Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 995: Jin Jiuyin was parasitized?

A powerful emperor of the lower pinnacle was not attacked and killed by Mu Qing and others in the end, but fell under the siege of countless monsters.

This is a very humiliating way of death for a strong emperor. Instead of dying in battle with the strong, he was beaten to death!

Especially Jiansan's body was parasitized by these monsters and absorbed all the nutrients. A parasitic monster absorbed Jiansan's wolf-greedy spirit, and his body suddenly soared to hundreds of meters tall.

After all, this is the corpse of the emperor. These monsters parasitize and grow in their body, gaining more powerful power.

In just a few minutes, Jian San's body was completely gone, and there was no trace left.

Numerous monsters slowly moved to the side of Jin Jiuyin.

At this moment, there was a smile on Jin Jiuyin's face, and instead of letting the surrounding monsters take action, he quietly waited for everyone's reaction.

He waved his hand to hide the surrounding monsters into the gray mist, leaving a room for everyone to play.

"The monsters in the gray mist are almost endless. Unless you have the strength of the upper emperor, it is impossible to survive. It is best not to have a fluke."

Jin Jiuyin smiled.

He never made a move, but he controlled the monsters in the gray mist and was able to completely destroy everyone.

Mo Sen and the others were about to move, Tianyin frowned, but Zi Jinyuan stood beside Mu Qing, watching these guys vigilantly.

Ruthless Temple and Heavenly Court did not directly take action, and everyone did not understand why Jin Jiuyin would make such a request?

Does the other party have hatred with Mu Qing?

A trace of doubt also appeared in Shu Ling's eyes, and she felt that Jin Jiuyin had changed.

"Why don't you kill yourself?" Tianyin said solemnly.

Heavenly Court and Ruthless Temple are not stupid. At this time of infighting, they may end badly.

Everyone joins forces, maybe there is still a chance to resist.

"Since you can control these monsters, why don't you kill Mu Qing yourself, instead you want us to go?" Mo Sen sneered.

Jin Jiuyin was silent for a while, then smiled and said, "Because I can't kill him."

"I will not break my promise and kill him. I will release you from this death enchantment, and I will guarantee that you will not be harmed in any way!"

"The premise of everything is...Kill Mu Qing!"

Jin Jiuyin drank low.

These words made everyone's eyes flashed strangely.

Are all speculating, what exactly is the holiday between Mu Qing and Jin Jiuyin?

"No! It doesn't have to be a holiday, Mu Qing is full of demonic energy, and this Jin Jiuyin and that demon emperor...No, following that demon monarch's practice, they actually cultivated demon energy, this gray mist, it seems to be It has something to do with demonic energy!" Tianyin secretly guessed in his heart.

Tianyin suddenly thought of many things.

They were attacked by monsters very few times along the way, and only one or two monsters appeared each time.

This is completely inconsistent with the experience of Jian San!

Among them, it is probably related to Mu Qing or Jin Jiuyin!

It has something to do with the devilish energy on these two people!

Tianyin took a deep breath, there were still many doubts in his mind.

How did Jin Jiuyin's devilish energy come from?


Tianyin didn't know anything about the Moxiu faction.

In his cognition, only Mu Qing possesses demon qi, and it is produced by Mu Qing's demon blood.

According to Tianyin's understanding, there is a demon emperor in the heavenly court, and the realm of cultivation has even reached the point of extreme great emperor.

The devil emperor was called the demon king by some extreme high-level officials. Later, the disciple of the evil palace, Jin Jiuyin, became the disciple of the demon king. He disappeared for a long time, and only recently appeared, and suddenly possessed The strength of nine times of tempering!

Tianyin knew that the Demon Lord in the Heavenly Court was created by the Heavenly Court. The clone created by Emperor Anwu as the leader and relying on Mu Qing's blood of the demon race also possesses demon aura!

Could it be that Jin Jiuyin was transformed by Emperor Anwu? Or was it like Bai Duanxun, using magic blood injections?

Tianyin was full of doubts, but his intuition told him that things were not as simple as they thought, including the demon king.

"I just want to know now, which side are you on?" Lei Ting glanced at the monster shadow in the gray mist around him, then looked at Jin Jiuyin and asked.

"No more on either side." Jin Jiu responded faintly, with golden light flickering in his eyes, looking at everyone, "You'd better do it as soon as possible to kill Mu Qing."

"One thing you have to know is that I can't do it to Mu Qing, but I can do it to you, believe me, you are not my opponent!"

Jin Jiuyin's eyes are like flames, burning the void!

Even Tianyin and other Tianjiao who had been tempered nine times did not dare to look at him.

As soon as this statement was made, everyone's face changed slightly.

Indeed, Jin Jiuyin only said before that he could not shoot Mu Qing.

On Mawson's side, the four Tianjiao from the Temple of Ruthlessness have begun to accumulate their strength, and they seem to have a tendency to do it!

Tianyin, Hu Yibiao and others frowned. They didn't know what to do in this situation.

Do you really want to shoot Mu Qing?

If you shoot against Mu Qing, it would be equivalent to starting a war against the rest of the Ancient Immortal Realm. By then, you will be injured in both halves, and it is likely that all will be taken advantage of by Jin Jiuyin.

Based on his understanding of Zi Jinyuan and others, they would never abandon Mu Qing.

"what happened?"

Zi Jinyuan and others looked at Mu Qing, frowning slightly.

Although they chose to stand beside Mu Qing, they were also at a loss.

"I and Jin Jiuyin both possess devil qi, and both belong to demon cultivators, and this gray mist and those monsters are all related to demon cultivators. This demon cultivator was a supreme power countless years ago, and then disappeared."

"It is hard to say that only Jin Jiuyin and I are qualified to be recognized by the core of the gray mist, and in this situation, it seems that Jin Jiuyin has found the core of the gray mist..."

Mu Qing didn't care about so much at this moment, and told Zi Jinyuan and the others about all this.

Although Zi Jinyuan and others are from the ancient immortal world, they are not aware of the existence of the demon path. After all, only the extreme emperor will know about the matter of demon cultivating, because the demon path has disappeared. I don’t know how much. Years.

"That said, Jin Jiuyin suddenly left the team before looking for the core of the gray mist?"

Zijinyuan, Xuanmu and others were shocked.

Unexpectedly, this gray mist turned out to be an extremely imperial artifact!

"No, he shouldn't have been fully recognized by the gray mist core. Jin Jiuyin can't kill me or even hurt me. It's probably restricted by the gray mist."

Mu Qing felt that Jin Jiuyin might not be recognized by the core of the gray mist.

If you really get the gray mist core and can control this extreme imperial weapon, then with its power, it is easy to kill yourself!

At this time, the voice of Devouring Demon finally appeared in Mu Qing's mind.

"This guy in front of you didn't find the core of the gray mist, he was parasitized!"

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