Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 188 Going back to the previous life

The border of Valo's Second Hump is the Egret Galaxy. Crossing the Egret Galaxy is a market area, the border market area.

The Ruins area is a star area with no stars, planets, or high-quality celestial bodies in the star area. There is only a void area.

The cause of the ruins is unknown. It may be that the stars and planets were damaged by war, or it may be that mining by advanced civilizations hollowed out the stars and planets.

There are large and small ruins. The small ones may be only a few hundred kilometers long, but the large ones may be millions of light years away!

The border market area is not super big, but it is not too small either. It is enough to block Vallo from expanding outward.

There are no stars or planets in the ruins area, but that does not mean there is no matter. On the contrary, there are all kinds of messy meteorites, strange starry sky environments, and weird and twisted magnetic fields, which lead to astronomical phenomena that are difficult to see in other star areas. , astronomical disasters are indeed very common in market areas.

It's not as good as a real astronomical disaster, but it's enough to filter out many low-level battleships.

For example, in the meteorite storm in front of Qin Yue, under the strange changes in the gravitational field, countless meteorites gathered together and moved along a strange trajectory. Due to the strange changes in gravity, the trajectories of these meteorites were also messy and impossible to predict.

When Qin Yue saw the group of meteorites from a distance, she didn't even react. She rushed in and realized something was wrong. She quickly opened the force field, then switched to Sophon control mode, and used Sophon's precise judgment to dodge the coming and going meteorites.

The 30-meter-long fish intestine is like a small yellow croaker mixed in with the whales among the meteorites. It is not conspicuous at all.

Even for meteorites that are very close, the gap in the middle is more than 30 meters, and the Yuchang can easily pass through it. Therefore, although there are many meteorites, under Sophon's control, they are not dangerous.

From the perspective of outsiders, the ship's sailing trajectory is very thrilling, and it often passes by meteorites. It seems that as long as there is a problem with the control, the warship will hit the meteorite.

But according to Tomoko's calculations, this can all be avoided 100%, veteran driver, it's very stable!

Half an hour later, the Yuchang finally rushed out of the meteorite wave, but before he could even breathe a sigh of relief, several electromagnetic cannons hit him!

"It's coming, it's coming!" Unbridled laughter came from the public frequency: "The boat in front of you must stop quickly!"

"Star thief?" Qin Yue was happy.

The word "star thief" has appeared many times before, but Qin Yue has never encountered it because he has been operating in Valo and basically in peaceful places.

But when we arrived at the Valo border, we encountered him immediately.

The composition of star thieves is very complex. It is not the thieves who specialize in robbery in the star sea who are called star thieves. In fact, most star thieves are businessmen in formal civilization.

They conduct business in a disciplined manner within the scope of civilized military management, but as long as they go to places without surveillance, they may turn into star thieves at any time.

There are also some black gloves raised by some forces or families, which are used to do things that are inconvenient for you to do, such as attacking peers and assassinating enemies.

There are very few professional star thieves who actually make a living by robbing. Because they have insufficient logistical supplies and no power support, they can easily lose in battles with other star thieves and then perish.

However, because such professional star thieves are not restricted by other forces and can expand on their own, they can easily grow stronger. As long as they can develop under heavy shackles, they will become legendary star thieves who overwhelm many civilizations.

The group of star thieves in front of Qin Yue should be the star thieves who were raised here, specifically watching the ships rushing out of the meteorite storm.

Meteor storms are so dangerous that ships passing through them are either severely damaged or their pilots' energy is severely depleted.

No matter which one it is, the strength will be greatly damaged. If you see the star thief at this time, there is basically no possibility of fighting back, so the success rate of robbing these ships is also very high.

But they misjudged Qin Yue’s strength.

Four quantum laser cannon barrels protruded from both ends of the battleship. The person who was still shouting on the public channel had already seen it, and then his words stopped instantly!

"Ji, ji, laser cannon? A third-level battleship?"

"How is it possible? That laser cannon should be a simple laser, not a quantum laser."

"But if it weren't for quantum lasers, who would use laser weapons?"

Qin Yue didn't give them time to think and launched directly!

I saw light flashing several times, and the four cannons fired 12 waves of lasers in an instant. The next moment, the twelve Star Thieves' ships exploded instantly, becoming shipwrecks in the market area.

There are many such wrecks in the market area. Except for a few that died from natural disasters, most of the rest came here in this way.

