Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 971: All hands out

Holy Lord's Treasure!

The title of the supreme device in the universe of the Holy Spirit, the holy lord is the treasure!

A surprised look appeared on Ji Lun's face.

He did not expect that the saint emperor in front of him would possess the treasure of the saint master!

"Be careful! That person is the supreme, that is, the power of the holy master, but now he is only falling into the realm!" The demon master shouted at Ji Lun.

He didn't want this highness to have any accidents. According to the plan, the next step was to let the Sea King Saint Lord come across the universe. If Ji Lun had an accident, then he would inevitably be asked by the Sea King Saint Lord.

"Once the Supreme? This guy was originally the Holy Lord?!" Even Ji Lun, the descendant of the proud Holy Lord, couldn't help but trembled.

He has become a little accustomed to some of the realm names of this universe, the Holy Lord corresponds to the supreme here, and they are all supreme beings.

"It seems that this action is not that simple." Ji Lun's face gradually became serious.

One blow shattered Ji Lun's offensive, and Tianchao's momentum became more and more terrifying. He was condescending, his eyes bursting with thunder and lightning.

Tianchao shouted coldly: "The Holy Spirit universe is a deadly enemy. They are enemies of any of our forces. Don't keep your hands!"

This sentence was meant for both the Ruthless Palace and the Heavenly Court.

Ruthless Hall and Heavenly Court are not so simple, just like the ancient immortal world where there is a punishment, these two must also have a second hand!

"I wanted to use it at the last moment when I was fighting for the Sea of ​​Annihilation..." Emperor Moruo of the Ruthless Palace sighed.

He blasted a punch, the world collapsed, and a terrifying force was directly vented. On the opposite side was a female whose holy spirit was a Hydra, who was directly blown out of an arm and retreated violently.

Behind the Great Emperor Moruo, an extremely powerful person rushed out, one of whom was the Great Azure Dragon, who turned directly into a blue sky dragon, roaring, entrenched in the sky.

The claws of the blue dragon were able to confront the flame lion of the Holy Spirit. Although the claws of the dragon were burned down, they were forced to retreat with the help of several ruthless temple extreme powers around.

Taking advantage of this gap, the Great Emperor Moruo used his back hand, his body suddenly radiant, his hands clasped together, a pious posture, as if praying to an existence in the void.

The space vibrated, and then a crack appeared with a click. In that space crack, an eye suddenly appeared!

Ruthless, indifferent and supreme!

Those eyes contain endless light, countless colors of light, and infinite dazzling light!

The divine emperor army of the Ruthless Temple, united to display the magical powers, presents the image of this eye pupil. The difference is that one is just a form of energy condensed, and the other is a real entity!

"No one can withstand the gaze of Heavenly Dao, even if it is an extremely great emperor, under the gaze of Heavenly Dao's eyes, his soul will collapse and die!"

Emperor Moro said lightly.

He was originally full of emotions, always with a smile, and he was incompatible with the other people in Ruthless Palace.

But now, he seemed to be incarnate into the real heaven, or he was infested by the power of the eyes of heaven, and he became feelingless.


The Eye of Heaven was in the space crack, his pupils slowly turned, his eyes contained countless colors of dazzling light, and he looked towards the Hydra.


A scream came from the female of the Holy Spirit universe.

She screamed, madly bursting out of supernatural power in her body, trying to resist the power contained in this gaze, but all the power was corroded!


The huge Hydra Holy Spirit roared, biting the Qinglong Great Emperor in the Ruthless Temple, and then came over, trying to block the eyes of the Eye of Heaven with his huge body.

On the other side, the Flame Lion also wanted to come and help.

There was finally a ripple in Morrow's eyes, which was a ray of disdain and contempt.

How can the gaze of the Eye of Heaven be extremely bearable?

Not even the tenth-order extreme position!


Most of the Hydra Holy Spirit's body shattered, and his gaze fell on the opponent's body. The whole body of this woman was decayed, and then the body began to fester!

