Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 985: The fog is coming again

Everyone surrounds the imprisoned Ji Yang, and everyone's face is not very beautiful.

They thought they could get out of this death barrier.

Unexpectedly, the two broken statues of sacred objects would be useless even if they were put together. They no longer possess the ability to enter and exit the death barrier.

Not to mention that there is such a hidden danger as Jian San!

It just made everyone wonder, where did Jian San go?

According to Ji Yang's words, he came in with Jian San, but everyone clearly saw only Ji Yang appearing from the void.

"I always think that there is a certain danger in the future. I hope that you will not hide and tuck. When you encounter danger, if you don't work together, everyone will die!"

Tianyin said solemnly.

At first, everyone was not too afraid of the gray mist, because after experiencing it once, two monsters appeared from beginning to end.

Although a Tianjiao died in the Temple of Ruthlessness, the strength of those monsters is actually not strong. As long as you are careful, you can deal with it easily!

But now, everyone's thinking is different.

From Ji Yang's mouth, I learned that the gray mist came from a special one, and was called reincarnation by the evil gods, because every time the gray mist appeared, the monsters in the gray mist would do the same thing to deal with the evil gods.

The strength of the evil **** itself is great, and every time the gray mist appears, reincarnation, the attack actions of all the monsters in the gray mist have not changed, and it is easy to deal with.

This made the evil **** very interested, and directly moved the entire existence of the gray mist into the enchantment.

In the death enchantment, the gray mist will appear on time every once in a while, but there is no evil god, and the monsters in the gray mist will no longer attack.

In the gray mist, six powerful monsters are called reincarnation beasts by evil gods.

It seems that the evil **** thinks that the gray mist is due to these six-headed reincarnation beasts.

"The reincarnation beast, or the six-headed high-level eater, likes to kill, but when we faced it, we didn't get a terrible attack. This is surprising!"

Zi Jinyuan said.

You must know that the six-headed reincarnation beast, but the existence that can fight the evil **** head-on, did not appear when they faced the gray mist.


Mu Qing was thinking about why they didn't receive a strong attack when they encountered the gray fog, but suddenly realized that there was a ray of gray fog rising in front of them.

His pupils contracted suddenly, and a wisp of gray mist filled the void!

This process was very slow, but it made Mu Qing's scalp numb for a while!

"Be careful! Grey fog has appeared!"

Mo Sen, Tianyin, Zi Jinyuan and others roared.

Everyone did not expect that the gray fog had just disappeared for a while, and as a result, it would reappear so soon.

Ji Yang was also taken aback. Although he had just come from the passage of the universe, he still knew something from Jian San's mouth about the gray fog in this death enchantment.

The time when the gray mist appears is fixed. After it appears, the six-headed reincarnation beast in the gray mist will kill everything, and then rebirth in the next reincarnation of the gray mist.

But now it seems that an accident has occurred in the gray fog, and it is no longer proceeding according to everything before!

"Quick! Quickly move the holy thing! There should be power remaining!" Ji Yang roared first.

He cherished his life very much, and he remembered that after the statue of the holy thing was damaged, he lost the ability to enter and leave the enchantment, but there was still power remaining.

There is no need for Ji Yang to say, Mu Qing has already urged the sacred statue in his hand for the first time.

It's just that he is not optimistic, because the golden light of this sacred statue before can not stop the monsters in the gray mist, even the low-level eater can not suppress it.

Mu Qing can only hope that after obtaining the other half of the sacred statue, he will be able to exert more efficacy and strength.

A dazzling golden light burst out from the statue of the holy object, and as expected, after the other half of the statue of holy object was obtained, the golden light became brighter and brighter.

It's a pity that the following scene made everyone's face sinking, a little ugly.

I saw the wisps of gray mist still pouring out of the void, even faster and faster.

After the gray mist met the golden light, it completely ignored it!

Everyone looked terrified, and the statue of the holy thing was useless!

It was clearly able to stop the golden light of the gray mist before, but now it has no effect.

"Bao Tuan! Don't do anything else!" Mu Qing yelled.

He glanced at the two broken statues of sacred objects in his hand again, his face was startled, and he found wisps of gray mist entwined on them.

The gray mist seemed to be drawing the power of the sacred statue, the golden light dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then there was a click...

The sacred statue turned into powder!

"The sacred statue was destroyed by the gray fog."

Mu Qing took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and then informed everyone of the news.

"This is impossible!" Ji Yang was the most unbelievable, he exclaimed.

But when he saw the powder in Mu Qing's hand in the thin gray mist, he had to believe it.

Mu Qing looked into the depths of the gray fog.

He knew that they were facing a reincarnation beast, or a high-level eater.

The opponent was able to swallow the power silently, although I don't know why it didn't attack them this time, but it swallowed the power contained in the statue of the sacred object.

"It's just fear, but it doesn't mean fear."

Mu Qing came to this conclusion in his mind.

The statue of sacred objects is likely to be made by evil gods, and the reincarnation beasts in the gray mist are only afraid of the sacred objects, which does not mean that they will not attack.

The gray fog gradually thickened, and everyone's sight was restricted.

Mu Qing tried to explore with the power of the soul, but he was able to perceive the situation in the gray mist, but soon he found that his power of the soul had disappeared.

"No, it should have been swallowed!" His face was solemn.

The other people also explored their souls, and they looked the same as Mu Qing.

"It seems that we were targeted by the guy who devours power. This guy is definitely a high-level eater."

Mawson said solemnly.

He still didn't say a word in his heart, it should be just a guess, that is the guy in the gray mist who likes to swallow all kinds of power, perhaps the existence of the creator of the gnawing!

Everyone was very vigilant, gathered in a circle and looked around vigilantly.

There was a guess in Mu Qing's heart.

Perhaps, the existence in the gray mist deliberately manipulated the gray mist to destroy the holy artifact statue!

Because this time he couldn't perceive the specific location of the existence in the gray mist!

When facing the gray mist for the first time, Mu Qing could clearly feel that somewhere in the gray mist, there was an existence that swallowed the devilish energy in his body.

Had it not been for his physical body to be equally tough, I am afraid he would suffer a lot.

But this time, Mu Qing could not perceive that guy's position.

"It seems that the statue of the sacred object is broken, but it still retains certain effects, such as being able to perceive the specific location of the existence in the gray mist, and the other party obviously has a certain amount of wisdom to destroy the statue of the holy object in my hand. "

"It's just that the opponent's strength should be far superior to ours. Why don't you take a shot and directly deal with us?" The starry sky dominates the latest Chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: https :// Dominates the txt download address: https://www. starry sky dominates mobile reading: /147180/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (the 985th Chapter gray fog descends again) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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