Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 994: Fall

The moment Jin Jiuyin appeared, all the monsters calmed down, and they even came to Jin Jiuyin's side neatly. They didn't even let out a roar, quite calm.

"Golden Jiuyin?!"

The people in Heavenly Court were the most shocked. They didn't expect Jin Jiuyin, who had left the team halfway, to appear at this time.

And has the ability to control these monsters!

Those monsters just stood beside Jin Jiuyin, seeming to be dominated by it.

And in the gray fog behind, dense black shadows emerged, and there were still a lot of monsters there!

"Jin Jiuyin, what do you want to do?" Hu Yibiao roared.

Jin Jiuyin loves to answer, turning his head slowly, looking at Jian San.


After Jiansan met Jin Jiuyin's gaze, his pupils contracted, feeling a fatal sense of crisis sweeping through his body.

He turned and ran!

At the moment when Jin Jiuyin's gaze was met, Jiansan's scalp was about to burst. The intuition in his heart told him that he should never look at the other party anymore. If he stared for another second, he might be wiped away instantly!

Although I don't know why Jin Jiuyin, a person who has been tempered for nine times, can bring him such a strong sense of threat, Jian San still chooses to trust his intuition!


At the moment Jiansan moved, the gray mist surged violently, and the dense surrounding monsters rushed out, crushing a large area, like a tide rushing towards Jiansan.

Jiansan's speed was very fast, but he couldn't stand the siege of so many monsters, and a large number of monsters rushed out in front of him.


Jiansan roared violently, and a silver giant wolf emerged from behind, along with the long sword in his hand, roaring towards the surrounding monsters.

The strength of the lower pinnacle broke out completely, these monsters couldn't get close at all, the sword light was too dense, and it was torn into pieces after a little touch.

At the same time, there was the silver giant wolf. Even in the gray mist, it could not cover its stalwart body. The paws were slapped, and hundreds of monsters were crushed into blood!

Zi Jinyuan and the others were all taken aback by the state of Jiansan. They did not expect that Jiansan, who had consumed too much and suffered a lot of injuries, still retained this powerful strength.

"He burned his holy spirit to burst out even more powerful power." Mu Qing said.

He looked at Jian San, and said, "In other words, this is a flashback and burns the Holy Spirit. Although it will not let him die directly, his strength will be lost afterwards."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, this Holy Spirit universe still has this hand?

But when you think about it carefully, the Dao they cultivated can even explode if they say so, and they should all be of the same nature.

Of course, no one will self-destruct their own doctrines unless they encounter a crisis that is difficult to resist!

The current sword three is doing the last resistance and desperately.

In the blink of an eye, he didn't know how many monsters around had been slaughtered!

Everyone looked at each other, and everyone's thoughts were surprisingly consistent.

Take the opportunity to escape!

Jin Jiuyin’s state became very strange, and everyone thought it would be better to take the opportunity to leave.

And the surrounding monsters almost all directed at the sword three, but there was no obstacle.


Zi Jinyuan let out a low cry, and rushed towards the back with everyone from the Ancient Immortal Realm.

However, at this moment, Jin Jiuyin's eyes flashed with a strange light, a flash, and directly appeared in front of the crowd, blocking them.

Everyone stopped and looked at Jin Jiuyin warily.

The other party was in a weird state and was able to control the monsters in the gray mist. They suspected that Jin Jiuyin had known the secrets in the gray mist a long time ago!

Mu Qing frowned in the crowd.

His heart sank.

After learning from Devouring Demon's mouth earlier that there were two of them who were qualified to obtain the gray mist core recognition, he guessed that this Jin Jiu Yin was another demon repair!

The other party was obviously hiding, and Mu Qing did not feel any fluctuations in the devilish energy of the other party all the way down.

But now, the other party apparently no longer hides.

Jin Jiuyin intercepted in front of the crowd, a burst of power permeated his body, and the darkness and gloom contained domineering power, which was devil energy!

Some people glanced at Mu Qing, and they also saw that Jin Jiuyin's power was exactly the same as Mu Qing!

"The Devourer said that if you find the core of the gray mist, you can get recognition. Isn't this Jin Jiuyin already recognized and become the master of the gray mist?" Mu Qing had some conjectures in his heart.

The Devourer said it was to find the Parasitic Demon to understand the situation, but until now, there has been no sound. Mu Qing knew that the Devourer had seen Jin Jiuyin's approval from the core of the gray mist, and ran to surrender. .

Of course, all this is just speculation.

Mu Qing's gaze also fell on Jin Jiuyin.

At the same time, Jin Jiuyin's gaze happened to fall on Mu Qing's side.


Almost for an instant, Mu Qing staggered. He felt that his soul had received a huge blow, and a terrible searing force was inexplicably swept all over his body, as if he was going to burn him to death!

He has never seen anyone look like this, full of burning meaning!

"Why? Jin Jiuyin's eyes are so terrifying? This looking at a terrifying ancient existence!"

Mu Qinghan was raining, gasping for breath.

Smoke is coming out of his throat!

Mu Qing's abnormal condition was naturally noticed by others, and everyone was taken aback.

Everyone was watching Mu Qing's previous combat effectiveness.

At the peak of the **** emperor, there are twelve principles, all nine times tempered, and each of them turns into a demon **** during the battle. After merging into one, the strength is almost comparable to the curse spirit tempered ten times! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

This Mu Qing was forced to this point by Jin Jiuyin's gaze!

"Are you okay?" Zi Jinyuan leaned over, his pupils slightly contracted.

He noticed that there was a terrible burning power in Mu Qing's body.

That's not fire, or it's just a breath that makes Mu Qing so embarrassed!

Zi Jinyuan and Xuanmu glanced at each other, and the two nodded, and came to Mu Qing's back to help him absorb and expel the burning meaning in his body.

Both of them are Tianjiao who are good at fire methods, but they can solve the problems in Mu Qing's body.

"Thank you."

After a while, Mu Qing improved a lot, but his throat was still hoarse.

At this time, a strange smile appeared on Jin Jiuyin's face, and his eyes burst with dazzling golden light, which made people unable to help but look away and dare not look at it.

Jin Jiuyin spoke, his eyes always on Mu Qing, and said: "You killed Mu Qing, and I will let you leave, otherwise, you will also be surrounded by endless monsters."

He pointed to the distance.

There, a screaming scream came.

Jian San was surrounded by dense monsters, and those parasitic monsters got in from his wounds and ate everything!

In the end, the soul and the Holy Spirit dissipated.

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