Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 107 Writing an article? I can!

The second feature of the Valo battleship is the extensive use of lepton interference devices.

Being able to create lepton radar means that the Apocalypse civilization has gone very far in its research on leptons, and all of this was inherited by Valo and carried forward.

There are many types of leptons, and different leptons have different effects when released. For example, electrons can interfere with the operation of enemy ship force fields, and neutrinos can interfere with the process of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, affecting the power of nuclear weapons released by the enemy.

If the enemy knows nothing about Valo and is unprepared, they can even use neutrinos to interrupt the reaction of the nuclear bomb and turn the launched nuclear bomb into a dumb bomb!

Why do nuclear weapons have no place in the universe?

In addition to the existence of force fields, the large-scale application of neutrinos is also one of the reasons.

Qin Yue looked at these battleship knowledge and papers, and compared them bit by bit with the battleships brought by Moran Yunze, and soon had a relatively simple understanding of the types, strengths and weaknesses of the entire Waro ship. .

Want to know more?

The places where knowledge is stored should be major academies of science. When Qin Yue entered, he found that not only were the firewalls in these places very complicated, but a lot of confidential information was also physically disconnected and stored. Qin Yue couldn't even see it.

On his side, he was still searching for knowledge, but on the other side, Molan Yunze was about to explode!

Because the fact that people from the door-to-door area occupied the first two hundred places has been widely circulated on the Internet!

If it's just a rumor, forget it. The key is that someone from the area admitted it frankly when being interviewed!

This person has been a noble in the sect area for too long, and has become accustomed to his status and privileges. He doesn't think that controlling the quota is too much, and he even takes it for granted.

Since it was a matter of course, of course he would just say it outright when being interviewed by others!

Just like someone who says that 650 is not enough for a day, he is not stupid, but he is really no longer in the same world as ordinary people.

At this moment, the whole Moran exploded!

The candidates exploded. The candidates pointed at this and turned around. Of course they would explode!

The candidates' parents and relatives also exploded. They also expected the candidates to change their class, enter the door-to-door area, and then change the lives of a large family. Of course they would explode!

Then, countless melon-eating people also exploded.

Although there is no one around them participating in the genius battle, but there is no such thing now, it does not mean that there will not be any in the future.

When I take it later, or my son or grandson takes it, you tell me that this exam is just a show-off and nothing can be accomplished!

So what is the purpose of my current efforts?

The door-to-door area is also exploding!

Why do you disagree? Why do you dare to resist?

Our ancestors in the Shangmen District overcame all obstacles and established the Moran family out of nothing. Perhaps our ancestors were resourceful and talented, so they won the position in the Shangmen District in the genius war, and eventually developed into a large family.

After hundreds of years, or even thousands of years of hard work, why can you catch up in just one exam?

"If you ask me, you people in the lower gate area are not aware of the blessings in the midst of blessings. How wonderful your environment is, with high-rise buildings and suspended flying boats. The average life span of the people in your lower gate area is a little longer than that in my upper gate area. You Nothing to be dissatisfied with!”

"Then you come down and let me come up. I'll bask in the sun, and you can ride the flying boat!"

"Just a passer-by, I think there is nothing wrong with what the door-to-door area said. They are either themselves or family ancestors who have made great contributions to Moran. You can become a member of the door-to-door area in just one exam. It’s inappropriate to criticize their efforts over generations!”

"How do you know that I won't contribute to Moran if I become a member of the Shangmen District? After I became a member of the Shangmen District, I immediately led the fleet to destroy the Zhibai civilization next door!"

"How tall are you, Lu? I am your father."

"I think you discovered it too late. As early as four thousand years ago, when the Genius War allowed families to support battleships, this thing had already changed. They started with thousands more battleships than me. How can I still play?"

"Indeed, in the previous 10 Genius Competitions, the proportion of top 200 geniuses in the upper-door area has been rising. The proportion of upper-door area members in the last session has reached 99.6%. Even if no one makes it public this time, it is almost 100 %”

"There is no hope, Vallo is finished, the future belongs to Verota!"

