Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1899: explore

High in the sky, a group of fierce birds made a sharp long cry, and Mu Qing snatched their companions away, which made them extremely angry.

Shenxia covers the sky and the earth, forming a sea of ​​fire, burning the sky.

Mu Qing stepped forward, the soles of his feet turned and the stars moved, and he entered the sea of ​​fire alone. It was composed of a dazzling divine flame, containing terrifying temperature, capable of burning the nine heavens and destroying the netherworld!

However, Mu Qing wore the crane cloak derived from the star battle of Zhou Tian, ​​and he did not invade all the ways, and all the damage was transferred!

There was a smile on his face.

Each of this group of fierce birds is a hundred meters in size, with aura floating in the dominating realm, and they are natives in a special secret territory.

Mu Qing valued the vitality of these fierce birds. It seemed that these fierce birds were not very intelligent, indicating that it was not a monster that was cultivated. It was either a natural dominating bloodline, or it was created by some kind of power.

In the three formidable ratios, Mu Qing had seen the ultimate supreme fierce beasts with low intelligence, those were created by the power of the Bloody Holy Grail, one of the fragments of the Deathly Hallows.

Even the heavenly king of the Tianze Universe used the power of the **** Holy Grail to forcibly elevate himself to the realm of great dominance and achieve the power of the Dharmakaya.

From that time, Mu Qing knew that some special things can make people get powerful power out of thin air.

For example, these fierce birds in front of them have almost only a little bit of low spiritual intelligence, and they cannot be the strength they have cultivated. The power that governs the realm is either brought by a special bloodline or is affected by something. Such an amazing power.

"Is there really a death wand in this secret realm?" Mu Qing was quite curious. He thought of the Bloody Holy Grail. Since it is also one of the fragments of the Deathly Hallows, the death wand may also have the ability to give creatures powerful power.

Of course, all this is just Mu Qing's guess.


At this time, a long cry sounded, and a fierce bird with purple-gold feather feathers culled.

The opponent can have a hundred feet, wings spread, and the blazing divine flame turned into a nine-headed red flame true dragon hovering down.

This fierce bird seemed to be the leader, with a higher strength, capable of being the master of the Five Tribulations.

Not far away, Elder Gou An squinted at Mu Qing.

The realm of this Zijin fierce bird is comparable to Mu Qing, but he wants to see how strong Mu Qing is.

As for Mu Qing's comfort, he wasn't worried. At least from the brief battle he had just seen, he had already seen that Mu Qing's strength was extraordinary.

Elder Gou An wants to see Mu Qing's true strength!

Mu Qing raised his hand and turned the earth upside down. The vast inanimate Dao Heavenly Palm covered everything, including everything!

The divine flame was extinguished under the terrible pressure, and the power of the terrifying starry sky crushed down like a dome collapsed.

There was a look of horror in the eyes of the Zijin Fierce Bird, fluttering his wings trying to escape, but found that he couldn't reach Mu Qing's Five Finger Mountain at all.

The vast and boundless palm of the hand mirrors the sky and stars, allowing the space here to extend infinitely, and everything is in the palm of the hand.


The earth was trembling, the mountains and forests turned into powder, and everything collapsed at one point.

Zijin fierce birds crashed frantically, vomiting a sky full of divine flames, but still powerless, at this moment Mu Qing is like the **** of stars, stalwart and tall!

With a huge palm, he grabbed the Zijin fierce bird, and after imprisoning the opponent's power, he also cast an Imperius Curse for better control, and then threw it into the Scarlet Domination Hall.

The strength of this purple-gold fierce bird is considered to be the strongest in the entire lair, possessing the power of the Five Tribulations.

Mu Qing did not intend to kill it or toss it to the person below Bai Bone Abyss for trading, but intended to control it with the hand of 氤氲.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing stepped up high in the sky, and the stars shifted around his body. He grabbed his hands, and the chaotic air condensed into a chaotic spear. A spear pierced through and threw a fierce bird into the Scarlet Domination Hall.

Within a single thought, another three thousand super-giant suns appeared, rushing out of the illusory and immortal starry sky, forming a brilliant golden meteor shower, smashing fierce birds severely.

Mu Qing was not idle, grabbing these seriously injured birds and throwing them into the storage space. These are all good things that can be used for trading!

After Mu Qing had cleaned up all of this fierce bird's nest, he glanced at the harvest. A purple-gold fierce bird, with the power of the Five Tribulations, was controlled by him with the engulfing hand.

There were more than thirty dominator-level fierce birds, Mu Qing waited and then returned to Bone Abyss to exchange benefits with the man on the Bone Throne.

"However, in this special secret realm, there are so many creatures that dominate the realm..."

Mu Qing frowned slightly.

Domination is not so easy to emerge. It can even be said that there are basically so many dominators in each universe.

After all, no matter where the master is, he is considered to be a high-level power. Standing at the top of the universe, he is also a power in the entire multiverse.

Except in the Palace of Life King, Mu Qing was the first time to see so many Domination-level powerhouses outside.

