Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 986: Kamiman 啃噬

The gray fog is getting thicker and denser, and everyone's nerves are tense, for fear of being the first one to be attacked and ruining their lives.

After some time passed, everyone was more confused.

Not to mention the powerful reincarnation beasts, even the low-level eater that appeared before has never appeared!

A hint of curiosity also appeared on Mu Qing's face.

There is obviously a powerful existence in the gray mist, which can easily swallow the power in their bodies, but at this time they don't make a move.

Are you waiting for something?

Mu Qing also didn't know what the existence in the gray mist was thinking.

But he did not relax his vigilance, this place is very dangerous, and it will fall if he is careless, just like the nine tempering tianjiao of the ruthless palace before!

Mu Qing knew that the monsters in the gray mist, or reincarnation beasts, would definitely swallow all the power in their bodies at the same time when they shot them.

Therefore, if you encounter some situation at that time, you should react quickly and use the power of your physical body or the power of the ancient dead tree as soon as possible.

As for the existence of swallowing power in the gray mist, Mu Qing had told Zi Jinyuan and the others before, and the eight people on the ancient immortal world knew it in their hearts.

Originally, Mu Qing thought that Zi Jinyuan would inform the Ruthless Hall and Heavenly Court of the news. After all, the people present were almost like grasshoppers on the same rope, but Zi Jinyuan didn't do that.

Zi Jinyuan should have some thoughts of his own, or maybe the three of them didn't really want to unite from beginning to end, so Zi Jinyuan hid this secret and didn't say it.

Ji Yang silently watched all the changes in front of him, his heart was shocked.

Grey Mist's actions have changed!

According to Jiansan, this gray mist is a kind of reincarnation. Every time it appears, what the monsters and six-headed reincarnation beasts will do is fixed.

But this time not only did it appear faster, even the monsters never appeared!

He thinks this change is quite dangerous.

"No! I must notify Lord Saint, I want to save myself!" Ji Yang gritted his teeth and said inwardly.

I saw that his original blue eyes became deeper, even though he is now imprisoned, there is no way to mobilize any power, but you must know that he is the descendant of the sea king's holy lord!

According to the main universe, that is the descendant of the Supreme!

The power of the Sea King's bloodline began to circulate slowly in Ji Yang's body, and he even felt that his bloodline resonated with somewhere outside the death barrier!

Ji Yang restrained his expression and was happy in his heart. Could it be that the Sea King Holy Lord has descended into the main universe?

Even if it wasn't the main body descending, the power of the Sea King Saint Lord should have descended.

Otherwise, his Sea King bloodline will not be strengthened to a certain degree at this time, and this will also help him to get rid of the imprisonment.

Even relying on the connection of the sea king's bloodline, without relying on the statue of the sacred object, directly teleported away from this death barrier!

"Don't worry... Don't worry, everything must be done in secret!" Ji Yang was expressionless.

He silently urged the power of the Sea King's blood in his body to gather them together.

But under Ji Yang's deliberate concealment, none of the people present noticed the strangeness in his body. After all, it was the blood of the Sea King, which contained special power.

Of course, Ji Yang is also difficult to control this Sea King's bloodline. If he controls it completely, he can even directly kill everyone present!

Just when Ji Yang was thinking carefully, slowly gathering the power of the Sea King's bloodline.

Suddenly there was movement in the sky, and a monster suddenly rushed out from the depths of the gray fog. It was more normal than the previous monsters, closer to a human shape. It was five meters tall, but it had no eyes, nose, or ears. There was only one. Open his mouth and crack to the back of his head.

Especially on its stomach, there is also a big mouth of blood basin, teeth like sharp blades, cold glow!

"Do it!"

Tianyin yelled violently, and the Dao on his body suddenly appeared, and a sword light across the sky was directly cut down.


There was a huge sound, the ground collapsed every inch, and the gray mist was stirred and surged violently.


The monster let out a scream, a huge scar was cut out on its body, and a large amount of blood splashed out.

It was very fast, rushed into the gray mist in stride, and disappeared quickly.

Tianyin's face was gloomy, he didn't chase him, he should have entered the depths of the gray mist, and he might be in great danger!

"Probably equivalent to the strength of nine times of tempering, but the overall strength is not as good as ours!" Tianyin told everyone some information about the monster.

He had a brief encounter with the monster just now.

Although the monster's power is very strong, its defense power is not good, including other aspects, if you have to calculate it, it should be a pseudo nine-time tempering level.

If it is a little careless, the strong person who has been tempered nine times will be killed by the monster, and gnawed into nothingness!

"A bit more powerful than the first eight-legged monster. This tall humanoid monster should be a high-level eater." Tianyin commented.

All present were Tianjiao, far beyond ordinary people, and the strength of the gnawing, at best, was about the fourth-order emperor, not everyone's opponent at all.

But the gnaws also have an advantage. They are secretly moving in the gray fog, and appear silently. If one is not paying attention, I am afraid that there is a risk of falling!

"Low-level and high-level gnawingers have appeared. I don't know how many such gnawingers are in the gray mist?" Mu Qing's face was solemn.

He didn't ask Ji Yang, because this guy had just come out of the passage of the universe and it was unlikely that he knew so much.

"However, when the gnawing person appeared this time, the existence in the gray mist did not swallow the power in Tianyin's body. Why is that?"

Mu Qing then frowned again.

He really didn't understand what the existence of Grey Mist was thinking, he had made a move before, and directly swallowed the sacred statue in his hand.

But now, when the high-level eater appeared, he didn't do anything.

If it cooperated with the high-level eater and swallowed all the power in Tianyin's body, then maybe it would bring some trouble to Tianyin.

Mu Qing took a deep breath, and he became more confused.

He looked into the depths of the gray mist, and the soul was swallowed up by the existence as soon as he approached. Obviously the existence in the depths of the gray mist was still there!

"I don't know how many gnaws there will be..." Mu Qing whispered.

Now their biggest problem is that there are too many things they don't know!

I don’t know the origin of the existence in the gray mist, the specific strength of the enemy, and how many gnawingers...

There are too many unknown things, which is very detrimental to them!

"It is recorded in ancient books that there were many gnawing people created by that certain force or person. Although there is no clear record, according to my guess, there are at least tens of thousands!"

At this time, Mo Sen said that he, a strong man from the Temple of Ruthlessness, had a look of jealousy in his eyes at this time.


The faces of Tianyin, Zi Jinyuan and others were all surprised.

Everyone glanced at each other, a little hairy in their hearts.

The low-level eater who looks like an eight-legged monster already possesses the power to kill nine tempering Tianjiao, and the high-level eater must be even more powerful!

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