After the successful development of controlled nuclear fusion, the lithium-cobalt crystal battery studied by Zhang Bo has become the most mainstream commercial battery. Its inventor Zhang Bo has naturally made a lot of money.

However, the good times did not last long. Later, lithium-cobalt crystal batteries were replaced by graphene batteries. After Zhang Bo became a rich man for a short period of time, he fell from the altar and disappeared.

He's a big shot, but not that big.

If he was a military strategist, Qin Yue would probably want to poach him, but it's a pity that he is a scientist.

Being able to deduce technology, the last thing he needs is a scientist, so he should leave it to the country!

"Do you know me?" Zhang Bo's voice was a little excited. People like me who do basic research are not as famous as those who are engaged in theoretical physics, or those who are easy to win awards. I didn't expect that just by meeting someone, they would know me!

No, look at the person below, he should also be researching materials, that is, a colleague. If he is a colleague, it would not be surprising if he knows his name.

"Brother, who are you? Which institute do you belong to?" Zhang Bo asked.

He no longer had the idea of ​​exploring the secrets. Since they were colleagues, it might be another group's project. If he asked, he would be suspected of exploring other people's research secrets.

However, since it has been used in mining machines, it is obvious that the research has produced results and is not far away from being announced, so it is not too much for him to ask now.

"Come with me? I'm not a fellow traveler." Qin Yue shook her head, knowing why she met such a big boss like Zhang Bo!

In today's Xinghai, there are only a limited number of places available. Soldiers are busy fighting wars or mining. Those who have free time are either government bosses on vacation or scientists running around in ships they built.

As for those who have the ability to design their own spaceships and use them for ship racing, they are most likely technology giants.

Since this is a ship racing venue, even if it's not Zhang Bo, it's some other big shot.

"As for my ship, you'd better not know anything about it!" Qin Yue continued: "Just pretend you didn't see anything!"

"Oh!" Zhang Bo nodded and understood: "I understand, I understand, then you continue?"

If you are not a colleague, that means you are not a scientist.

But he also drives a mining machine that uses new materials, so he is a test pilot for the military?

Sure enough, the military's research institutes also have capable people. Since it is a military project, it is probably kept confidential. It is indeed a bit inappropriate to go and inquire about it rashly.

"Well, brother, you'd better find another place to mine. Several of us have agreed to come over to race ships. Now it's just me who has seen it. If you wait a little longer, more people will probably see it!" Zhang Bo said.

"Okay!" Qin Yue nodded: "Then I'll run away first!"

"This job is a bit rough." Looking at Zhang Bo's leaving figure, Qin Yue shook his head. It was indeed his problem that he did not disguise the mining machine, but in his consciousness, carbon-titanium nanomaterials were already very important. It was a backward technology, and he didn't expect that this would be noticed.

But it doesn’t matter, there’s no need to paint anymore.

Because we have already dug up enough materials for the two electromagnetic guns!

put up!

At the same time, blue-white particles surged out from the tail of the Emperor Jun. The entire ship was like an arrow, streaking across the night sky and heading deeper into the universe.

"Brother Luo, do you know what I just saw?" On the other side, Zhang Bo, who had just flown far away, was chatting happily with his colleagues.


"You swear first not to tell anyone!"

"What kind of secret are you still doing this?"

"National secret!"

"Okay, okay, I swear, what next?"

"And you are so big. Since it is a state secret, how could I possibly tell you, eh?"

"what happened again?"

Zhang Bo looked at the surveillance screen blankly. The blue light that cut through the night sky, wasn't this the giant whale just now?

What is this? I was overtaken by a mining machine?

This is an engine specially designed for racing ships!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the golden crow turns into a rainbow!" Qin Yue controlled the Emperor Jun, flexibly dodging meteorites one after another. Although these operations can also allow Zhizi to come, it is rare to be happy. Why should he give up this opportunity? Give it to it!

Speaking of which, since being reborn, it seems that my mentality has become younger along with my body?

I still remember the topic tens of thousands of years later, whether the soul affects the body or the body affects the soul. Now it seems that the body can obviously affect the soul.

20 minutes later, after passing the last meteorite, Qin Yue's front suddenly became empty!

The asteroid belt passed through!

Then, keep going!

The spacecraft speed has reached its maximum speed, 3.27 million kilometers per hour, which is 0.3% of the speed of light!

In fact, the nuclear fusion-powered engine has great potential and can reach 6% of the speed of light. However, Qin Yue's ship only has one engine and does not carry much fuel. It cannot accelerate without a bottom line, so that's all it can do.

Two hours later, Qin Yue plunged into a meteorite belt again.

This meteorite belt is not an asteroid belt. They are asteroids blown to the edge of the star's gravity by the solar wind. On the Earth's side, such a meteorite belt is called the Kuiper Belt. Later, its official name was called circumstellar gravity. meteorite belt.

Meteorites that can be blown away by the solar wind are lighter in mass, but if they collide with a spacecraft, the spacecraft will still lose, so it’s time to test technology again!

Qin Yue controlled the spacecraft and passed through the meteorite belt like a butterfly flying through flowers. By the way, he also dug up a few meteorites with high carbon content to use as fuel.

Half an hour later, the Dijun finally passed through the meteorite belt and came to a strange nebula.

The Tianqin Nebula is a nebula that occupies 22% of the Tianqin star region. The interior is filled with various high-energy rays, meteorites, dust, hydrogen, water vapor, and several star systems. Qin Yue remembers that there is another one like Mercury inside. The diamond star is large, with 17% of its internal composition being diamonds. However, because the owner has been controlling production, diamond prices have not plummeted.

Because high-energy rays interfere with electromagnetic waves, in this nebula, it is impossible to communicate with the outside world using Earth's technology. Also, due to dust interference, optical detectors do not work well. In addition, the sources are filled with ice cubes and meteorites.

The spaceship is like a forbidden area here, unable to move forward at all. If you are not careful, the ship will be destroyed and everyone will die.

But this place is very suitable for Qin Yue, because his talent is electromagnetic interconnection, and electromagnetic waves are everywhere here, giving him the feeling of returning home.

Various electromagnetic waves and particle flows, just like his eyes, coupled with Sophon's driving assistance system, mean that meteorites cannot be an obstacle to him at all. If they are discovered in advance, they can easily escape if they are not discovered.

"The road I took seems to be called a route in later generations? A route can sell hundreds of thousands of star sea points!" Qin Yue looked at the abnormal gravity index on the control interface.

It's a pity that he won't sell this route. From another perspective, the forbidden area means absolute safety!

Such a safe place would be perfect to use as a base!

Opening the electromagnetic gun operating interface, Qin Yue looked forward, just waiting for the blue light to flash!

Fire directly!

His future base still has an owner!

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