Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 992: Explosive Sword Three

"Do these guys know the secret of Grey Mist? Is it because of their appearance that caused Grey Mist to change?"

Jian San had a certain guess in his mind.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why Mu Qing and others appeared in front of him almost intact.

And he, a dozen people came in, only three people were left!

Including himself was a little embarrassed.

"Impossible, even the Holy Master did not find the secret of the gray mist. How can this group of guys have discovered the secret of the gray mist after only one day?"

Jian San quickly overthrew this idea in his mind.

Seeing that Jiansan and the others did not move, the crowd dispersed and surrounded the three of them.

"That guy escaped." Shu Ling suddenly said at this moment.

She was talking about Ji Yang.

"It's okay, you cursed him. As long as the heart is still there, it won't matter how far the guy can escape. Please solve Jiansan first." Tianyin and others didn't care at all.

Cursing Ling nodded, she mentioned, the main thing is to look at the meaning of other people. At other times, if Ji Yang dared to escape, she would have directly squeezed her heart, contacted by cursing, and killed Ji Yang in the air.

All eyes are on Jian San, they can get out of this death enchantment as long as they obtain the sacred object statue!

As for Ji Yang, everyone didn't care very much.

The gray mist is very strange, Jin Jiuyin took the opportunity to use the gray mist to leave the team without authorization.

With the help of the gray mist, Ji Yang escaped when everyone focused on Jian San.

However, the heart full of cursing power is still in the hands of the cursing spirit, and Ji Yang is useless no matter how far away.

"Jian San, hand over the sacred object statue, we will let you make a living." Mo Sen said solemnly.

The crowd surrounded the sword third class.

The current situation and situation are different from when they first encountered Jian San.

There were only three people on Jiansan's side, and all of them had certain injuries and consumption.

And on their side...

Ruthless Palace tempered the four Tianjiao nine times!

Heavenly Court tempered the four Tianjiao nine times!

There are even more than eight people in the ancient immortal world!

Among them, nine times tempered Tianjiao four people, eight times tempered two people, Mei Sanniang and Little Fatty were slightly weaker, but not much weaker, they all had hole cards.

Mei Sanniang was tempered five times, but as long as the energy in the body was enough, he could create countless divine thunder talisman at any time, and his strength was not weak.

As for the little fat man, there may not be many attack methods, but at the critical moment, open the Nine Heavens God Dragon Cover and help Mu Qing and others to cover it. Even Jian San can't break the Nine Heavens God Dragon Cover's defense!

There are a total of sixteen people, all of whom are powerful Tianjiao, and the weakest can be comparable to the first and second-order lower emperors.

Don't look at Mu Qing, here is the peak of the **** emperor.

But in fact, this is equivalent to sixteen great emperors!

Even if Jiansan's cultivation level reached the pinnacle of the lower emperor, it was useless.

The quantity gap is too big.

Sixteen to three!

The most important thing is that these sixteen people are not ordinary powerhouses. They all come from the supreme forces and have their own cards!

Nine times of tempering is equivalent to the level of the fifth-order lower emperor, but it is not what I think.

If Jian San wanted to kill a Tier 5 lower emperor, it would be a matter of one sword easily.

But he couldn't kill a Tianjiao who had been tempered nine times with a single sword. This was the gap!

Even giving him a hundred swords may not be able to kill!

"Everyone, this gray mist is weird and weird. Even if we are in a hostile relationship, in the face of the threat of gray mist, I think everyone should unite."

"You need my combat power."

Jian San said in a deep voice.

Although it seemed to be begging for mercy, the strength in Jiansan's body had been accumulating, ready to explode at any time to resist Mu Qing!

"Don't be kidding, the statue of the relic must be handed over!"

Zi Jinyuan gradually approached.

"Okay, I'll pay it!"

Jian San gritted his teeth, he actually compromised.

I saw that he took out the statue of the holy object from his arms, which was shining with golden light, which contained special power, but it had no oppressive power against the surrounding gray mist.

The statue of the sacred object was carried by Jiansan, because he planned to take the opportunity to urge him to leave the death barrier at any time.

Of course, there has never been this opportunity.

He threw the sacred statue out, and at the same time looked faintly at the surrounding gray mist.

Calculating the time should be almost the same.

He almost killed all the parasitic monsters of the previous batch, and counting the time, the next wave of parasitic monsters is about to appear.

Naturally, Jiansan couldn't be so stupid that he would directly hand over the sacred statue.

After all, the sacred statue is the only way for him to get back!

As for what Mu Qing and others said to let him go, it was even more impossible to believe it.

If he was only a person in the realm of the **** emperor, perhaps he would really let him live. After all, a **** emperor was not worth mentioning in the eyes of Mu Qing and others, and could be ignored.

But the problem is that Jiansan's strength has reached the lower peak!

A low-ranking emperor's peak realm powerhouse, how could Mu Qing and others let him go?

The direction in which the statue of Sword Sanjiang was thrown was Mu Qing's side.

Mu Qing himself didn't make a move, but with the flick of his fingers, he rushed out one by one, morphing into a demon god, covered with a huge palm, and wanted to grab the statue of the holy thing.

The eyes of the people in the Heavenly Court and Ruthless Hall flickered.

