Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 966: Come

"Underground space?"

"The place of death?"

After learning these two pieces of information from Xiao Xuan, everyone fell silent, thinking about something.

This heart pocket watch is quite magical.

The little fat man asked a few questions before and consumed too much, but in fact Xiao Xuan was absorbed more than half of his power just because of this problem.

"Different problems consume different amounts. This problem may involve evil spirits, so it consumes too much."

Mu Qing glanced at Xiao Xuan, whose face was slightly pale because of the absorption of power, and came to a conclusion.

"Underground space? Could it be underground?"

Xuan Mu suddenly realized at this time.

Indeed, no one had explored the ground before.

In other words, it was just a swept away, after all, no one would just burrow into the ground.

Since the information given by the heart pocket watch is in the underground space, it seems that those spirits are all in the dead place in the underground space!

"Do you want to inform Heavenly Court and Ruthless Hall." Xiao Xuan looked at Zi Jinyuan, the other party was the captain.

Zi Jinyuan pondered for a while, and then said: "Tell them, we don't know if the so-called underground space is in danger. Let's take care of it together."

Mu Qing nodded and agreed with Zi Jinyuan's idea.

After all, this so-called underground space is not a treasure of heaven and material, there is no need to hide it.

Let the people of Heavenly Court and Ruthless Temple come together to inquire, and the possibility of encountering threats will be lower.

Soon, Zi Jinyuan informed the people of Heavenly Court and Ruthless Hall through the communication runes he had exchanged earlier.

One after another, the figures galloped at an extremely fast speed.

"Zi Jinyuan, you said you know the whereabouts of those spirits?" Tianyin strode forward and asked.

The little fat man has already put away his heart pocket watch, so it's good to reveal these things in front of him, and not let others know!

"Under the ground, there is a place called the Land of Death. I suggest you all explore it together." Zi Jinyuan said with a smile.

He didn't say where he got the news from.

The heart pocket watch is an extremely special imperial weapon, and it may be of great use at a critical moment. Naturally, it is impossible for Zi Jinyuan to reveal it to the Heavenly Court and Ruthless Palace.

Tianyin, Lei Ting and others looked at each other without asking too much. They knew that the other party would not answer.

"Are you sure?" Lei Ting looked suspicious and looked at Zi Jinyuan.

"I'm pretty sure that all the souls taken away by the evil gods are all in the land of death."

"Before, we also used the power of the soul to explore the underground, but found nothing. I guess the land of death can shield the exploration of the power of the soul."

Zi Jinyuan coughed and said with a smile.

"Since the land of death can shield the exploration of the power of the soul, how do we find it?" Mo Sen frowned.

Tianyin and others were equally curious, but the group of people in the Ruthless Palace behind Mo Sen and the curse spirits of the Heavenly Court Evil Palace were expressionless.

It seems that there is nothing that can make them mood swings...

Hearing Mawson's question, Xiao Xuan spoke first, grinning, "Of course I found it by digging."

Tianyin's mouth twitched fiercely, and Mawson's expression was a bit wrong.

Hu Yibiao, the descendant of the Great Emperor Zhentian, asked with some uncertainty: "You mean, our group of Tianjiao who has been tempered eight or nine times, digging through the ground?"

Even if you have the power to protect yourself, so that you won't be touched by the dirt and dust, but digging into the ground is a very faceless thing after all.

This is not in line with the identity of their Tianjiao!

There was a bit of resistance on the Heavenly Court, except for Mawson, there was no change in the expression of the Ruthless Hall, like a group of robots that only knew to obey the command.

Mu Qing captured the performance of these guys in front of his eyes.

For Tianyin, Lei Ting, and Hu Yibiao, he was not very afraid. The person in Tianting that was more afraid of him was the man in gray who had been tempered nine times. The other party was very low-key and did not have too many emotional changes.

And the curse spirit was silent, Mu Qing always felt that a terrible power was brewing in her.

His gaze shifted to the ruthless palace.

Mu Qing, who knows a little bit about the Ruthless Temple, couldn't help being a little amused when seeing these expressionless people.

It's not that as soon as you practice the method of Ruthless Temple, you immediately become emotional.

These disciples of the Ruthless Temple are all acting.

The supreme of the Ruthless Temple, who claims to be the way of heaven, has no feelings.

But all the disciples of the Temple of Ruthlessness are playing, they are imitating the heavens, controlling their emotions, and trying to make themselves as emotionless as possible.

Only to imitate the ruthlessness of Heaven, and then slowly cut off his feelings, and become stronger step by step.

This is what Mu Qing learned from Zi Jinyuan and other people.

What only puzzled him was that Mawson didn't play Tiandao, but the opponent's strength had reached nine times of tempering.

Zi Jinyuan also felt weird and puzzled at this point.

After a while, the three parties began to dig holes.

With their strength, they took out an imperial weapon and burrowed directly into the ground. The speed was not much slower than moving on land.

Hu Yibiao even took out a big hammer altogether, smashed it hard, and a huge pit was blasted out.

He really did not live up to his name.

It is hard to imagine that a descendant of a tenth-order extreme emperor would have such a vulgar name.

Three small teams representing the supreme forces, each used their own means to explore the underground.

However, this place is too large, and it is difficult to make any progress in a moment.

at the same time.

Outside a large gray star, space is distorted, and spaceships shuttle by.

A large number of divine emperor powerhouses descended from the spaceship, their feet on the void.

A great emperor-level powerhouse, like the sun, is condescending, with majesty covering all quarters.

In the distance, the space vortex was still there, spaceships rushed out, and countless strong men walked out!

Three supreme forces, three hundred thousand emperors, three thousand emperors!

There are too many terrifying powerhouses, and the high-ranking emperor usually rarely sees a few of the top races, but here...


The emperor's prestige erupted from that emperor-level powerhouse, distorting the surrounding space!

With so many powerhouses, even if the emperor came, they couldn't hold it!

Ants often kill elephants, 300,000 divine emperors, qi and blood are one, and the most powerful emperor will change color!

When Mu Qing came to the Sea of ​​Silence, he did not really see the full face of the war between the ancient immortal world and the heavenly court.

With so many emperors, it is impossible for them to be messy and take care of each other's actions.

Every supreme power has its own law of war!

It is said that it is the law of war, but in fact it is a magical power that many people can display together.

This type of supernatural powers belongs to the joint supernatural powers. In theory, the greater the number of people participating in supernatural powers, the stronger the power that can erupt.

But this combined magical power seems to have its limits...

More and more powerful people are coming.

There is even a space battleship!

Unlike spaceships, space battleships have powerful combat capabilities, and ordinary space battleships can exert power comparable to the emperor.

And the space battleship of the three supreme forces.

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