Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 965: Dead place

"Mawson, what do you want to do?"

"If you want us to fight Wanke, you would underestimate us."

Tianyin snorted coldly.

The news was really breaking news, but who knew the truth or not, everyone responded immediately, and basically didn't believe Mawson's words.

After all, this news sounds a bit nonsense!

If the Supreme Nirvana is really Wanke, then there is no need to take refuge in evil gods.

You must know that the power of the sea of ​​nirvana can even isolate the supreme, if Wanke is really the supreme of nirvana, he can hide in the sea of ​​nirvana and restore his strength.

In other words, even if the nirvana is really alive, there is no need to surrender to the evil god, and even give up his own nirvana sea.

"Your lie is too much, it's almost impossible." Zi Jinyuan coughed and shouted.

Mawson smiled, he didn't care about everyone's attitude.

He even continued to speak, "The Supreme Nirvana has hatred with our Ruthless Temple. One of the three Supremes killed by the Supreme Nirvana is related to our Ruthless Temple, so we are very concerned about the whereabouts of the Supreme Nirvana.

"You don't need to know where I got the news, but I can tell you that Wanke is the Supreme Nirvana, and if you kill him, you can even get the inheritance of the Supreme Nirvana!"

"You must know that the Sea of ​​Silence can help the evil gods avoid the supreme artifacts from your supreme exploration. It is a supreme treasure that has not been damaged, and may even be a fusion of the other three supreme artifacts!"

"Kill Wanke, you can get it!"

Mawson said while smiling.

He pulled out the Wanke thing, very hard.

It feels like it deliberately pulled the topic to Wanke.

During the whole process, there was a light golden text flickering in the depths of Mawson's eyes, but unfortunately no one noticed it. It seemed that it was blocked by a force.

After talking about Wanke, Mawson stopped talking.

Others frowned, and were quite jealous of this person.

This Tianjiao from the Temple of Ruthlessness, there is a problem!

Not only is it different from the other ruthless temple Tianjiao, it is very special, but also tells everyone a series of things about Wanke, whether it is true or false.

Mu Qing also looked at Nam Sen, this guy is very weird!

When they came up, they induced everyone to deal with Wanke, and they acted very bluntly, not the kind of hint, a little bit of disclosure.

Instead, I told everyone directly that Wanke is the Supreme Nirvana, and if you kill him quickly, you can take everything from the Supreme Nirvana.

This is too...

Basically, everyone knows that there is a problem.

Mu Qing was thinking, this Mawson is too weird!

But the question is, what exactly does Mawson want to do?

No one would believe his words, and no one would deal with Wanke because of these words.

"This guy is lying."

The little fat man had actually sensed Mawson's abnormality through the special imperial weapon, and directly transmitted the sound to the people in the ancient immortal world.

This made several people even more surprised.

Is it really a lie?

All of them were speculating about what the purpose of Mawson said these things, and even doubted whether what he said was true.

The result was confirmed by the little fat man, and he stunned immediately.

It's really a lie!

Is this Mawson telling them a bunch of lies for nothing?

Everyone couldn't understand Mawson even more.

Mu Qing glanced at the little fat man, but didn't expect that the special imperial weapon on the other party was so powerful, and he could see if others were lying.

After a while, Tianyin suggested to explore the surroundings again. After all, staying here to talk all the time is not a problem.

Zi Jinyuan and Mo Sen both agreed.

Everyone didn't mention what Mawson said before. The ancient immortal world already knew that what the other party said was completely false, and Heavenly Court would not believe it.


The three teams such as Mu Qing separated temporarily, and Mu Qing followed Zi Jinyuan. He controlled the dead tree to stick out the branches from time to time, and traveled deep in the space to explore the surrounding situation.

This is often more accurate than the exploration of the power of the soul.


Nothing was found.

Mu Qing took a deep breath and made himself more calm. He can't be affected by emotions now, suppressing his impatient and eager mood.