Qin Yue approached these battleships, scanned them again, and then shook his head.

"Poor man, they are all battleships, and they are equipped with second-level battleships. With such strength, they dare to come out to rob!" But after all, these ships were dragged into the circular ruins by Qin Yue.

After all, it can also refine a lot of metals. It will not be a problem to make ten fish intestines together.

Without the interference of the meteorite storm, Qin Yue's radar observation range directly extends to 0.2 light-years away. If there are star thieves, they can be seen from a long distance away.

Most of the star thieves here are from Valo and are not very strong. Naturally, star thieves cannot acquire starships, which are only available to the military. But battleships? Regardless of whether it is level two or level one, they are destined to be unable to fight back against fish intestines.

After all, although Yuchang is small, it is an out-and-out third-level battleship!

So Qin Yue went all the way to block the gods and kill the gods, and the Buddhas blocked the Buddhas. When he saw the star thief, he didn't even hide. He rushed over, fired a few cannonballs to deal with it, and then left with the loot.

Although he would also take detours to chase down the Star Thieves, his main route had never deviated and had always been moving in a straight line.

The distance to the ruins area is quite wide. Qin Yue has been here in his previous life, but he did not have the instrument to record the coordinates in his previous life. The Wallow database does not have the coordinates of the star gates in the ruins area. Therefore, he cannot use the small universe to jump and can only go there stupidly. Fly forward.

His speed is 0.12% of the speed of light. For Qin Yue, who has just entered level three and is still using the Hu Quantum Tidal Battery for power and has not yet developed a gravitational field engine, it is already very fast. However, it is still very fast to travel across the entire market area. It took him 240 days and the voyage exceeded 7.5 billion kilometers!

But Qin Yue is already very satisfied. In his previous life, he drove a second-level battleship, and it took him more than 80,000 days to fly out of the market area!

The slow speed of the spacecraft is one reason, and the other reason is that he doesn't know the way or where the star gate to the outside world is, so he spends most of his time going in circles.

Qin Yue's trip is to walk the path of his previous life.

274 days ago, the Red Cavalry United Army entered the Star Valley River and launched a general attack on Valo. The front line was collapsed at the first touch. The Red Cavalry United Army captured the Star Valley River in one day and occupied more than 70 star sectors in three days. 1 In just one month, they occupied fourteen mountains, which is comparable to the territory of a king!

As Qin Yue expected, the deterioration of the war situation forced Valo to join forces with Virota to develop more advanced starships and mobilize a large number of Valo and affiliated races to participate in the war.

As the supply lines and battle lines lengthened, the attack speed of the Red Cavalry Alliance gradually began to slow down. After all, before, one fleet defended one star gate, but now it is one fleet defending thousands of star gates. With thousands of star gates, the troops are bound to be dispersed.

However, Wallow's side has a steady stream of soldiers being replenished. The huge territory and countless resources can be quickly manufactured into warships and put into the battlefield.

It stands to reason that a civilization that has been peaceful for a long time should not have so many standing troops. However, in order to rebel, several subordinate races such as Virota have been supporting Varo to expand the number of fleets for thousands of years, so that they can add their own people.

The policy that was clearly set up for rebellion actually had a miraculous effect at this moment!

After the second month of the war, due to being overwhelmed by the number of troops and fleets, the Red Cavalry United Army, which still had an advantage in technological strength, was defeated on multiple battlefields, and there were still battles for star gates in more star regions. They failed to win the battle and instead fell into a stalemate!

At this point, the war between Red Cavalry Civilization and Valo completely turned into a pot of porridge.

But Qin Yue saw the decline of Wallow's side. Because the Red Cavalry United Army has a higher technological level, they can transform the same occupied star area into strength countless times in a short period of time, while Wallow can only tap the existing Has war potential.

In other words, the Red Cavalry United Army can still increase its strength hundreds of times, but Valor can't.

So at the end of the fight, Qin Yue must be the one to end the fight.

But he is just a newbie who has just entered the third level. Even with the help of Sophon and a one-man army, Qin Yue is not sure of defeating the Red Cavalry United Army.

Therefore, Qin Yue must become the third-level peak civilization before Valo completely collapses!

Maybe level three is not enough, level four is more secure!

You will definitely not be able to upgrade by relying on Wallow to practice hard. Fortunately, Qin Yue is a reborn person, and now is the time to take advantage of the reborn person!

Take the path of your previous life again and rely on your foresight to get promoted quickly!

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