Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 937: Anomaly of the Angel Race

The bottom of Luo Dao's center trembled. He didn't expect that there would be a great emperor in the Diluo clan!

He didn't dare to move, only by sitting next to Mu Qing, he would not be affected by the other's breath.

"Why... there is also a great emperor behind Luo Yang!"

Luo Daozhong was shocked.

He always feels that this world has changed, when have so many great emperors?

In a high-level star field, the arrival of a great emperor is already an earth-shattering event.

And now, two great emperors appeared in the tiny Earth Star Territory!

This is the great emperor!

Not the **** on the roadside!

In the face of the many divine emperors of the Diluo clan, even if it was the foreign divine emperors invited by the great elders, Luo Daozhong would not panic.

Because he has the domain master token in his hand.

Because there is the Great Emperor Wanmo around him!

But now, Luo Daozhong has begun to panic!

There are also strengths and weaknesses among the emperors.

"If the Great Emperor Ten Thousand Demons is weaker than the other emperor, wouldn't I be dead?" Luo Daozhong was very nervous.

But Mu Qing's indifferentness gave him some confidence.

"I come from the demons, my name is Wanmo, which race are you from?"

Mu Qing looked at the red-haired old man in front of him.

The red-haired old man frowned, apparently he had never heard of the demons.

He wondered, there are no such races in the Hunyuan Realm, including the several realms around the Hunyuan Realm, neither does it seem.

"Is it the top race in the hidden world?"

The red-haired old man's eyes condensed.

There are only two top races in the Hunyuan Realm, namely the Angel Race and the Titan Race.

The supreme power is the original Taiyue Palace, but it has been destroyed!

Of course, the Hunyuan World is very large, and naturally it is impossible to have only two top races.

There are many top races who choose to hide in the world, and they are little known.

After all, not every top race has super dominance!

Certain top races, even with only one or two tribes left, can't grow to the size of the star field, they can only hide and cultivate.

Thinking that Mu Qing in front of him may be a hidden race, the red-haired old man's fear has been eliminated a lot. Behind him is the angel race, and he is not afraid of these hidden top races!

"The Terro Star Territory is an affiliated star Territory of our Angel Race. Now that the Terro Territory Lord has fallen, our Angel Race naturally came to deal with some trivial matters and arrange the next Territory Lord!"

The red-haired old man said.

Behind him, a phantom appeared, it was a scarlet angel, containing the power of endless depravity.

The red-haired old man comes from the line of fallen angels of the angel family!

The imposing momentum came, and the coercion became stronger and stronger, but Mu Qing still sat in the first seat very calmly, motionless.

The physique of the black hole is small, and now with his strength, his body can directly absorb the attacks of the lower emperor of Tier 3!

The red-haired old man frowned slightly. He didn't expect his aura and coercion to be completely useless for Mu Qing.

"What is the strength of this guy?" The red-haired old man didn't notice it clearly.

Astonished in his heart, he became serious.

I don't know why, he has no way to detect Mu Qing's specific breath with the power of the soul.

This shows that the opponent's strength is likely to be stronger than him, or the power of the soul is stronger than him!

"Emperor Ten Thousand Demons, the Earth Star Territory is a subsidiary star region of our Angel Clan after all. If the Earth Lord provokes you before, we will give a certain amount of compensation, and we will not pursue the killing of the Territory Lord."

"I hope that the Great Emperor will not intervene in the affairs of our angel race anymore."

The red-haired old man completely condensed his breath and withdrew his previous arrogant expression.

Seeing his appearance, Luo Yang's expression was also moved.

This great emperor from the angel race actually compromised with others!

Luo Daozhong was even more nervous, for fear that Mu Qing would withdraw, and he would have no place to bury him by that time!

"Angel family?" Mu Qing raised his brows, a little surprised, and then asked, "Do you know Emperor Shengyao?"

At the time when Taiyue Palace was destroyed, Emperor Shengyao was among them, and that guy was exactly a chess piece in the Heavenly Court.

In the end, he was even abandoned by the Heavenly Court. Instead, Emperor Anwu joined the Heavenly Court with the entire Demon Clan, and his strength skyrocketed.

The red-haired old man said: "Emperor Shengyao is the patriarch of my clan, and he rules the two bloodlines of the degenerate and the sacred!"

After that, he looked respectful and said: "The strength of Emperor Shengyao is quite terrifying. He killed the leader of the original line of sacred angels, in order to behave like you, and completely control the two lines!"

"The leader of the original sacred line and all of his subordinates have been exhausted!"


Mu Qing stood up abruptly.

He was shocked when he heard the news!

The Holy Spirit comes from the sacred line of the angel race, and her father is its leader!

Originally, Emperor Shengyao was actually better than the leader, but Emperor Shengyao chose to join Taiyue Palace.

Unexpectedly, after the destruction of Emperor Shengyao in the Taiyue Palace, he returned to the angel clan, and actually killed the father of the holy spirit, and unified the entire angel clan!

"Where is the holy spirit?" Mu Qing's face fell gloomy.

Emperor Shengyao was one of the main personnel who set off the war in the Taiyue Palace. He would never forgive him, and Shengshenger was a disciple of the old man of heaven.

The Old Man of Destiny has fallen, and the only disciples are Mu Qing and Sheng Sheng'er!

The Holy Spirit left the Xuanwu Star Territory in order to experience it. Mu Qing didn't know where she had gone, but it was very likely that she had returned to the Angel Race!

"Holy spirit? Humph! As the daughter of the original leader, that woman has a lot of tricks, but she can't escape our chase and she is probably not far from death!" The red-haired old man snorted coldly.

"I think you are not far from death." A fierce glow suddenly broke out in Mu Qing's eyes.

He shot in an instant, violent power burst out, and the entire domain master's palace was shaken, and a large piece of it collapsed!

The endless gloomy demonic energy swept out, even if the domain master's palace was built with special metal, it couldn't resist the power of Mu Qing now comparable to the fifth-order lower emperor!

The moment Luo Daozhong shot Mu Qing, he had already been teleported away with the power of the black hole.

As for the others, the Diluo clan **** emperor was directly shattered under this force in the early and middle stages, and just the aftermath of the impact could not be resisted by them.


Luo Yang, the Fourth Elder, and the Fifth Elder were shocked.

Compared to the middle and early stages of these emperors, they are only one or two more small realms, and they simply cannot survive the aftermath of this great emperor's battle!

The red-haired old man's pupils contracted, and he didn't expect Mu Qing to take a shot, but what he never expected was that the opponent's strength would be so strong!

He responded quickly and helped Luo Yang and others resist the aftermath in the first place.

"You go first!"

Thirty roads emerged around the red-haired old man, blood bursting out, and his strength reached the pinnacle of the third-order lower emperor.

Twenty-one Daos belong to the new Tier 3, and 30 Daos belong to the pinnacle. When he condenses the 31st Dao again, it will be the first time to enter the Tier 4!


A shocking wave of energy burst on the star of Shenluo, and in an instant, several prosperous Diluo citadel cities were razed to the ground.

The red-haired old man retreated thousands of miles, his expression frightened, he was forced back by the other's punch!

What horrified him even more was the true cultivation level of Mu Qing after his breath broke out!

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