Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 108 A virus of the special class

Molan Yunze told Qin Yue about his current situation, the debates and demands on the Internet, without hiding anything.

He didn't know that Qin Yue could log into Wallow's network, and the information density in Wallow was not very high, so the conversation actually lasted nearly an hour.

"So, the situation is like this, can you see if you can write it?" Molan Yunze asked.

Qin Yue pondered for a moment and said: "You mean, for the sake of their own interests, the Upper Gate District has controlled the channels for class advancement and blocked the ascending channels of the Lower Gate District and the Secret Gate District. Even after being pointed out by you, they still do not repent. Instead, you chose to delete the post and ban the comment, so you want to write an article to unite the people in the Lower Gate District who are oppressed by the Upper Gate District, and the people in the Anmen District, so that everyone can unite to resist the rule of the Upper Gate District? "

"Uh" Mo Lan Yunze was a little confused, is this what I meant?

I just want everyone to join forces to test the pressure on the upper gate area and let them release the quota!

But it doesn’t sound like there’s any difference?

"Well, that's right, that's it!" Molan Yunze nodded.

"Okay, I understand, I'll give it to you in ten minutes!" Qin Yue made a gesture, then turned around and took out the electronic board.

"Ah, ten minutes, is it so fast?" Molan Yunze was speechless: "Don't perfuse me. If you don't write well and you are ridiculed, it will be counterproductive!"

"Don't worry, who do you think I am!" Qin Yue haha, when you Wallow was engaged in cultural export, I was on the Internet with the group of public intellectuals all year round, and my skills are not inferior to anyone else!

If Tomoko hadn't been exposed, he would have handed in the paper in a second.

Molan Yunze nodded. He now has a home and cannot return, and Molan's system has betrayed him again. At this time, he is simply betrayed by everyone, and his loneliness has reached its highest level.

Unknowingly, Qin Yue has become his most trusted and dependent partner.

Sitting next to him and browsing information on the Internet, Molan Yunze felt angry one after another in his heart. But when he looked at Qin Yue who was writing furiously next to him, he calmed down again without realizing it.

Yes, although the heavenly civilization has declined, it is still a civilization that has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years. He must have a way!

Ten minutes later, Qin Yue put away the pen and handed the tablet to Molan Yunze: "Let's take a look, how about it?"

"Well!" Molan Yunze quickly took it and lowered his head to read.

Then, the expression on his face became more and more excited, and before he knew it, his fists were clenched!

"How is it?" Qin Yue asked softly when she saw Molan Yunze raising his head.

"This is so well written, and it expresses everything I mean, but it's so good that I even doubt that it will be locked if I send it out, and no one will see it at all!" Molan Yunze raised his head with a wry smile on his face. , you said you are good at writing, but you didn’t expect that you are so good at writing. This article has turned into a cannonball!

I, the person from the lower door area, was furious when I saw it, let alone the larger number of people from the secret door area.

If this article is published, it may cause earth-shaking!

"Someone actually deleted the post!?" Qin Yue asked curiously.

"Well, as long as the post is suspected of affecting the unity of Valor, as long as the popularity reaches a certain level, it will be locked." Molan Yunze said: "From just now to now, no less than 10,000 posts have been blocked in three hours. !”

"Really?" Qin Yue touched his chin. This operation did not seem to be solving the problem, but intensifying the conflict!

The ancestors of the earth thousands of years ago all knew that the mouth of the people is better than the river. If you keep their anger in your mouth, what will happen if the anger accumulates?

Especially with this wave of operations by Virota, posts are not deleted from the moment they are created, but deleted after they have gained a certain amount of popularity.

This is to attract enough melon-eating people and then make them angry again.

But will the angry crowd hate Verota?

No, because Virota is working for the Valo nobles, and their hatred will only be directed at the Valo nobles!

And there is no risk in Verota's doing this, because it is all for Vallo's good!

Not only do the upper-class Valo nobles not hate Verota, but they also have to praise Verota for doing a good job.

"So." Qin Yue figured out the problem and said, "The post will not be deleted. On the contrary, his popularity will be ridiculously high. Post it!"

After all, this post could almost divide Valo, so how could Verota delete it?

Molan Yunze nodded and started to operate the interface.

So a minute later, an article titled "A Letter to All Moran Compatriots" appeared on the website.

The next second, although the post was not pinned to the top, it still magically appeared on the homepages of tens of thousands of Wallow people in the Xiamen District and the Secret Door District, and was clicked by them.

After all, this title is very arrogant. All Moran compatriots, who wouldn’t want to click on it and take a look?

Then, an article that was just published had more than five million views in an instant!

"Dear brothers, sisters, parents and elders, hello everyone, as an ordinary Valoran who was born in Xiamen District and participated in the genius competition this year, I have traveled a long way and endured a lot of hardships. Finally, in front of the public, I can take on the name of genius on a platform like the Genius Battle, and work with everyone to determine the real genius.

For his own future and for the future of Moran.

Forty-seven years of study, twenty-eight years of simulated battles, and three years of exploration across the star sector have been windy, rainy, and muddy along the way, but I never talk about hardships, because these hardships will eventually turn into the qualifications for me to become stronger.

But the result is that some people are tarnishing my efforts, tarnishing the efforts of thousands of Moran geniuses like me, and tarnishing the efforts of all the ancestors who have sacrificed their lives and blood for geniuses to fight this system throughout the ages. !

So today is a sacred and memorable day for our Moran family, because on this day, everyone finally discovered some kind of problem that has been buried in our civilization that has never been discovered before.

It is certain that everyone thinks that what I said is to protest something. Just like the current trend on the Internet, everyone is angry, but no one can speak. Bright words will be banned, and euphemisms will be blocked. The vocabulary will be hidden, and we have to find some strange words to express our thoughts.

You may think that this is what I want to say

But no, I have never considered the behavior of certain people as a problem, because we can find similar problems in all civilizations from ancient times to the present.

This problem is so common that everyone takes it for granted, and even gradually becomes accustomed to it and adapts to it. Today we are faced with the problem of quotas for door-to-door districts. In the long history, this kind of thing has happened to hundreds of millions of people. This time, even if the people's demands are resolved and the quotas are released normally, it is foreseeable that such problems will still exist, continue, and intensify.

Until one day, all the passionate people have entered the door-to-door area, and then who will cry out for injustice anymore.

So I hope everyone will not regard this incident as an isolated incident. As long as the problem still exists, it will happen sooner or later, maybe to us, maybe to our descendants. If this problem is not solved, sooner or later those high-minded people will Will continue to appear!

Here, I will first put forward my point of view:

A virus, a virus of the privileged class, is lying on the body of our civilization and doing whatever it wants! !

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