The endless dry and cracked land is full of withered trees.

Mu Qing and his party of eight people sometimes escaped with the power of the soul to explore the surroundings.

They did not separate, fearing accidents.

"Is this really a star?" Xiao Xuan frowned.

At any rate, they are a group of Tianjiao comparable to the great emperor. Needless to say, the speed of the exploration is enough to straddle ordinary stars.

However, here it seems to be boundless.

Mu Qing flew away, galloping towards the top of his head, and then traversed the black hole several times in a row, rising straight up tens of millions of miles.

There are clouds and mist around, and these clouds and mist are gray and dense.

But he was condescending, observing the surroundings, he still saw a piece of dry and cracked ground, nothing else.

Back on the ground, Mu Qing told everyone about this.

"Quite weird, I was flying tens of millions of miles above my head, and I still couldn't leave this star."

"Either this star is huge, or this is a huge secret realm..." Zi Jinyuan finished speaking, coughing a few times, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, "Or, we have entered some kind of fantasy realm. "

"I'm more inclined to the second and third you mentioned." Xuan Mu said after a while pondering.

Normal stars, no matter how huge, can circle around in a short time at their speed, or go out directly.

Rather than being able to detect anything like it is now.

"Theoretically speaking, the possibility of illusion is higher..." Mu Qing whispered.

They explored for so long, and there were dry and cracked ground everywhere in their eyes, and they couldn't fly out of the star when they were flying straight toward the sky. It seemed like they had been in an illusion. They seemed to be far away, but they had been walking in place all the time.

What made Mu Qing puzzled was that his spirit and the ancient dead tree had not changed, and he hadn't noticed any abnormalities at all.

If it is an illusion, it is always right to be aware of something.

The little fat man also said that the special imperial weapon that Zhenjun Ning Feng gave him also said that everything was normal.

He opened his palms, and the horoscope had a pocket watch.

Surprisingly, there is no pointer in this pocket watch, but a very small heart, blood red, beating there.

"This is the special imperial weapon that the ancestor gave you?" Xiao Xuan was shocked when he saw it.

Everyone was surprised, how could Zhenjun Ning Feng, as the ancestor of the heavenly master, give the little fat man such an evil-looking thing?

The little fat man said with a bitter face, "The ancestor said that this was obtained after he killed a strong enemy. The heart pocket watch is a special imperial weapon with a spirit inside. I can ask him something."

"For example, is there any danger in this place, whether the previous Mawson lied, etc."

Mu Qing looked at the heart pocket watch in the little fat man's hand. The small heart was embedded in the pocket watch and throbbed.

It is indeed a special imperial weapon!

Mu Qing said in his heart.

"The ancestor said that asking questions about pocket watches is related to strength. The stronger the strength, the more information you get." The little fat man looked at everyone.

What he meant was to let Mu Qing and other experts who had been tempered nine times to inquire about the heart pocket watch, and there might be gains.

"I just asked the heart pocket watch before, whether we are in a illusion, the answer is no, but it consumes a lot of money."

The little fat man grinned. He felt that the consumption of this heart pocket watch was too great. After a few problems, the immortal energy in his body was almost exhausted.

"Let me ask." Xiao Xuan was very curious about his brother's special imperial weapon.

He stepped forward, meditated for a moment, and said, "Where are the trillions of souls that the evil gods have taken away?"

boom! boom!

The heart pocket watch was beating slowly, and there was no response.

Just when everyone thought it could not answer this question!

Bang bang bang!

A violent heartbeat came out, and a strange force fell on Xiao Xuan.

Immediately afterwards, the fairy qi in Xiao Xuan's body was pulled out by this force, and all poured into his heart pocket watch.

Xiao Xuan was surprised to find that most of his strength had been absorbed away.

The heart of the heart pocket watch slowed down, and then a message appeared in Xiao Xuan's mind.

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