Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 858: Death Knife

Mu Qing's body shook, and he saw a description of death breath in the Super Birth Secret Scroll.

And he also learned about the ancient tree of life through the description in this superbirth secret scroll, or it should be called the ancient tree of death now!

If the original ancient tree of life brought endless vitality to Mu Qing, it was equivalent to an infinite reserve energy resource, then the transformed ancient tree of death was equivalent to a big killer with endless power!

The ancient dead tree no longer has any vitality, and will no longer help Mu Qing recover from his injuries, but if Mu Qing can use this ancient dead tree, then it will become a big killer for him, more than any magical powers and artifacts. Be awesome!

And it just so happens that in the Superbirth Secret Volume, there are methods for the use of death breath.

"It seems that the demon lord is ready for everything. When the evil **** wakes up, he can immediately control the dead tree!" Mu Qing took a deep breath.

If it is true that the evil **** robs him, then the evil **** holding the dead tree, I am afraid that even the heaven may not be an opponent!

Mu Qing controlled his deity's physical body, and two identical people faced each other, always feeling a little twisted.

He tried to descend his consciousness on the body of the deity, and now this body is like a clone, which feels very strange, but the strength of the deity can only exert 80% of the power.

Mu Qing used his avatar to display all kinds of magical powers, and it was indeed able to display the power that appeared to be attenuated compared to the past, only about 80%, but the power of the physical body could completely burst out.

Afterwards, he let the deity clone open the world of ten thousand demons. In the deepest part, there is an ancient tree that is ten thousand meters high, full of death, and the black leaves have special textures.

This is the old dead tree after being transformed!

Mu Qing looked at the ancient dead tree, looked up, and could feel the suffocating power of terror.

For the ancient trees of life in the past, even Mu Qing could not explore its secrets.

The only thing that can be known is that every time the ancient tree of life grows, it will diffuse vigorous vitality energy, which greatly enhances Mu Qing's physical strength!

This ascension of the flesh is not simple. Those vital powers carry tiny life runes into the flesh, even with flesh and blood undergoing transformation and promotion.

If it is said that the holy spirit after detaching from the practice of transcendental secret scroll is the advancement and transformation of the spirit.

Then absorbing the power of the ancient tree of life, the physical body will one day undergo transformation and advancement. Mu Qing also relied on this earlier and used his physical body to resist the imperial weapon. This body is only as hard as the imperial weapon. Up.

Although the ancient tree of life has now become the ancient tree of death, it made Mu Qing's thoughts moved.

Because the Super Birth Secret Scroll contains the use of the breath of death, if he can, maybe he can find a way to use the power of the ancient dead tree!

"Here, it seems to be suitable for cultivating supernatural powers related to death aura!"

Mu Qing stroked his chin.

At present, I don’t know exactly where it is, but what he can be sure of is that these corpses on the ground are all the corpses of the Heavenly Court powerhouse. I don’t know who is so bold and dare to attack the Heavenly Court powerhouse and kill Heavenly Court. Many people!

However, Mu Qing naturally would not have pity for the people of Heavenly Court, even when he looked at the bodies of these Heavenly Court powerhouses, there was a burst of hatred in his heart.

Around the island, there is an invisible sea. The color of the sea is a bit weird and muddy, and it is filled with a special force, which makes people feel palpitation.

Mu Qing didn't dare to set foot on it easily before figuring out what was strange about the sea water.

He used the power of transcendence to directly pile up the corpses of all the heavenly powerhouses on the island in front of him.

Mu Qing asked the deity clone to release the ancient dead tree. Suddenly, there could be hundreds of dead spirits on the corpses of the heavenly powerhouse, pouring into the ancient dead tree.

The evil **** belongs to the top power in another universe. He holds all the negative powers, among which the power of death is his most powerful means.

There are a lot of descriptions about the breath of death in the Super Birth Secret Scroll, and there are even many magical powers that can only be activated by the power of death, but Mu Qing is still unable to display it because the realm strength is not enough.

Among them, the foundation of the force of urging death is to have a dead weapon.

If the evil **** wakes up, then this ancient dead tree eroded by the breath of death will directly become the opponent's dead weapon, immediately possessing unparalleled power.

But Mu Qing didn't have the ability to spur the ancient dead tree, so he could only find a way to get another dead weapon!

Mu Qing took out the magic knife, he was now a body of the Holy Spirit, but it was easy to activate the magic knife.

Relying on the link between the deity and the ancient dead tree, he tried to inject the power of death onto the magic knife!

The power of the ancient dead tree is not trivial. In just a few breaths, the death aura of hundreds of corpses of the Heavenly Court experts has all been absorbed quickly.

And the next moment, the ancient dead tree swayed gently, the mysterious and special lines gleaming **** light, the branches and leaves trembled, and strands of the force of death swayed down and wrapped around the magic knife.

The magic knife shook suddenly, and Mu Qing hurriedly used the seal technique, and the evil spirit holy spirit appeared behind him, and the marks of death were branded on the magic knife.

Mu Qing can't directly absorb the vast death power in the ancient dead tree. He wants to deduct the death power a little bit, but it is quite easy to absorb the death power of these corpses through the ancient death tree!

The magic knife suddenly merged into the death power of hundreds of the corpses of the Heavenly Court powerhouse, undergoing a transformation, and suddenly a dark cloud appeared in the sky.

That is Jieyun, the magic knife undergoes transformation and becomes the death magic knife, and at the same time it has completely advanced into an imperial weapon!

The evil spirit holy spirit rose from the ground and suddenly turned into a ten thousand-meter-size, picking the stars and taking the moon, the robbery cloud was compressed and held in the palm of the palm, and then swallowed by the evil spirit holy spirit!

You can see lightning and thunder on the evil god's holy spirit, and the power of thunder and tribulation spread from the blood-red armor to the hideous mask, to the pair of pitch-black horns.


The Death Knife trembled in Mu Qing's palm, and then sank into his body.

This is already a low-level imperial weapon!

"Unfortunately, if you can reach the realm of the great emperor, you will be able to fully exert the power of the magic sword of death and the magical power of death." Mu Qing shook his head, feeling a trace of regret.

The Death Knife became a dead weapon. With this as a medium, he could display the magical powers of death, but the premise was that he needed to reach the realm of the Great Emperor.

You must know that the power of death is the most powerful and powerful power of the evil god. The evil **** comes from another universe, but it is also a terrifying supreme. This shows how powerful this death magic is!

Of course, even if there is no death magical power, Mu Qing can still use the other magical powers in the Superbirth Secret Scroll and use the power of his own clone! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 858 Death Magic Knife), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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