At the critical moment, the giant of the Holy Spirit arrived, and the huge silver-white palm fell, abruptly rescuing the Hydra from the eyes of the Eye of Heaven.

The price was that the entire arm was festered and eventually turned into nothingness.

The giant tried to re-condense an arm with super-birth power, but was surprised to find that it didn't work at all, and was stopped by a special force!

With a horrified expression on his face, he just rescued Hydra from the gaze of the heavens and made his scalp numb!

The giant glanced at the Hydra. The woman was seriously injured. The Holy Spirit was destroyed by the eyes of the Eye of Heaven. Under the suppression of the special force, the Holy Spirit could not be recondensed in a short period of time, and there was no fighting power.

"It seems that you can't underestimate these guys," the giant's face was solemn, and the flame lion on the side nodded.

A single glance made Hydra lose the ability to fight. This is obviously a holy master method!

"The Eye of Heaven is a summoned supreme power. The deity of Heaven is fighting against evil gods. The power coming from the air will not be too strong. However, the Eye of Heaven itself has a long attack interval, and its speed is slow. !" The Demon Lord roared while fighting against the Supreme Position of Heavenly Court.

Upon hearing this, the giant and the flame lion reacted immediately.

Indeed, the pupils from the cracks in the space, after issuing the first gaze attack, just looked at them coldly, the light in the pupils was dim.

However, the light in the pupils is gathering again, obviously accumulating power.

When will they attack next time, the flame lion and the giant have almost the same idea!

Emperor Moruo's face was slightly frozen, his horrifying gaze suddenly looked at the demon lord.

has a problem!

This is definitely a problem!

This guy knows too much about the Eye of Heaven in their Ruthless Temple!

The supreme forces, in terms of mystery, the ancient immortal world and the ruthless palace are the two most mysterious.

One is in a special realm and rarely appears in the outside world, while the other is practicing Heavenly Dao Law, everyone is ruthless, and the location of the Ruthless Temple is always a mystery.

The Eye of Heaven is relying on the power of Heaven, the Lord of Ruthless Temple!

And there is an interval between each attack, even if the attack power is terrifying, it can almost kill the tenth extreme position in a second, but if the speed is enough, it can still avoid the past.

These things, even the people in the ruthless palace, even only Moro knew.

Because the Eye of Heaven has not been activated many times.

But the demon master saw it clearly!

The current battle situation is so fierce, it is definitely not a conclusion drawn through observation.

"There are evil gods in the Temple of Ruthlessness? Or do we all have evil gods in all three forces?"

Combined with the fact that the evil gods knew in advance of their tripartite joint action, Emperor Moro couldn't help being shocked.

You know, their three forces have recently thoroughly investigated their respective forces, and those with problems will naturally be excluded.

If so, there are people of evil gods, it would be too deep to hide!


At this time, there was a loud noise, and Heavenly Court also used a backhand.

A man burned by the magic flame laughed wildly. He had been low-key, but now he finally started.

The breath erupts, it is the tenth extreme position!

There are three rank ten extreme positions in the heaven, and they suddenly become the strongest among the three forces!

Even the Demon Lord was very surprised.

The man in the magic flame reveals his face, his facial features are a little distorted, giving people a rather contradictory feeling.

His face is very similar to Mu Qing, but he seems to be changing towards another person's face.

Not far away, Zhenjun Ning Feng of the Ancient Immortal Realm glanced, his eyes condensed.

It seems that their guess is correct, there is indeed a remnant soul occupying the Mu Qing clone body, the strength of that remnant soul is at least the tenth extreme position, and it is very likely to be supreme.

Now that person occupies the Mu Qing clone and begins to change to his original appearance!


The magic flame evaporates, turning into a sea of ​​fire and sweeping all around.

The man stood in it, punched the void and smashed a door open.


The moonlight was soft as a tulle.

A stalwart figure slowly appeared, and the terrifying power suddenly solidified the surroundings.

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