Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 987: parasitic

The atmosphere suddenly became serious.

There are tens of thousands of gnaws, each with the strength of eight or nine tempers, and under the gray mist, it makes the whereabouts of these gnaws hard to detect, which is very strange.

This is not something they can resist at all!

Mawson smiled, "The records in the ancient books are not necessarily correct, maybe there are only a few gnawing people in the gray mist."

"I hope so..." Zi Jinyuan sighed.

at this time!

There was another movement in the gray mist!

The only difference is that this time the sound is a scream!

A screaming scream came out from the gray mist.

Everyone was taken aback, what was going on?

It didn't sound like the sound of a gnawing person.

Is there anyone else in this gray mist?

"There are others! According to Ji Yang's words, Jian San brought a dozen people in with him." Mu Qing suddenly said.

He looked at the direction from which the sound came, and the scream was probably the sound made by Jian San's men.

Everyone is also staring at the direction that the voice is coming from. If it is a gnaw, they will give each other a heavy blow without hesitation!

At the same time, Xiao Xuan and several people are paying attention to other directions to avoid being attacked. Maybe the screams were made by the gnawing person to attract attention.

After a few breaths, the sound of footsteps came out, and a figure ran out.

This is a powerful emperor, a subordinate of Jian San, Mu Qing and others have seen each other during the previous battle.

But now, this low-ranking fifth-order great emperor powerhouse did not even have the power to fly in the air at this time, and he ran out from the depths of the gray mist.

His body was full of wounds, and he almost became a blood man.

Upon seeing this, Mu Qing even wondered if this guy had been swallowed by the gnaw, and the injuries on his body seemed to be left by the sharp teeth of the gnaw.


At the same time, three gnawingers rushed out of the gray mist, two low-level gnawingers with the appearance of an eight-legged monster, and a tall humanoid high-level gnawingers.

The characteristic of these gnaws is that there must be a mouth full of sharp teeth on the body!

The three-headed gnaws, unanimously culled to the great emperor.

Everyone also shot at this moment!

The power of Dao in Tianyin's body poured into the fairy sword in his hand and cut it away with a single sword.

Zi Jinyuan coughed and manipulated the terrible samādhi real fire, burning the space distorted.

Mawson blasted the high-level gnawing away with a palm, a terrifying force shook away, and a deep pit was exploded in the ground!

The defensive power of the two low-level gnawingers was even weaker, and they perished under the sword light of Tianyin and the real fire of Zijinyuan's Samadhi, their bodies were shattered by the sword light or burned to ashes by the flames.

As for the high-level gnawing man, most of his body was exploded by Mo Sen's palm, but with the help of the special gray mist, he quickly fled.

"Damn it!" Mosen cursed in a low voice. He wanted to kill the opponent directly with the palm of his hand!

"Be careful!"

At this time, Xiao Xuan suddenly shouted.

He saw a shadow appearing behind the great emperor who had escaped from the gray mist.

Mu Qing's twelve demon gods were united in an instant, and a terrifying aura burst out. In the blink of an eye, he came to the shadow's side, and the death sword was cut down!


The blade light mingled with the power of death directly stretched out hundreds of meters. The shadow was a high-level eater, but Mu Qing fell from the head and split it in half!

"Fortunately, I am also paying attention to this guy." Mu Qing sighed in relief after killing this high-level eater.

He and Xiao Xuan were both staring at the great emperor running out of the gray mist, so they were able to react immediately.

"Do not……"

Suddenly, the blood and wounded emperor beside Mu Qing let out a scream.

His body suddenly burst!

With a bang, blood splashed, and a lot of it was stained on Mu Qing's body.

A slightly smaller octopus crawled out of the flesh and blood, and the flesh and blood of the Great Emperor, the Devourer, grew in size at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Mu Qing was taken aback, but quickly picked up the knife and dropped the knife, and the light of the knife slashed across, splitting the bitter in half.

"Parasitic?" He frowned.

Mu Qing didn't expect that the gnaw would be parasitic in this great emperor's body!

And he grew up very quickly. After eating some flesh and blood, he immediately had the power to temper six or seven times.

"In the gray mist, we can't detect the actions of these gnawing people at all." Mu Qing said solemnly.

Everyone had a deep understanding and nodded.

Unless you see it with the naked eye, even if these gnawing people appear behind you, you won't notice it!

This seems to be relying on the power of the gray mist, which is terrible.

Everyone is more cautious, always observing the surroundings, so as not to be attacked by the gnawing that suddenly appears.

Mu Qing fell silent, he was thinking about one thing, how was that great emperor parasitized?

If it is parasitic silently, it would be too scary, maybe they will be recruited at any time.

"We can't just sit back and wait."

After a moment of silence, Tianyin spoke first.

Zi Jinyuan glanced at him and said, "Jian San has another statue of the holy object. If we find him and **** the statue of holy object from him, we may be able to leave here."

Tianyin nodded, that's what he meant!

Since the great emperor ran out in the gray mist before, it means that Jian San should not be too far away from them.

Although these people have backhands in their bodies, once they are seriously injured or dying, they will trigger the supreme power and take everyone away.

But it is too weird here. What if the triggered power fails and cannot be sent back?

After all, this enchantment was created by evil gods!

In any case, it is unrealistic to just stay where you are, and you can't expect the fog to disperse like before.

"But, that Jiansan owns the statue of the sacred object. Wouldn't he use the statue of the sacred object by himself and leave here directly?" The little fat man questioned at this time.

"This possibility is not ruled out, but it is very likely that Jiansan will remain in the gray mist. After all, his subordinates are still there." Xuanmu said solemnly.

According to the previous situation, it takes a while to mobilize the statue of the sacred object.

If Jian San encountered the attack of the gnawing person and did not have time to use the sacred object statue, then he must still stay in the sacred object statue.

The sacred object statue can enter and exit the death barrier, but the power contained is not too strong. Before, Mu Qing was able to forcefully break the sacred object statue when Ji Yang urged the sacred object statue.

If Jiansan used the sacred statue rashly, maybe he would be attacked by the gnawing at a critical moment.

However, there is also a possibility that Jiansan abandoned his men and left with a statue of sacred objects.

"We have to explore whether Jiansan is or not. I don't want to stay in place and wait for death." Tianyin said.

Everyone unanimously decided to explore in the direction where the great emperor ran over! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 987 Parasitic) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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