Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 857: Obtain the immeasurable Buddha lotus mantra!

Mu Qing was dizzy. After his cultivation reached this level, he had never felt this way before, as if it was motion sickness.

"Here...Where is it?"

He looked around, frowned, and a **** smell came on his nose.

Mu Qing's face was startled, and he found that there were corpses everywhere around him, blood flowing into rivers.

He raised his hand, his palm was stained with viscous blood.

In these bloodstains, there is a rich fairy qi.

"Xian clan? The corpse of the heavenly court?" Mu Qing was surprised. He was sent here inexplicably by the imprint of the tribulation, but he did not expect that the surrounding area was full of corpses, suspected to be the corpses of the heavenly court.

"Is it Princess Moon River?!"

Mu Qing calmed down and thought.

The Mark of the Tribulation is just a simple explosion of might, even if the power is strong, it is absolutely impossible to help him escape from the hand of the demon master.

At that time, the brilliance of the moonlight bloomed in the mark of the tribulation, and that was the power that belonged to Princess Yuehe!

Mu Qing stood up, and then for a moment, a Buddha light suddenly burst out of his body.

He took a closer look and found that this was a golden magical rune, after floating in mid-air for a moment, it penetrated directly into Mu Qing's eyebrows.

Mu Qing's eyes widened, and the magical power rune in his eyebrows burst out with dazzling golden light, spreading along the meridians of the whole body.

A flood of information exploded in my mind, this is a magical power, the immeasurable Buddha lotus curse! !

He was shocked in his heart. Isn't this his goal of entering Buddhism?

In order to suppress the negative forces in his body, Mu Qing sneaked into Buddhism in order to find a mantra that could suppress the negative forces!

In Buddhism, the most repressive force is the supernatural powers of teaching, the immeasurable Buddha lotus curse!

"Is it from Princess Yuehe?"

Mu Qing took a deep breath.

He didn't understand what Princess Yuehe's thoughts were. He clearly helped the demon lord and forcibly transcended him into the holy spirit. As a result, he escaped the demon lord and even gave him the immeasurable Buddha lotus curse.

Mu Qing really didn't understand Princess Yuehe's thoughts, and now that Princess Yuehe had been killed in the hands of the Heavenly Court powerhouse, even if he had a thousand doubts in his heart, he could not ask.

He calmed down and tried to practice this immeasurable Buddha lotus curse. This magical power was too important for him.

Although I don't know what Princess Yuehe's thoughts are, it is certain that the demon lord was played by her!

The demon master wants to imprison Mu Qing and wake up the remnant soul of the evil **** in his body until the evil **** seizes Mu Qing's body and becomes a new generation of evil gods!

Even the evil **** after seizing the house will surpass the past and become stronger.

Because Mu Qing cherishes the ancient tree of life!

The demon master asked Princess Moon River to contaminate the breath of death with the ancient tree of life and transform it into an ancient tree of death.

You know, the ancient tree of life itself contains almost infinite power. In the mouth of Princess Yuehe, this is the powerful power that is enough to destroy the heavens!

However, the breath of death eroded the ancient tree of life, turning the ancient tree of life into the ancient tree of death, and the power within it became destructive and destructive!

For the resurrected evil god, the dead tree will be its most powerful means!

It is a pity that the demon master never expected that Princess Yuehe had prepared everything long ago. She transformed the power of the imprint of the celestial calamity and let the imprint of the celestial calamity take Mu Qing to escape from the hand of the demon.

Princess Moon River even brought out the Immeasurable Buddha Lotus Curse and gifted it to Mu Qing.

She knew that only the immeasurable Buddha lotus curse could suppress the remnants of evil gods!

Ignoring the surrounding environment, Mu Qing directly sat down and practiced the immeasurable Buddha lotus curse.

The golden magical power rune contains a complete immeasurable Buddha lotus curse, and it also carries a vast Buddha power.

This supernatural power rune is a bit weird, not like an ordinary supernatural power rune, but more like a supernatural power being taken from a person abruptly.

As soon as Mu Qing came into contact, he immediately gained a lot of insights after starting to practice. This did not originate from himself, but was the result of the practice of the former master of this magical power, but now it is all cheaper for Mu Qing.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and two golden lights burst out.

Even on this **** island, it has been affected. Golden lotus springs from the ground, and golden dazzling lotuses bloom, rendering the entire island golden.

Faintly, there is the sound of Buddha, and the whole island is covered with golden lotus. No one can imagine that under these exquisite golden lotus, there are countless corpses!

Behind Mu Qing, black and red air emerged, condensed into the appearance of an evil god, this is his holy spirit.

After the illusion of the Holy Spirit, Mu Qing's sanity was immediately affected. The power of the evil **** Holy Spirit covered Mu Qing's body, trying to completely erode his sanity.

But at this time, Jin Lian appeared on Mu Qing's eyebrows, with an extremely strong negative force in her body, but Mu Qing's own consciousness was solid and unmoved!

He mobilized the supernatural power in his body and ran all the negative powers of the evil **** Holy Spirit to the extreme, but his consciousness and reason were not affected at all.

This is the power of the magical power of the Immeasurable Buddha Lotus Curse, which can advance and retreat, attack and defend.

If it is the negative power escaping from the deity of the evil god, this supernatural power can't be resisted naturally, but you must know that now the evil **** is just a ray of remnant soul, on the verge of death, only turning into Mu Qing’s holy spirit in his body To survive.

At this level, Mu Qing was able to suppress his initial practice of the Immeasurable Buddha Lotus Mantra!

Mu Qing was overjoyed. With this immeasurable Buddha lotus curse, it is almost impossible for the remnant soul of the evil **** to wake up!

As long as the time comes, he finds a way to get himself back into the body of the deity.

Now Mu Qing has become the Holy Spirit, and the remnant soul of the evil **** has also become his manifestation of the Holy Spirit. As long as he abandons the body of the Holy Spirit and returns to the body of the deity, it is equivalent to getting rid of the trouble of the remnant soul of the evil god!

"At this stage, I can only rely on the power of the Super Birth Secret Scroll." Mu Qing retracted the evil **** Holy Spirit, and then flipped through the Super Birth Secret Scroll in his mind to check its magical powers.

Earlier, he just glanced at the Super Birth Secret Scroll, but now his body of the Holy Spirit can only match the Super Birth Secret Scroll, and for the time being, he only has the supernatural power to operate it.

It has to be said that this super secret secret volume created by the evil gods is also very scary, many of which are related to the souls, and even the souls of the other party can be extracted from the air, and the soul puppets can be refined!

The first thing that Mu Qing noticed was the supernatural power of the Parasitic Soul Seed. It seemed that the reason why the evil **** Holy Spirit was in his body made him comfortable in his cultivation.

This magical power is very evil, but extremely powerful, because there is no limit to the number of people it can occupy!

If the strength allows, you can even have tens of thousands of soul puppets!

The reason why Mu Qing pays attention to this magical power is mainly to use this magical power to control his own body and exert its power as much as possible.

"Wait? What is this?"

"The breath of death..."

In the Super Birth Secret Volume, Mu Qing saw the description and use of death breath! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 857 Obtaining the Immeasurable Buddha Lotus Mantra!) to read the record, and open the bookshelf next time. To! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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