Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1897: Go to the sanctuary

"I hope it's just that I think too much..." The Dark Sky sighed.

Even if it's the power of the Law Bodies, there are things that you don't understand.

Although they don't have the concept of distance, that special secret realm can keep him out.

Even if it is an ancient one, it can only be said that he stands at the top of the pyramid, rather than an absolute hegemon.

At this moment, the Dark Sky Law King just convinced himself to think too much.

Maybe that special secret realm was formed by the wand of death, and the eye of death controlled Chu Ying to enter the special secret realm, but was attracted by the wand of death.

This is quite reasonable. After all, the Death Wand is one of the fragments of the Deathly Hallows, and it also contains terrifying power, comparable to the five-level highest of immortality, and it is reasonable to attract the relic of the Death Demon to approach.

But if there is no death wand in the special secret realm, but another part of the death demons, then the meaning is completely different!

The death demon has fallen for many years, and the opponent and the life ancestor dragon have fallen at the same time. Although the slough is special, the power within it has long since died.

After all, for the existence of the supreme ruler at an almost level, as long as it retains a trace of power, it can be resurrected.

If the remnants of the death demon are attracted to each other and gather together, in the eyes of the Antian Law King, this is probably just as he suspected, the death demon is planning a resurrection!

But now this multiverse does not need a supreme ruler to appear.

Not to mention a supreme master who symbolizes death!

The Dark Sky Law King asked Mu Qing to go forward, also thinking that the Life Code can restrain the death wand or the death demon's relic to some extent.

After all, the life code on Mu Qing's body is complete now, and it is the true supreme treasure, the holy artifact of life!

Just give Mu Qing enough time, and the Life Code will return to its former glory sooner or later.

If there is anything that can prevent the dead demons from attracting each other to try to resurrect, then in the eyes of the Dark Sky Law King, there is only Mu Qing.

"I hope everything is just my random guess." The Dark Sky Law King slowly shook his head.

That special secret realm may also have nothing to do with the death demon, but only involves the truth of the origin world.

If that is the case, it is the most reassuring result.

The Dark Sky Law King was silent, and the surrounding darkness engulfed him.

Although there is no connection with the other dharmakaya powers, he believes that the other people have the same thoughts as him.

When necessary, even the first generation Lich King will join hands with him!

An Tianmen, in a certain elder's hall, Mu Qing was arranged to live.

Elder Gou An, who was old and looked rather cold, said to Mu Qing lightly: "You have been practicing here recently. When the time is right, Lord Domain Lord will personally send us to the Holy Land."

This sentence is the only sentence that Elder Gou An has said to Mu Qing in the past few months.

After that, Mu Qing never saw this Elder Gou An again.

For several months, Mu Qing had been waiting in this elder's hall, and contacted Mo Zi from time to time.

At the same time, Mu Qing also inquired about a lot of information about the sanctuary.

The sanctuary now is completely different from the past.

In the origin realm, the five domains are respectively governed by five dharmakaya powers, and the saint who once was the domain master of the sanctuary is in charge of the entire sanctuary.

Until later, the saint of reincarnation fell inexplicably, and the sanctuary did not have the power of the law body, which caused the status of the sanctuary to become a little subtle.

Originally, the Dark Sky Law King and others sent manpower into the sanctuary, and they must first say hello to the saint of reincarnation.

Now it doesn't need it at all, after all, Sanctuary no longer has the power of Law Bodies.

However, Mu Qing also learned that the sanctuary today is not too bad in other respects, at least it is not so miserable that it is annexed by a certain domain.

Nowadays, there are two great powers in Sanctuary. One is the Holy Treasure Hall. Most elites such as master craftsmen, alchemy masters, and formation masters have expanded their business to the five major realms. They are basically neutral and will not deliberately provoke any power.

Naturally, the Holy Treasure Hall is also not interested in ruling the sanctuary, but I have to admit that the Holy Treasure Hall, which has a wide range of contacts and resources, is definitely an overlord, but it appears peaceful on the outside, not showing the mountains and the water.

But the other giant was the Void Dynasty that ruled over half of the sanctuary.

Compared with the Holy Treasure Hall, the Void Dynasty is obviously more ambitious, but the Void Dynasty is also quite powerful. The lord of the dynasty is also an emperor with terrifying strength and is hailed as the closest existence in the world to the power of the law body.

The last person so called was the Shepherd Emperor who created the celestial dimension!

Mu Qing knew something about this trip, and the place they were going would also be in the territory of the Void Dynasty.

What interests Mu Qing is that the real position of the Void Dynasty is in another space. Many people think that the Void Emperor has created a spatial dimension comparable to the celestial dimension, allowing his people to live in it.

"I don't know, with my current world snake ability, can I sneak into the position of the Void Dynasty?" Mu Qing was a little curious.

A few days later, Elder Gou An, who hadn't seen him for a long time, approached Mu Qing.