They have the intention to shoot!

But he didn't really do it.

If Mu Qing got the statue of the sacred object, and only let the people of the ancient immortal world teleport away from here, it won't be too late for them to make a move.

No matter which party gets the sacred object statue, when the time comes, only thinking about his own party's departure will inevitably be besieged by the other two parties.

And almost at the same time when Mu Qing's statue of Mo Sen received the sacred object statue, the sword three figure suddenly moved!

His two subordinates rushed towards both sides, and Jian San himself turned into a sword light, rushing to the ruthless palace Tianjiao behind!

This is beyond everyone's expectations.

Everyone guessed that the three major chances of the sword would be shot, but they didn't expect that the third sword would abandon the statue of the sacred object and kill directly behind him.

Mu Qing frowned, directly controlled the demon god, and squeezed the sacred statue.

A little golden light shattered and disappeared into the palm of the demon god.

"It's fake, it's condensed from part of the golden light power of the sacred object statue, and it's really still on Jiansan!" Mu Qing suddenly sipped.

Mu Qing had received the broken statue of the holy object, and soon noticed something wrong, and realized that the statue of the holy object was fake.

He didn't notice it at first, because this fake statue of sacred object was condensed with the power of real statue of sacred object, and the aura was exactly the same.

After getting it, Mu Qing realized that the sacred statue was fake.

As soon as Mu Qing said this, everyone immediately focused on Jiansan. It was the Ruthless Palace and Heavenly Court who directly attacked, and eight Tianjiao besieged Jiansan.

The ancient immortal world also took actions one after another, immediately causing a scene of sixteen people besieging one person.

The two Jiansan's men couldn't help being stunned when they saw this situation.

They have no rivals!

Seeing this situation, the two emperors had the same idea...


The two fled in two different directions. Mu Qing and others stared at Jian San. They plunged directly into the gray mist without any attack.


The strength of Jian San exploded, and a sword forced Mo Sen and Tianyin back. Seeing the actions of their two subordinates, they cursed in a low voice.

The danger in the gray mist is even higher, there are countless monsters, these two guys might as well come over and help him deal with these guys, maybe there is still a chance!

While cursing secretly, Jian San couldn't help but reveal a trace of doubt in the depths of Jian San's eyes.

Somewhat weird.

Why haven't the new batch of monsters appeared yet?

According to previous experience, when he destroys a batch of monsters, a second batch of monsters will appear soon.

But now it has been some time since he killed the first batch of monsters.

The second batch of monsters never appeared!

"Could it be that these guys really know the secrets in the gray mist?"

Jian San was shocked in his heart.

The Holy Master has not been able to discover a secret after studying for several months, but this group of guys discovered it in such a short period of time?

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why Mu Qing and others have hardly been injured, apparently they have not encountered a large number of monsters.

Unexplainable, no monsters appeared at this time.

Jian San's abacus was wiped out.

He tried to use the opportunity of the appearance of a large number of monsters to create chaos, but he found a way to escape.

Relying on the strength of his own lower pinnacle and the power of the monsters in the gray mist, it was enough to get away.

But he found that he was wrong, and the monster never appeared!

"At this moment of distraction, did you give up?" Xiao Xuan seized the opportunity and slammed Jian San with a punch, coughing up blood again and again.

Jian San gritted his teeth, turned his head and met Mu Qing.

Mu Qing is now in a state where the twelve demon gods are in one, and the aura explodes, and the magic knife is chopped down with a strong force of death.

The Sword Trinity sword came out, and the sky full of sword light roared, not only to resist Mu Qing, but also to resist a dozen other people!

There are so many opponents, even if he is a low-ranking emperor, he can't stand it.

At this moment, there was finally some movement in the surrounding gray fog.

Jian San looked happy, but the next scene made him almost cough up blood!

In the gray mist, several dark shadows rushed out, a total of four monsters, of which three were low-level and one was high-level.

This group was not a parasitic monster, but a gnaw, and part of the power in the crowd was swallowed by the air.

It's just that it wasn't as perverted as the Devourer, and all the power in everyone's body was swallowed in the blink of an eye.

Lei Ting took the shot, and Dao turned into a thunder dragon, roaring out, and directly blasting and killing a bitter.

As Zi Jinyuan coughed, Dao Ze was also incurred, and the real fire of Samadhi was evolving, and the gnawing at both ends wailed bitterly and burned to ashes.

For the last high-level eater, Mu Qing did not do it himself. Two demon gods stepped out behind him, rushed over, and tore the high-level eater to pieces.

Subsequently, the two demon gods returned and merged into Mu Qing's body, bringing his breath back to its peak state.

Mu Qing's Ten Thousand Demon Path is simply more marvelous than the external avatar and the various clones' supernatural powers. Fusion is his strongest state, and when dispersed, each demon **** still has powerful strength and can fight on its own.


Jian Sanyi fought more than a dozen people. In addition, he had suffered injuries and was too exhausted before. Some of them couldn't hold it. He coughed up blood repeatedly and suffered more injuries.

But what he can't figure out now is why he will be treated differently.

He had encountered countless monsters all the way down, and he had been fighting without any stopping time.

And it was Mu Qing and the others, there were only four monsters, and they were all weak!

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