, the death wand once appeared. It was a wand loyal to the strong, and its previous owner was the domain master of the sanctuary, the saint of reincarnation."

"But the saint of reincarnation later fell inexplicably, and ancient people like me couldn't find out how the opponent fell. The most likely reason is that something happened with the death wand that caused the opponent to fall."

Mu Qing's heart was shocked, and he didn't expect to inquire about the saint of reincarnation!

Since the ancient King Dark Sky said so, most saints of reincarnation have completely fallen.

But what happened to Brother Xinrui?

Is Xinrui a puppet arranged by the saint of reincarnation, or is the opponent's reincarnation body?

The Dark Sky King continued: "This part of the picture you saw is something that happened at the front end. The demon clan named Chu Ying in your mouth invaded the sanctuary and destroyed several Void Dynasty's subordinates in succession. city."

"Subsequently, the Void Dynasty began to hunt down Chu Ying, but in the process, it accidentally opened a special secret realm."

Dark Sky Law King's face condensed, and he said solemnly: "That special secret realm is likely to be related to the death wand, the relic of the death demon, or the truth of the origin realm, and the secret realm is also resisting the entry of the powerful master."

"All major domains have received news about this matter. Although the special secret realm is in the sanctuary, the domain owners of other domains will basically send people to explore it."

Mu Qing heard the meaning of King Dark Sky, "So, King Do you want me to explore that special secret realm?"

The Dark Heaven nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, you have the Code of Life. No matter whether the special secret realm is related to the remnant of the death demon or the death wand, as long as you go, you will probably have a different reaction. I will be here. Watch out for changes in the special secret realm at any time."

"If there is an accident, the big deal will destroy it and get you out."

He said lightly, but his tone was unexpectedly overbearing.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Mu Qing again and said, "An elder will follow you in the Antianmen, and all the benefits you get in it belong to you, even if you really get the death wand."

Mu Qing was a little puzzled, the Dark Sky Law King didn't even want a death wand?

That is one of the two fragments of the Deathly Hallows, which is enough to be comparable to the five-level treasure, and it is known as immortal!

The Dark Sky Law King saw Mu Qing's doubts, smiled lightly, and said: "I just want to solve the puzzles."

Then, with a big hand, he sent Mu Qing out of his real universe dark world.

Returning to the Antianmen, Mu Qing had a weird face.


Could it be that the Dark Sky Law King wanted him to go to the so-called special secret realm in order to explore the true face of the origin world?

Mu Qing groaned for a moment, but did not reject the Dark Sky Law King, after all, it was related to the death day devil's relic, the death wand, and the truth about the origin world.

No matter which of these three is related to that special secret realm, any news clue that touches one of them is not lost.

Of course, King Dark Sky didn't seem to give him the opportunity to refuse to go.

After regaining his senses, Mu Qing found that Antian Sect Master came with an old man.

Ruler of the Nine Tribulations? Mu Qing's eyes were startled, and he found that the old man seemed to be ugly, but in fact he had a deep breath and brought a great sense of oppression. At least he was the strong man dominated by the Nine Tribulations!

The Antian Sect Master smiled and introduced: "Little friend Mu Qing, this is one of our Antianmen elders, Elder Gou An, he will take you to the special secret realm in the sanctuary, and perhaps you can encounter it in it. The arrogance to the major domains dominates."

At the same time, the dark world.

The Dark Sky Law King quietly looked straight ahead, as if his gaze had touched a place far away.

Although you are in your own real universe, you must know that as a great master and even an ancient one, the Dark Sky Law King has long lost the concept of distance. His gaze has always been on the side of the sanctuary during the recent period, paying attention to it. A special secret place!

That special mystery was accidentally triggered by Chu Ying, who was controlled by the Eye of Death, and Chu Ying had already broken into it.

"what is it?"

The Dark Sky Magic King whispered, his eyes flickered with chill.

"Death Demon's legacy still maintains a certain mindset. That is definitely not something that can be done instinctively."

"There is also news from Mu Qing. It seems that there is a certain law body power collecting the remains of the death demon."

"What exactly does the death demon want to do? Does it want to be resurrected?"

In the muttering to himself, the Dark Sky Law King was astonishing.

He doesn't care about the truth of the Origin Realm at all. The so-called clarification, he cares about the death of the devil's legacy!

The Eye of Death is close to the Origin Realm, and even controlled Chu Ying to enter that special secret realm. This is quite unusual in the eyes of the Dark Sky King!

His biggest guess is that the remnant of the death demon is doing something!

If it is really an attempt to resurrect the dead demon, then they, the powerful and ancient ones, will not hesitate to join forces to crush their plans!

The Power of Law Bodies is already the top powerhouse of the multiverse, and they don't need and don't want a more terrifying powerhouse to stand on top of their heads.

As for the lord of **** and the lord of the royal court, although these two are the supreme rulers on the surface, their power is passed down after all, there are certain limitations, even the degree of freedom is very low, and they sleep all year round.

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