Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 993: The end of the sword three

"Die to me!"

Jian San's appearance is a bit crazy, like a madman who has been stimulated, a series of horrible swordsman holes penetrated and swept around.

For a while, no one dared to fight with him, even Mu Qing retreated.

Mawson and others frowned.

In fact, they also noticed some problems.

They encountered very few monsters along the way, and their appearance intervals were very long.

From the appearance of Jian San, the other party must have encountered an unimaginable crisis.

Did Jian San actively touched the danger, or was there someone in their group who could prevent monsters from appearing in large numbers?

Although everyone was puzzled, the Siege of Jiansan did not show any mercy at all. The strongest fighters were actually Mu Qing and Shu Ling.

A nine-time tempering, but has twelve principles.

One has been tempered ten times!

The two put a lot of pressure on Jian San.

If Jiansan was still in his heyday, he might be able to escape from the siege of more than a dozen people or even kill one or two people.

But now it is impossible!

"Wait! There is something wrong with the gray fog around!"

The little fat man suddenly exclaimed.

"There are a lot of monsters approaching!" Mei Sanniang screamed.

She saw the gray mist surging violently, and dark shadows flashed by within.


There was a harsh roar, and hundreds of monsters rushed out of the gray mist.

The gray mist was surging violently in the depths, and there seemed to be a large number of monsters!

Everyone's pupils shrank, and invariably stopped the siege of Jian San.

It is the first time they have seen so many monsters appear at the same time in the gray mist for so long!

"Get closer!" Zi Jinyuan whispered.

At this time, I can't control so much, give up the siege of Jiansan!

Zi Jinyuan asked the people in the ancient immortal world to move closer, and the eight people back to back, looking around vigilantly.

They were immediately besieged by more than a dozen monsters!

Mu Qing merged with the six demon gods, and a thunder spear penetrated in his hand, directly strangling four or five monsters.

The remaining six demon gods stepped out of the void to help Little Fatty, Mei Sanniang and the others, and they were also fighting with the monsters.

"I didn't swallow the power in my body, this group of monsters are not gnawing people." Mu Qing's eyes flashed, and he immediately transmitted this discovery to Xiao Xuan, Zi Jinyuan and others.

This group of monsters, like the monsters Jiansan and the others encountered, possesses the ability to parasitize!

"Attention, the monster you are facing now has the ability to be parasitic. Once there is a wound, it will be taken advantage of if it does not recover immediately. Unless some special methods are used, it will be drilled into the body and it will be difficult to survive!"

The voice of Devouring Demon suddenly appeared in Mu Qing's mind.

Mu Qing held the Death Magic Knife in one hand, and the Thunder Spear in the other, showing that the power that appeared was quite amazing, and he could easily kill monsters.

From time to time, old dead trees appeared behind him, and branches fell, like spears, piercing through these monsters.

"Didn't you say that it will help me reduce the number of monsters appearing?" Mu Qing yelled in his heart.

Of course, even if the Devourer didn't answer, he almost knew the reason.

There are three monsters in this gray mist, the Devouring Demon, the Parasitic Demon, and the Red Demon.

Although they were all created by the so-called Demon Ancestor, it does not mean that these three monsters are friendly to each other.

The Devourer can restrain the monsters under its hands. Only two or three heads appear each time, but it does not mean that the Parasitic Demon will restrain!

"These monsters follow the instructions of the parasitic demon, and I have no way to interfere."

Sure enough, Devourer gave the same answer as Mu Qing's conjecture.

"However, I have said hello to it and the Red Demon, and try not to release a large number of monsters to attack you. Although the Red Demon did not answer, the Parasitic Demon agreed."

"It shouldn't allow so many monsters to attack you."

Devourer also felt a little weird.

What kind of test, in their opinion, is completely bullshit.

This morning, let people come into contact with the gray fog core, and then get recognized, they can go out from here, and then they only need to help a little to let the magic way develop, and then they can regain their freedom!

This is the order left by the Demon Ancestor. If the Demon Dao declines, reorganize the Demon Dao.

Their three-headed monsters were created by the Demon Ancestor. Although they all have their own consciousness and desire freedom, as long as the Demon Ancestor says, they have to do it. At most, they are lazy to a certain extent.

And the demon ancestor said that after they reorganized the magic way, they can regain their freedom.

Therefore, the goals of their three monsters can be said to be the same.

"Wait, I'll go to the Parasitic Demon." The hoarse voice of the Devouring Demon appeared in Mu Qing's mind, and then there was no more movement.

Mu Qing continued to kill the enemy, and the number of these monsters was increasing, from the original hundreds to thousands now being besieged.

Fortunately, most of them were directed at Jian San!

The three teams of them gradually merged. A dozen or so people formed a group, plus the little fat man’s Nine Heavens Dragon Guard. For a while, they could easily withstand the offensives of the monsters.

But Jian San was miserable, he was alone.

And these monsters didn't know what was going on, they kept swarming towards Jian San.

It seems to attack Mu Qing and others just incidentally!

"Damn it! What am I..."

Jian San finally couldn't help it, but just as he was about to swear, two figures appeared beside him.

The two great emperors who escaped before!

These two great emperors had a seventh-order lower position and a fifth-order lower position. They fled a while ago, but now they are back.

There was something wrong with their faces and some wounds on their bodies. At the moment, their eyes were cold, and they started to face Jian San.

"I said long ago don't run away alone!"

Jian San roared, he could naturally see that these two guys were parasitized!

Facing the two men's offensive, Jian San directly slammed a sword, and the sky-reaching sword light filled the surrounding space, and the bodies of the two men and the parasitic monsters in them were all torn apart.

The rain of blood fell, and Jiansan was besieged by tide-like monsters. He slashed out with one sword after another. Every time he burst, the sky was full of sword light, strangling hundreds or thousands of monsters.

But this time too many rushed out of the gray fog.

A steady stream!

A thousand dead, and a thousand more!

"Why not deal with them!!" Jian San roared again.

He was so angry that he coughed up a mouthful of blood!

He watched as a large number of monsters passed by Mu Qing and others, just to kill him!

Is there another king? !

But no matter what, even if you are angry, you have to do it!

With the sword in three hands, the sword fell, and various magical powers and sword moves were displayed, and a large number of monsters died at his feet.

His image is crazy, with countless sword lights all over his body, but he can hold on.

Seeing this, Mu Qing couldn't help but wonder, should he go in for a sneak attack and give Jian San the last blow?

As he was thinking, the gray mist around Jian San was surging.

A thin man walked out of it.

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