Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1900: Ancient species

Since knowing the catastrophe mentioned by the master of time, Mu Qing has always had a sense of crisis.

Especially after experiencing the attacks of the Ghost Master and Chu Ying successively, he even felt his own weakness.

Although the realm of the dominance of the Five Tribulations is already standing above the vast majority of people, plus the supernatural power of Zhou Tianxing Doutu and the world gate.

He was confident that when facing an opponent like the Nine Tribulations Peak Domination again, he could flee without falling into a desperate situation.

Zhou Tian Xing Dou Tu can not only transfer damage, but also transfer the enemy's perception lock.

With the addition of the World Gate, Mu Qing can ensure that he can get away calmly.

But he was still dissatisfied. After many exposures to the power of the Dharmakaya, he realized one thing.

That is under the law body, all are ants!

However, Mu Qing had just broken through to the Five Tribulations Lord, and it was not so easy to move on.

Under the Five Tribulations, all the catastrophes were easily overcome, and Tianjiao could even survive several catastrophes in one go.

However, starting from the sixth calamity, it has become different, and the difficulty has soared. Even the most powerful Tianjiao must be fully prepared and prepare such items as the elixir for crossing the calamity or the sacred artifact.

Not to mention that Mu Qing is not prepared now, even if he is prepared, he will not be able to attack the sixth calamity for a while, it will take a certain amount of time to accumulate.

Including the improvement and perfection of the scriptures!

The master-level scriptures have reached the state of consummation, which just means that Mu Qing has completely controlled his Yuanshihuanyu scripture.

But if you want to continue to improve, you must rely on accumulation to improve your scriptures.

After stepping into the realm of dominance, the dominating scriptures are divided into nine levels. Mu Qing's Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra is at the level of his own realm, at the fifth level.

It stands to reason that Mu Qing needs two-handed preparation if he wants to be promoted to the ruler of the Six Tribulations.

The first is to be prepared for such treasures as the pill to overcome the catastrophe.

The second is to raise the level of Yuanshi Huanyujing to the sixth level.

A long way to go!

Mu Qing wants to improve now, most of it is working hard in this area, as soon as possible to promote the Yuanshi Huanyujing to the sixth level, but this requires a long time to accumulate.

He thought, if he wanted to improve his strength in other areas, it would be to improve his supernatural powers.

The miraculous light of the Code of Life, which claims to be able to evolve all things, is the light of origin, the first light at the beginning of the birth of the multiverse!

"The hand of 氤氲 is enough for now, but there is no need to use the light of miracle to strengthen it, but the sword of Qingze, if it is elevated to the point of a super holy weapon..."

Mu Qing secretly said in his heart.

The only two sacred artifacts he had on hand did not seem to need to be upgraded for the time being.

The hand of 氤氲 is currently enough, the limit is six control targets, and the realm limit is the dominance of six calamities.

As for the Qingze Excalibur, it has now reached the top sacred artifact, especially after the last evolution, it has also become the best among the top sacred artifacts.

Mu Qing felt that there was no need to promote him.

Even if there is enough miraculous light to allow the Qingze Divine Sword to evolve to the point of a super sacred weapon, Mu Qing doubts whether he can use it.

Once in the dark abyss, the moment of casting the shadow and dark axe made Mu Qing deeply understand how terrifying the supersacred weapon's power is.

It was just a moment, almost sucking Mu Qing dry!

Mu Qing felt that even if he had reached the Five Tribulations Sovereign, he still couldn't control the Super Sacred Artifact.

After all, it is a sacred tool that involves the realm of the magic body's power, and that level may require a huge miracle light to evolve to a super sacred tool.

The other way to improve strength is supernatural powers.

Earlier, he consumed part of the miracle light energy, and in a very short time mastered the open sky banner that Mo Zi gave him.

The power of this combination of magical powers is very powerful, and the main killer is even comparable to Mu Qing's Mirror of Life and Death.

Most importantly, what Mu Qing currently masters is only a simplified version.

If he uses the light of miracle to evolve the simplified version of the Kaitian banner, he might be able to get the full version of the Kaitian banner.

By then, this combination of magical powers will also be a killer.

There are also the longevity finger of the eternal life sutra and the heaven palm of the inanimate path.

These two supernatural powers come from extraordinary origins, after all, they are derived from the Eternal Life Sutra, which is the supreme sutra, belongs to the ancestor dragon of life!

Mu Qing wanted to know whether these two supernatural powers could evolve?

However, without the support of the supreme scriptures, in the hands of Mu Qing, these two supernatural powers are at best formidable, and they cannot be compared with the real supreme supernatural powers.

According to his plan, the next goal is to evolve and open the sky banner. At the same time, he has to spend some time to accumulate, as soon as possible to upgrade the Yuanshi Huanyujing to the sixth level, to attack the Lord of the Six Tribulations.

Elder Mu Qing and Gou An stayed around this area for a while.

Elder Gou An was investigating the surrounding situation, while Mu Qing focused on the severed arm that was as large as a mountain.

This may come from a monster at the peak of the Nine Tribulations, and Mu Qing would naturally not let it go.

On the surface, he put it in the storage space, but in fact, he secretly swallowed it with the fire of life, decomposed it into golden particles, and turned it into the miraculous light energy in the depths of the soul.

