Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 969: The original holy lord

"The power of the Holy Lord is far beyond what you can imagine. The Holy Kingdom will conquer the entire universe!" The man called the giant laughed.

"What about one more extreme position? Our high-end combat power has the advantage. Don't hesitate to fight quickly!"

Emperor Chi Tian gave a low cry, and she felt that she could no longer look at it.

This group of extreme emperors should act decisively, regardless of the evil gods' plots, kill these people first, and then deal with the overwhelming inner demon!

The demon lord sneered at this time, "Everyone, I suggest that you don't make any excessive actions, and watch the next performance quietly and wait for the arrival of death."

"Otherwise, you will die faster." The man named Giant smiled and added a sentence.

The world is shaking.

Almost at the moment when the voice fell, a pillar of soaring light emerged from the palace.

The palace seemed unable to hold the silver-white beam of light, cracks appeared, and then the whole exploded.

Everyone can feel the unimaginable energy contained in the silver-white beam of light.

The palace was completely shattered, and seeing this, the demon master and the "giant" all showed surprise and fanaticism.

"The Holy Lord is immortal!"

"The Holy Lord is immortal!"

Both the demon master and the "giant" shouted the words of faith.

Inside the silver-white beam of light, there was a statue of an evil god. On its abdomen, a hideous head appeared on the scarlet armor, with a mouth wide open.

There was a whirlpool in the big mouth of the blood basin, and a mysterious power was escaping from it, and a powerful breath rushed out of it.

A figure strode out from the whirlpool.

Tenth order extreme!

The Ancient Immortal Realm, Heavenly Court and others were extremely shocked, and they were also an extremely powerful person of rank ten!

Calculated like this, there are already four Tier 10 extremely powerful men in the demon master's combat power!

"Passage... That's a cosmic passage!"

At this moment, everyone realized what the whirlpool was.

The evil god, actually opened the cosmic channel ahead of time!

The demon lord looked at the shocked ancient immortal world and the heavenly court with a grin on his face.

This group of guys thought that opening the passage of the universe would require burning and sacrificing the extremely large number of souls.

As everyone knows, the evil gods have already opened the cosmic channel, and the spirits are just consumables needed by the cosmic channel.

An extremely great emperor needs at least one hundred million souls!

The stronger the strength, the more divine souls are needed. A powerful person like the tenth-order extreme emperor needs to consume tens of billions of divine souls to come here from another universe.

"Wrong...wrong..." The Astrology Emperor's face appeared guilty, and then an excited spirit said, "No! I didn't predict it was wrong, the picture I saw is the same as it is now!"

He immediately woke up and shouted: "The evil **** has the ability to interfere with prophecy!"

Evil gods can interfere with prophecies!

The astrological emperor thought that the future he saw through prophecy was wrong.

But now it seems not necessarily!

The future he saw was correct, but he was disturbed by evil gods and predicted what had already happened!

"Quick! Stop them!"

This time even Moruo, the extremely great emperor from the Temple of Ruthlessness, was a little anxious.

The powerhouses of the Holy Spirit universe are stronger than they thought.

You know, there are trillions of souls in the hands of evil gods. If these souls are consumed and the passage of the universe works, God knows how many powerful people will come in the universe of the Holy Spirit.

Both Zhenjun Ning Feng and Emperor Gu Feng knew the seriousness of the matter.

However, when they wanted to make a move, it was too late...

In the cosmic passage, one figure after another came out, and a powerful breath swept the surroundings without a trace.

All are tenth-rank extreme emperors!

The huge holy spirit appeared one by one, there were lions burning flames, large snakes with nine heads, and monsters full of thorns and spurs.

On the side of the three supreme forces, all of them looked very ugly.

Seven tenth-rank extreme emperors!

All are tenth rank extreme positions, all are powerhouses who are about to step into the supreme!

"Here is another universe?" The Holy Spirit is the powerhouse of the flame lion's eyes sweeping across the heaven, ancient immortal world and others.

"It doesn't seem to be very strong." The Holy Spirit Hydra is a woman with green hair and a sweet voice.

There was contempt on her face because she felt that these extreme positions were not strong in front of her.

You must know that this is the extreme high-level of the tripartite supreme power!

She didn't even see it in her eyes!

The thorn monster is a small old man with his eyes squinted.

"It's normal. The reason why this place is called the main universe by the holy lord is because this universe has abundant resources, and it is extremely vast and vast, ten times larger than our universe."

"But this doesn't mean that the living beings here are very strong."

"These saint emperors also have strong ones, and there are five tenth-tier saint emperors."

In the universe of the Holy Spirit, the supreme emperor has another name, holy emperor.

This group of Holy Spirit universe is powerful and breath is powerful, standing out of the sky.

They all stand together, headed by one person.

It was a young man with a haughty temperament and a wave pattern on his forehead.

He is also the only one among this group of strong men who does not show the Holy Spirit.

"His Royal Highness Ji Lun, the next actions are up to you." The demon lord also leaned forward, respecting this person.

Both are tenth-order saint emperors, that is, tenth-order extreme position, but this young man named Ji Lun seems to have a very high status.

"It doesn't have to be the case, I came to join the war, the command is still up to you, despite the order, don't care about my identity as the descendant of the Holy Lord." Ji Lun waved his hand.

The devil nodded quickly.

On the side of the three supreme forces, everyone stopped their actions.

They found that this time they assembled their troops and prepared for a surprise attack, but their combat power was simply not comparable!

Even if there are three hundred thousand **** emperors and three thousand great emperors, there are too many demons on the side of the demon master.

Batch after batch died, the demons of the **** emperor realm are innumerable!

Even if the strength of these inner demons is not the same as the rank, the victory lies in the large number, and the ants will kill the elephants!

The 300,000 **** emperor army was immediately entangled by hundreds of millions of demons.

However, the extremely high-ranking level, every time they make a move, they are resisted by the "Giant", "Hydra", "Thorn Monster" and others.

"Watch it carefully, and watch how your subordinates die in despair!" The flame lion laughed, and he had just taken action to stop the Emperor Zhu Zhentian.

"Is there enough souls collected? This time we plan to directly let the Sea King Saint Lord come!" The giant glanced at the battle, then looked at the demon lord and asked.

"Relax, very sufficient!" The demon lord laughed.

Seeing the three supreme forces deflated, his heart is quite refreshing!

Then, his eyes fell on Ji Lun.

Through the evil god, he has a very good understanding of the universe of the Holy Spirit.

Ji Lun is called the descendant of the Holy Lord, but not the descendant of the evil god.

In the Holy Spirit universe, the lower emperor is the holy king, the upper emperor is the holy emperor, and the extreme emperor is the holy emperor.

The supreme is called the Holy Lord!

Ji Lun is the descendant of the Sea King Saint Lord, that is to say, he is the descendant of the supreme!

In general, the descendants of these holy masters have the same holy spirit, and the creature of the sea king holy master is naturally a sea king, so is Ji Lun.

Unlike the main universe, the Holy Spirit universe has been unified by the evil gods, and the sea king holy master and other holy masters have all surrendered to the evil gods.

And the evil god, in the Holy Spirit universe, is also called...

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