Although Xinghai is a sea of ​​stars and a science fiction-oriented world, it is not materialistic.

In other words, not only the objects on the earth, but also because the technological tree of the earth has been developed too univocally, which has led to many strange phenomena being cast in a mystical color.

For example, the creature that was floating in front of Chen Xi at this time was later named the Floating Blue Dragon. Due to the harsh environment in the early days and the difficulty of catching the Floating Blue Dragon, people once believed that it was a magical creature that could control thunder and lightning flames.

Later I learned that this is an amino life form. It breathes fire because its breath contains methane and ethane. It controls lightning because the scales of this creature have superconducting properties under the control of bioelectricity and can spontaneously erupt. Create an electromagnetic field around you.

The planet in front of Qin Yue is an undeveloped virgin land. Forty-eight thousand kilometers above the planet is the habitat of the floating blue dragons. If you want to enter this planet, you must first pass through the floating blue dragons. .

But the floating blue dragon is not a good-tempered creature, so it will not take the initiative to give way. If the body of this kind of creature hits the spacecraft, it will affect the normal operation of the electronic equipment inside the spacecraft. Using cannonballs to open the way is the most effective way. Good choice!

"Ang!" Along with the fluctuations in the atmosphere, the Dijun captured the sound of a strange yet familiar animal.

He said it was familiar because he knew it was the cry of the Fuyou Blue Dragon. He said it was unfamiliar because when he knew about creatures like the Fuyou Blue Dragon, they were already on the verge of extinction.

The Fuyou Blue Dragon was flying smoothly in the sky when a strange creature suddenly appeared and launched an attack without saying a word. Of course they were not happy about it.

But it's useless to be unhappy, the gap in combat power is too huge!

Even though there are hundreds of millions of floating blue dragons, it's useless. They don't have a few ounces of flesh on their bodies, and their bodies are filled with all kinds of flammable gases. If a cannonball is fired, their bodies will be exploded directly, and the cannonballs will rub against the atmosphere. The heat caused will also directly detonate the gas. If a cannonball is hit, it will trigger a large series of explosions.

That is to say, the oxygen density on this planet is not high, and the series of explosions will end soon. If it were an environment like the Earth, one cannonball would probably kill them all!

"It's too fragile. No wonder it's extinct. Killing millions with one shell is just okay!" Qin Yue looked at the fireworks in front of him. The whole process was like using an electromagnetic gun to pop up a balloon. He didn't encounter any problems along the way. When there was no resistance, a passage dozens of kilometers long was created!

Although he had already watched the documentary about the floating blue dragon, he was still shocked when the content in it became reality.

It is a miracle that Fuyou Blue Dragon can evolve itself to be so fragile.

The Fuyou Blue Dragon may not have thought this way, nor did they expect that they had escaped the natural enemies on the ground, but it turned out that the enemies came from space.

Qin Yue accelerated directly and passed through the passage. Whether the floating blue dragon was protected or kept in captivity was a matter for the future!

Although the Dijun is a mining machine, it also has the function of flying and docking in the atmosphere. This high temperature will naturally not affect it.

"I'm still catching up, but it's a pity that you can keep up with my speed!" Qin Yue looked behind him, and the remaining floating blue dragon on the edge of the explosion chased up along the passage like crazy, but their speed was too slow. , but was thrown out of sight by Qin Yue in the blink of an eye!

Qin Yue just fired all the way and moved forward, but after thirteen rounds, his eyes suddenly became clear!

He has passed through the group of floating blue dragons!

What comes into view is a dreamlike new world filled with blue plants!

The earth is also called the Blue Star because the sea is blue.

But this planet is a real blue star, because the plants on the entire planet are mainly blue. Coupled with the deep blue ocean, the entire planet looks like a sapphire suspended in space. !

This is also affected by the star light frequency of this galaxy. On other living planets, Qin Yue has also seen dark green, grass green, light green, dark blue, and light blue plants, but in general, they are all blue-green. Lord.

"Jialan Planet is here!" Qin Yue's face was full of excitement, and then he immediately shouted: "Zhizi, eliminate the reconnaissance ships and scan around the planet to look for civilized buildings!"

"Yes!!" With that said, eight small reconnaissance planes left the Emperor Jun and flew away in eight directions.

As for him, he hovered in the air for a while and then flew towards a mountain.

There are fewer mountains on Jialan Planet than on Earth, but the mountains are also higher than on Earth. The one in front of Qin Yue is the first mountain range of Jialan, the main peak of Xumi Mountain Range, Tianzhu Peak, with an altitude of 12,441 meters.

Of course, these are all names for future generations, but Qin Yue called it smoothly and didn't bother to change it.

He wandered around Mount Sumeru for a while, and finally found nine small ravines not far away.

This is actually easy to find. The entire map is a regular nonagon, and the nine ravines are the nine corners of the nonagon.

In the center of the nonagon is a flat piece of land, which does not look like a natural formation. At this time, the land is covered with blue grass, and many strange-shaped creatures are walking around. There are small patches scattered on it. The lakes and ponds are like mirrors.

The entire nonagon covers an area of ​​125 square kilometers, which is 25 kilometers in length and width.

"Master, this does not look like a natural environment, it seems to be a man-made area." Tomoko reminded.

"It was not naturally formed in the first place!" Qin Yue said softly: "Just imagine, if a huge spacecraft with nine supports fell down and landed on the ground, what would the traces look like?"

"Ah!" Tomoko was stunned, and an image came into his mind.

So this is what I'm looking at.

However, this is too exaggerated. What is the concept of a battleship with a diameter of 25 kilometers?

"Okay, don't think too much. No matter how awesome it is, it's a thing of the past. Everything it leaves behind now belongs to me!" Qin Yue greeted: "Fall down in the center of the pit, and then we will This pit is the center. When building the base, the entire pit must be occupied so that no one can see the original shape!”

"Are there any special products in this pit?" Tomoko asked.

Otherwise, why occupy it like this?

"Yes, yes, but that's not the point!" Qin Yue shook his head.

The point is, such traces cannot be exposed.

The original earthlings were too naive. They did not want to cover up the traces left by this kind of pre-civilization. Instead, they used it as a gimmick to promote it. In the end, Jialan Planet was built into a tourist star, and the ruins were redeveloped, and all the turf was covered. Shovel it off and post the photos all over the internet!

How do you know this civilization has no enemies?

What would his enemies do if they knew that their enemies had left a legacy to a nascent civilization?


You said you didn't receive any inheritance?

Do you think I believe it?

"Ding, master, found it!"


A picture opened on the screen. It was a picture of a pyramid hidden in the dense jungle!

In the distance of the pyramid, surrounded by mountains and surrounded by smoke and clouds, the whole place looks beautiful, like a fairyland.

"That's it. If I remember correctly, this is called the Circular Ruins!"

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