Mu Qing looked at this battlefield, although it was broken, but from the remaining breath, he could feel that more than two powerhouses at the peak of the Nine Tribulations had fought here.

Suddenly, Mu Qing looked not far away, and he sensed someone approaching on the left.

"I don't know which force it is." Mu Qing murmured softly.

At the same time, Elder Gou An also noticed this, he burst out aura suddenly, the powerful aura that belonged to the peak of the Nine Tribulations, centered on him, turned into waves of aura.

As soon as the momentum was released, a terrible storm was set off, and even everything around was silent. Where the pressure was enveloped, dense cracks appeared on the ground.

Although there are only two of them, it does not mean that they are afraid of others.

The group of people on the left felt this powerful aura belonging to the peak of the Nine Tribulations from a distance, and a group of silhouettes immediately turned and left.

Elder Gou An had already sensed that the strength of the group was not very good.

Avoid contact with other people and avoid conflicts as much as possible. That is for other major forces!

As for some weak forces, you don't need to care at all.

"It seems that not only the major forces, but even some small forces have also mixed in."

Elder Gou An said lightly.

In his opinion, the major forces to explore this secret realm will at least send a ninth-tier peak powerhouse.

If the team does not even have a master of the peak of the Nine Tribulations, it means that the forces behind the team are very ordinary.

The two continued to move forward and met three more.

These three people seemed to come from the Moon Region, after all, Mu Qing could feel the strong moonlight aura in each other's body.

However, the condition of the three is very poor, and two of them are seriously injured.

It seems that he was injured in a battle with some existence.

Mu Qing touched his chin, realizing that the three of them were not strong enough, and was planning to use the Imperius Curse and Sensational Mind to obtain information.

Elder Gou An on the side stepped out first, and the terrifying coercion that belonged to the peak of Tier Nine shrouded.

"Which power are you from? What happened ahead?"

Elder Gou An shouted in a low voice.

Seeing Elder Gou An's actions, Mu Qing shrugged.

Although he could get news faster and more conveniently by using the Imperius Curse and Desire Mind, since Elder Gou An has already done this, there is no need for him.

The three people on the opposite side were pale, naturally they couldn't be Elder Gou An's opponent, and they almost suffocated and passed out under the pressure of this ninth-order peak.

The only person who was not seriously injured was also full of scars. He swallowed and said: "We are from the Dark Moon Cult. An ancient species appeared in front of us. The strength is surprisingly strong. We have the two peaks of the Nine Tribulations in the Moon Territory to fight, but Still unable to take it down, we were affected by the battle and almost fell."

It's unlucky to say that the three of them just watched the battle, but they didn't expect the battle to be so fierce that they were almost crushed to death by the aftermath.

"Dark Moon Cult?"

Elder Gou'an nodded slightly, he remembered that this power was also considered strong in the Moon Region, with a half-step Dharma body sitting in control.

Afterwards, he frowned and asked, "Ancient species? What is that?"

Mu Qing also looked at these three people curiously. He didn't push the mind to the extreme, but he could still feel the panic in these three people.

One of them quickly explained: "That is the name found in the clues of existence in this special secret realm. It seems that some creatures in this secret realm world call a certain type of powerful existence as ancient species."

Mu Qing and Gou An looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, the creatures here still have agility, and the native creatures they encountered along the way were basically low-spiritual, and they couldn't even speak.

"There are secrets in the ancient species. It is rumored that the Emerald Dragon Race Tianjiao in the Dragon Region has seized an ancient species, and the Lich Race in the Undead Region also received an ancient species."

"The ancient species we encountered in the Moon Region has obviously grown up and cannot be taken for a while. The two Nine Tribulations Lords of Moon Palace and Shuiyue Dongtian plan to join forces to deal with that ancient species and share the benefits."

The Darkmoon Cult revealed what happened ahead.

Mu Qing was always paying attention with her mind, but the other party did not lie.

Even, he captured some of the other's thoughts with the idea of ​​contemplation.

The reason why the other party will tell them all is because their Dark Moon Sect’s ruler of the Nine Tribulations hasn’t come yet. Instead of taking advantage of the Moon Palace and Shuiyue Dongtian, it’s better to let Elder Gou An, the ruler of the Nine Tribulations, also participate and disrupt the Moon Palace. The plan over there.

"Ancient species...interesting." Elder Gou An touched his chin.

Then he waved his hand impatiently, "You go, stay away from here!"

The dark moon teaches the three people as if they were amnesty, and hurried away.

"Are we going to fight for that ancient seed?" Mu Qing looked at Elder Gou An.

It sounds like getting the ancient species can get some benefits, and both the Dragon Domain and the Undead Domain have already got one.

Elder Gou An glanced at him, "Do you want to be an enemy of the two Great Nine Tribulations Lords? If you are one person, that would be fine, but two people, I can't stand the old man."

Immediately afterwards, he said in a rebuke tone: "Don't forget our mission, just explore any clues and information that are not right, not for treasure hunting!"

Mu Qing nodded, but was contemptuous in his heart.

According to the emotional fluctuations detected by the mind, this old man is absolutely heartbeat, duplicity!

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