Even in the Black Demon Sect, Mu Qing could see fewer masters.

Except for the elders of the Black Demon Sect, most of the principals are not in the sect.

There are so many dominator-level creatures that can appear in this special secret realm, it can be seen that there must be a huge secret here!

At the same time, Elder Gou An also looked at Mu Qing with surprise.

Although he had previously guessed that Mu Qing's strength was not simple, after all, he was a person who possessed the characteristics of the Law Body and was selected by the Dark Sky Law King.

But he couldn't think that the power that Mu Qing showed would be so vigorous, he directly captured the fierce Zijin bird dominated by the Five Tribulations.

This strength, I am afraid that he has completely entered the ranks of high-level masters, and ordinary six-tribulation masters are not so fierce.

Mu Qing returned to Elder Gou An. After seeing Mu Qing's strength, Elder Gou's attitude towards him was much better.

They moved on and met some people from other forces.

Entering the door of the secret realm, not only the people sent by the Law Bodies, but also some other forces, such as the Holy Treasure Hall.

The Origin Realm has been in development for so many years, and there are also many big powers that are superpowered by half-step Dharmakaya, and these forces are not under the power of Dharmakaya.

Among the five domains of the Origin Realm, the only powers of the Law Bodies that completely ruled the entire domain were the First Lich King and Dark Sky King.

Needless to say, the Undead Realm naturally has a variety of undead creatures, but the status is the highest, and the only ruler is the Lich Race.

The Black Territory is also similar here. Although there are various sects, the three top sects are actually separated by the Antianmen, and the Antian Dharma is in charge of everything.

Including the position of the suzerain of the Moying Pavilion and the Black Demon Sect, they all need to be reported to the Dark Sky Gate, and the Dark Sky King makes the decision.

On the contrary, the Dragon Region and Moon Region both have the power of Dharma Bodies, but they did not deliberately rule everything. Among them, there are many half-step Dharma Bodies gradually coming over to explore the special secret realm.

Elder Mu Qing and Gou An stood in the distance, and they felt violent energy fluctuations in front of them. After they got closer, they could see traces of scum everywhere.

"There has been a big battle here." Elder Gou An's eyes were sharp and he scanned the surroundings.

He probed his hand, and a soft moonlight condensed in his palm.

"It's a person from Moonland, but I don't know which force it comes from." Elder Gou An smashed the moonlight in his palm and said lightly.

There is not only one force on the Moon Territory, only the Moon Palace represents the Powerful Moon Emperor of the Law Body, and the other forces from the Moon Territory each have a half-step Law Body behind them.

"Avoid contact as much as possible." Elder Gou An was very cautious and exhorted.

He always kept in mind the requirements of the Dark Sky King.

They came in to search for clues, not to fight with others, so avoid contact with others as much as possible, after all, they also came two people.

The two of them went all the way forward and saw a mess. There was a corpse on the ground, but the flesh and blood were blurry, and they couldn't see the original appearance.

Mu Qing guessed that most of them were indigenous creatures in the special secret territory.

What makes him regret is that these corpses have lost their vitality, otherwise he can still collect them and use them to trade with the man under the White Bone Abyss.

The two continued to move forward, and Elder Gouan looked around vigilantly.

The task given to him by the Dark Sky King was to investigate all the wrong and unusual circumstances, and only need to report the situation back afterwards.

Therefore, for Elder Gou An, he does not need to fight with others.

And Mu Qing was more concerned about Chu Ying's whereabouts. According to Antian Law King, the other party was completely mad, or was controlled by the Eye of Death.

He had a hunch that if he could find Chu Ying, he would probably be able to figure out what is going on in this special secret realm.

Mu Qing looked at the blood everywhere, turning this place into a river of blood. Every drop of blood seemed to contain a special symbol and a different power.

After a while, Mu Qing showed a trace of shock. He saw a section of his arm, which looked like the broken arm of some kind of beast, with gray-white downy and sharp claws.

The gray hair on the severed arm was stained with blood, and the severed arm was like a mountain range in front of the two of them. It was so huge that it was hard to imagine how huge its body was.

Mu Qing can also feel the terrifying breath from this severed arm!

Elder Gou An also frowned, "The breath of the Nine Tribulations dominating the pinnacle, as well as the moonlight power, are the people in the Moon Region fighting against something."

On the ground, there are still some sacred artifacts, and it seems that the fighting is fierce.

Mu Qing glanced at the remains of the sacred artifacts, collected them with a wave of hands, and swallowed them with the fire of life.

Although it is just a wreck, it has a little bit of regular power that can add some miraculous light energy to the life code.

This action was met by the weird look of Elder Gou An.

In his impression, Mu Qing seemed to be the arrogant of the Holy Treasure Hall, with an unusual status, so why did he pick up these rubbish?

Mu Qing naturally felt the other person's eyes, but he didn't move his expression.

At the same time, Mu Qing sighed, he was so poor!

Before evolving the world's snake abilities, all miraculous light was spent, and now it needs to be accumulated again!

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