Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 970: Spear of Tribulation

"If you want the Holy Lord to cross the universe, you still need some Holy Emperor's spirits. You guys, I think you should be able to solve it quickly."

The devil laughed.

He is quite confident of these powerful men from the Holy Spirit universe.

And the demon master also won the trust of the evil god, the original holy master, and most of the things were arranged by him.

It takes a lot of spirits to make the Saint Emperor, who is comparable to the tenth-level extreme position, come.

But if you want the sea king holy master to come to this main universe through the universe channel, in addition to the huge number of divine souls, you also need the divine souls of the strong.

The soul of the emperor!

Regardless of the first-order extreme emperor, or tenth-order extreme emperor, at least some are needed!

The evil **** slaughtered and didn't know how many races, destroyed and destroyed how many stars, and got trillions of souls.

Among them, some top races secretly trade spirits with evil gods.

But in so many souls, there is no such soul as the ultimate emperor.

There is no extreme great emperor divine soul, no matter how many other divine souls, the sea king's holy lord will not be able to come.

And the Holy Emperor Divine Soul... the group of extreme great emperors from the three supreme forces in front of them is the best target!

"Start hunting!"

Ji Lun chuckled lightly.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone around him rushed out, and the terrifying aura of the tenth rank swept away.

The giant slammed into the ancient immortal world with a punch. His target was the astrological emperor, the weakest person at the highest level!

True Monarch Ning Feng burst into the dust from his hands, turning into a real dragon roaring out, and roaring away.

There was a loud bang.

A huge energy mushroom cloud rises!

The terrible air wave raged, and the whole earth was lifted up, leaving huge potholes in place.

The giant stepped back, a little surprised, and put away his contemptuous eyes.

But soon, a small figure rushed over in an instant, the old man whose Holy Spirit was the thorn monster!

The huge thorn monster roared, each thorn tentacled like a whip, gently swiping it, exploding a high-ranking emperor in the ancient immortal world.

Another roll of thorns took away the spirit of the upper emperor.

The thorn monster did not stop, and went directly to the astrological emperor.

These strong men from the Holy Spirit universe are not too arrogant. They know that there are some tenth-order Saint Emperor strong men among them, so they plan to pick the weak ones to kill first.

The astrological emperor was very aggrieved, he was also an extreme position anyway, and he was regarded as a senior in the ancient immortal world.

But now being watched by two tenth-rank extreme powerhouses, there is a danger of death at any time.

In terms of strength, he is not an opponent at all!

The astrological emperor rushed to the extreme position, only the first order, I am afraid that he will be blown by a punch if he is careless!

Zhenjun Ning Feng took a deep breath and looked at Heaven Punishment, "Use some real means! Otherwise, there will be a huge loss this time."

Hearing this, Tianchao nodded solemnly.

It's not right to continue like this!

I thought that their tripartite supreme forces had assembled a huge force that could hit Huanglong and overthrow the evil god's plan.

Who could have imagined that the evil gods had secretly opened the passage of the universe, and this time the three supreme forces had fallen into a relatively unfavorable situation.

The army of 300,000 gods and emperors was surrounded by endless demons, and even fell into a disadvantage, bit by bit.

The extremely high-level leaders don't have time to manage, because they all have opponents.

Eighteen members of the most powerful trilateral forces have arrived!

Six people came from each side.

Among them, there are five strong people in the tenth rank, two in the ancient immortal world, two in the heavens, and two in the ruthless palace.

But on the demon master's side, there are seven in total!

There are eleven more of them, but the difference in combat power is too great, and two are missing from the tenth extreme!

"It's time for people in this universe to see the power of our universe."

Ji Lun smiled slightly, he strode out of the void.

I saw the Holy Spirit appearing behind him. It was a huge figure holding a silver-white trident. The sound of the wave came out, and blue waves surged from the sky and the earth.

At this moment, Ji Lun was transformed into a sea king, and the trident pierced towards the astrological emperor!

Countless waves surging along with the trident, and a random wave will be able to crush the body of the upper emperor.

The wave accompanying the trident crushed a famous emperor, screaming continuously.

Ji Lun's face was full of indifference, and he had no mercy for any creatures in this universe.

The Lord let them come here to sweep the entire universe, to plunder and occupy!

The resources of the Holy Spirit universe are running out!

It can even be said to be exhausted!

Now that they have discovered the main universe ten times larger than their Holy Spirit universe, almost all the Holy Spirit powerhouses are extremely surprised.

The most important thing is that the resources of the main universe are basically still abundant, and the Holy Spirit universe that has come to an end is like seeing a new dawn.

They don't want to be able to co-exist with the creatures of the main universe.

The Holy Spirit universe powerhouses who have experienced scarcity and exhaustion of resources are more eager to slaughter the creatures of this entire universe and take everything for themselves.

Only in this way can the resources of the universe be used for a longer time!

"It may not be too underestimated that I waited." Tianchao showed a hundred rules around his body, the light flickered, and the thunder suddenly appeared.

Electricity burst from his palm, and a spear shrouded in endless thunder and lightning appeared.

Spear of Heaven!

The once supreme weapon of God Punishment!

Heaven Punishment was originally a supreme powerhouse, so he naturally possessed his own supreme weapon, the spear of heaven!

It is rumored that the path of heaven's punishment is the power of the supreme thunder calamity, and it can even interfere with the rules of the universe to a certain extent, according to one's own wishes, whether to bring the thunder calamity or give others the thunder calamity.

After Heaven Punishment fell to the realm, the supreme weapon was not destroyed naturally, and it was kept intact by his side.

He is equivalent to rebuilding the extreme emperor again, if he breaks through again, he will reach the supreme emperor.

Then Tianchao will have a second supreme weapon!

One person, two supreme devices!

It's just that this method is not something ordinary people can do.

First of all, falling from the supreme realm is not something ordinary people can do, and maybe it's completely impossible to go back.

Tianchao was holding the spear of Heavenly Tribulation, and the Void Thunder suddenly appeared, and the power of endless thunder and lightning fell down and enveloped him.

Lightning pierced through his eyes, and his whole body became extremely stalwart!

The spear of the sky pierced through, and with the thunder and lightning in the sky, it pierced all the waves!


Thunder and lightning smashed down, and the spear of the tribulation and the trident of the sea king violently collided, but the trident was invincible at all, and it was directly smashed into pieces!

Taoist Xuanhuo, although he is not at the extreme level of the tenth rank, he is not afraid at all, and mocks: "The power of the Holy Spirit universe has this strength? You are still a descendant of the Supreme!"

"If these two people are not blocking, I only have to kill you three moves."

Facing the provocative and taunting of Taoist Xuanhuo, Ji Lun remained unmoved, and the Holy Spirit recondensed a trident behind him.

His face was indifferent, and there was a trace of jealousy in his eyes looking at Tianchao.

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