"It's time to prepare, let's set off immediately and head to the sanctuary." Elder Gou An still looked cold, looking very eager to see Mu Qing.

Mu Qing shrugged and followed behind the opponent.

We only met twice in total, and he didn't know if Elder Gouan had an opinion on him or the other party was like this usually.

As soon as the two of them walked out of the elder hall, they could see a stalwart figure emerging from the void, it was the Dark Sky Dharma King!

It was a figure full of ancient aura, and a world emerged behind it, full of boundless darkness.

Elder Gou'an, with a cold face, saw the Dark Sky King, his face melted like snow, showing a fanatical color, crawling down, almost sticking to the ground!

When Mu Qing saw this, he also showed a weird look.

This is probably the difference between the origin world and the outside world.

In the outside world, in the royal court of life, although the position of the power of the law body is equally noble, it is not worshipped to this point.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing sensed that a wave of darkness enveloped him, forming two vortexes, engulfing Mu Qing and Elder Gou An.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the two came to a strange place. There was a city nearby, but it seemed small in scale.

"This is the edge of the sanctuary." Elder Gou An's attitude was even colder, perhaps because Mu Qing didn't worship as he did when facing the Dark Sky King.

Mu Qing was a little helpless, but still followed the other party and entered the city in front of him.

Don't think this is just a small city, but there is a second-tier supreme strong guard guarding the city gate, wearing silver-white armor, with a fierce breath.

"As long as the place where the Void Dynasty ruled, you can basically see the silver guard." Elder Gou An rarely explained, but didn't say much.

Entering the city needs to accept the interrogation of those silver guards, but Mu Qing and Elder Gou'an are both masters, and naturally they can't be bothered.

Elder Gou An used a certain method, and the whole person became invisible and entered.

Seeing that Elder Gou An didn't seem to intend to help him enter the city, Mu Qing casually cast an Imperius Curse and asked the Silver Guard to take him into the city.

Perhaps Elder Gou An thinks that Mu Qing, as the ruler of the Five Tribulations, does not need help at all.

On the contrary, it is too embarrassing to help even this little thing.

The two did not stay in this small city, and went directly to the destination through the teleportation array, which was a place called the Peerless City!

The Peerless City is much larger than the previous small city, and it can almost be called a country. There are also powerful people who dominate the realm from time to time in it. Of course, it is hard to say which force it comes from.

After all, what happened in the special secret realm was paid attention to by the Law Bodies of all major domains.

Although most people don't know what this special secret realm means, the domain masters of the major domains do know it, so they send powerful masters to explore.

There are more silver guards in the peerless city, and Mu Qing even saw many powerful masters wearing golden armors.

Almost every once in a while, there will be strong masters wearing golden armor flying over the peerless city, looking at every place below with cold eyes.

The Void Dynasty gathered a lot of combat power here, one for the special secret realm, and the other to prevent the dominant powers from all major domains from making trouble.

Especially in the death domain, as undead creatures, it is almost impossible to hide, and there are three powerful masters wearing golden armors staring at them all the time.

The senior officials of the Void Dynasty knew it well. Although their Void Dynasty was powerful, the Void Emperor had not broken through to the realm of the power of the law body after all, and was inferior to other domains in terms of top combat power.

For the powerful masters sent by other domain masters, the Void Dynasty Dynasty is also quite helpless. It is impossible to offend the power of the Law Bodies, so they will be driven away, right?

Therefore, the Void Dynasty just stared at every strange visitor, only to avoid causing confusion, as to whether other people entered the special secret realm, the Void Dynasty could not control it.

Really need to manage, the next moment the power of the Law Bodies will come personally!

Elder Gou An intended to find a place to live in casually, and observe the special secret realm for a while, but Mu Qing couldn't stand being stared at by the Void Dynasty people at all times, so he took him to the place where the Holy Treasure Hall was located.

Near the Saint Treasure Hall, there are basically no people from the Void Dynasty. After all, they are considered to be a big giant in the Sanctuary, and they have many cooperation and transactions with the Void Dynasty.

Although Mu Qing's identity in the Origin Realm was fake, he was forged with the help of Mo Zi. Now he is the direct bloodline of Emperor Shepherd and an elder surnamed Zhang in the Holy Treasure Hall!

After Mu Qing revealed his identity, the senior management of the Saint Treasure Temple branch immediately greeted Mu Qing and arranged a special place to live.

In the Saint Treasure Hall, it was obviously quite clean.

After a period of time, both Elder Mu Qing and Gou An paid attention to the affairs of the special secret realm.

The entrance of the special secret realm is in the Peedai City, deep underground in the center of the city.

Elder Mu Qing and Gou An went to investigate once, and the buildings there were completely destroyed. Among the ruins, a special and huge portal could be seen, surrounded and guarded by the strong men of the Void Dynasty.

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