Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 937: Another great emperor

Facing Luo Yue's attack, Luo Dao Center was also shocked.

This guy is stronger than his strength, and it is estimated that he is about to reach the peak of the gods!

But if you want to install it, install it to the end.

Luo Daozhong looked calm on the surface, but he was a little panicked in his heart.

He thought to himself, Ten Thousand Demon Emperor shouldn't let himself have an accident, right?

In the chamber, the walls were shocked by energy due to the sudden uprising of the second elder Luo Yue, and cracks appeared.

Neither Luo Daozhong nor Mu Qing moved.

Mu Qing was not afraid at all, while Luo Daozhong was calm on the surface, but panicked to death in his heart.

Seeing Luo Yue cut with a sword, but the next moment, all the power, energy fluctuations, aura...

Even the imperial sword was absorbed and swallowed by a blast of black light and disappeared!

"That power again!"

Great Elder Luo Yang's expression was moved. When they used to exert pressure to oppress Luo Daozhong, they were also swallowed up by a mysterious force!

Now it appears again!

Luo Yue's face was even more sluggish.

He was like hitting the cotton with a fist.

All of his power disappeared, and the most important thing was that his imperial sword was no longer connected!

Luo Yue began to panic, it was an emperor-level artifact, which was extremely precious to him!

And without this emperor-level divine sword, his strength will also drop a lot!

Luo Dao center was relieved.

Mu Qing raised his finger and pointed it at Luo Yue a little bit, but saw a thick Demon God's finger pierced through the void and landed on Luo Yue's head.


Luo Yue's head exploded like a broken watermelon, and then his whole body burst into pieces!

The world of the Emperor God also collapsed in an instant!

Sniffing the **** scent in mid-air, everyone's pupils shrank for a while, their faces were shocked.

The door of the chamber was opened, and the Diluo clan gods and emperors burst in one after another.

They felt violent energy fluctuations here, but were shocked when they came in.

The Diluo clan **** emperors thought it was the great elders and they attacked the foreigner brought by Luo Daozhong. As soon as they entered the chamber, they found that the foreigner was sitting in the first seat with an indifferent expression!

This scene made everyone unbelievable.

"Everyone." Luo Daozhong stood up at this moment, watching the Diluo clan **** emperor all present, a faint smile appeared on his face.

Taking advantage of the power caused by Mu Qing, Luo Daozhong gave a light cough, and said in a deep voice: "Since everyone is present, then some trouble is saved."

"Taking advantage of this meeting, I want to inform you that the re-division of the territorial star field will be discussed later."

"In a few days, I will allocate a varying number of stars based on your performance!"

Luo Yang looked angry and slapped the table in the chamber to shatter with a slap.

"who do you think You Are?!"

Luo Daozhong sneered and took out a token.

"Who am I? I am the domain owner now!"

It was a faint blue token with the shape of a god-eye totem on it.

The Territorial Territory Lord was killed by Mu Qing, and Mu Qing directly transferred everything on the Territorial Territorial Lord to the black hole space with the magic power of stealing the sky at that time.

When Luo Daozhong went to call Mu Qing before, he mainly wanted to ask about the domain master token.

This domain master token carries the luck of the entire Earth Star Domain, which will greatly increase the speed of cultivation, break the original limit of talent, and make breakthroughs!

It is useless for Mu Qing to ask for this domain master token, because the Qi Luck of the Earth Star Domain can only allow one person to cultivate to the peak of the **** emperor at the top of the sky.

So Mu Qing directly handed it over to Luo Daozhong.

Luo Daozhong is naturally ecstatic, and he will be able to cultivate to the peak of the **** emperor before he gets the domain master token!

The most important thing is that as long as you hold the domain master token and control the gas fortune of the Earth Star Territory, it means that Luo Daozhong is already the domain master of the Earth Clan!

Of course, in order to become a domain master, in addition to the domain master token, you also need the strength to match it.

If Luo Daozhong wants to become the domain master, he must have the power to control the territories, otherwise, even if he possesses the domain master token, he will only become a puppet of others and become a superficial domain master whose power is completely overhead.

However, Luo Daozhong didn't care much. As long as Wanmo Great Emperor helped him solve the other late **** emperor elders, he would naturally be sure to hold down other people. Can break through!

By then, it will be easy to control the entire terrestrial star field!

"Domain master token?!"

The others were shocked.

Didn’t the domain master token disappear with the fall of the previous territorial master?

At that time, everyone speculated that the territorial lord of the territories caused trouble by provoking the idle emperor who was alone, and it was naturally impossible for them to find a great emperor to recover the token of the territorial lord.

According to the idea of ​​the great elder, the second elder and others, it is to redistribute the star power, and then reconsolidate the domain master token with decades of years!

Mu Qing himself has studied the domain master token.

This is the product of a condensed gas flow. In fact, it is the representative artifact of the domain master. It can be of any shape, but most star areas are used to condense into a token, and some star areas are condensed into a sword, a tripod, etc. Wait.

With the luck generated by hundreds of stars in the higher star field, it is completely possible for a person to become the pinnacle of the gods!

The domain master representative artifacts are lost, and the great elders and others are not in a hurry. If they can master the power of the entire Earth star domain, it will take a certain amount of time to gather one.

After all, the domain master represents artifacts and symbolizes the luck of the entire star domain.

Only by holding a huge force in your hands can you use these luck, and if these forces are attributed to other people, then the luck will leave and become the luck of others!

"How can you have a domain master token?"

Luo Yang was very shocked. He remembered that he had asked that person to help him find it, but it turned out that his whereabouts were unknown.


Luo Yang trembled and looked at Mu Qing.

He got it!

At this moment, he finally realized that the black-robed youth beside Luo Daozhong was probably the great emperor who killed the territorial master of Diluo!

Luo Yang restrained his anger, took a deep breath and bowed to Mu Qingshen deeply.

"Dare to ask which race the emperor is from? Why do you want to intervene in the affairs of our Earth Star Territory?"

As soon as this remark came out, the **** emperors of the other territories were extremely shocked.

Everyone's eyes were on Mu Qing, the black-robed young man couldn't feel the specific breath, he thought he was the pinnacle of a **** emperor.

But Luo Yang called him the Great Emperor!

Luo Yang glanced at Luo Daozhong, gritted his teeth and said: "If the emperor is willing to not interfere in the affairs of the Luo Star Territory, how much benefit Luo Daozhong will give, double it!"

Luo Daozhong listened, but didn't worry at all. The things he gave to Mu Qing were not ordinary.

"It's no better than delaying time, the one behind you has already arrived."

Mu Qing looked at him with interest.

Under the power of Mu Qing's soul, a powerful breath has arrived, reaching the third-order lower emperor!

"Which race does Xiongtai come from?"

The same question as Luo Yang, but the person who asked this question was the emperor!

A red-haired old man suddenly appeared in the chamber, and a terrifying aura escaped. Forcibly, all the Diluo divine emperors, except Mu Qing, Luoyang, and Luo Daozhong, all fell on the ground. . The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (the other great emperor in Chapter 937), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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