"Ding, what was said upstairs? Why am I displaying this information here because it is suspected of undermining racial unity and not displaying it?"

Moran Yunze was lying in front of the table, looking at the comments flowing like a waterfall on the computer, feeling anger in his heart one after another!

Why is this, I want to work hard to reach the top 200! I even went against my ancestor's decision. Instead of conquering the heavenly civilization, I chose to cooperate with him!

If this kind of thing is exposed, then I will be guilty of betraying Valo!

In the end, what kind of predetermined quotas did you make?

How dare you!

Especially when I think that when I come back, I have already said harsh words to people in my family. If I can't do this, will I still have the face to see people?

It’s fake, it must be fake, someone is spreading rumors! What the person in the door-to-door area said may not be true, maybe he is putting more pressure on us...

He continued to refresh the post, and then saw the screen move, and then all the content disappeared.

Only one line of text was left: "According to relevant policies, the content of this post will not be displayed."

"Is this true?" Molan Yunze was silent.

He knows this Moran forum very well. If something is a rumor, the administrator will not care at all. Anyway, someone will come back to refute the rumor.

But if the post is true, involves conflicts between Shangxiamen District, and has a lot of followers, it will definitely be deleted!

So, it’s true, the first two hundred people are really booked!

Not only did they reserve a spot, they even dared to say so proudly!

Not only did they say it proudly, but they also blocked your channel to speak and did not allow you to comment!

Molan Yunze exited the interface and entered another one, but within a minute, seeing that the popularity was still soaring, the post disappeared again!

one more? Half a minute!

Another one, 3 seconds!

Until next one, there is no next one!

I checked the posts several times and not even a single one with relevant content is missing!

In other words, this type of post will be locked directly from the review period!

"You, how could you do this! Moran was just a small family back then. It was through the talent selection mechanism of genius battle that countless combat geniuses emerged and Moran developed to such a great level now. As a result, you If you don’t want to grow your family, you will only fight internally. Even a place like Genius Zhan is polluted! People are not allowed to speak. There are so many people who have seen the post and there are so many people who are dissatisfied. How can you stop Yuyou? Everyone?"

To resist, to scold, to express injustice!

Molan Yunze immediately wanted to drive his warship to the door-to-door area to bombard people, but he quickly calmed down. Let alone driving to the door-to-door area, if you don't apply, your warship will be stopped if you move it in the docking area. wreck!

So, looking for someone? Who can I turn to? I don’t know any big people at all!

Unless, I can unite more people!

Let’s express our protest together!

How to do? What can instantly resonate with most people, apart from music, is words!

So, I have to write an article!

Molan Yunze picked up the pen and was about to open a post. He had countless things to say in his mind, but when the pen was at hand, his mind suddenly became blank again.

Although he is not well-liked by his family, he has been well-dressed and well-fed since he was a child. He has received an elite education and has studied warship command. Where has he ever written an article?

For a moment, he didn't know how to start or how to fill in the content.

In fact, he didn't even know what he wanted to say.

"Secretary? You can't be a secretary. This is Vallo's internal affairs. How can she have the guts to get involved!"

"Looking for friends? But none of my bad friends are good at writing articles!"


Molan Yunze thought of someone.

The leader of a clan has lived for thousands of years and witnessed the rise and fall of history for thousands of years. He should be able to do it!

In particular, since he has nothing to do with Vallo, he should be able to write objectively.

In this situation, there is no need to deliberately cause hatred, objective expression of opinions is enough!

He got up, went out, came to the command room, and found Qin Yue who was lying down and seemed to be sleeping.

"Shihuo, Shihuo Emperorjun, can you write an article?"

"Huh?" Qin Yue, who was finishing his paper, suddenly opened his eyes: "What? Writing an essay? I'm very good at it! What to write about?"

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