Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 189 Yellow Sand Star

The starry sky is boundless, the universe is vast, and the Baigen Star Region is boundless.

This is another super star region, and its area is several times that of Xinggu River.

Because the entire star sector is in the hands of different forces, and each force hides from each other. In addition, there are various buildings and technologies that hide the light of stars, which makes it very difficult to count the number of stars in the entire star sector.

In the previous life, a research report issued by Jingmingshe, a well-known neutral astronomical research institution, showed that there were a total of 2,298,574 stars in the entire Baigen star region.

But Qin Yue no longer needs to read newspapers in this life, he has the artifact Bao Luo Tianjue.

He released Baoluo Tianjue as soon as he entered the star gate. Although the galaxy is very large, Baoluo Tianjue is the technology of a fifth-level civilization after all. Curvature flight is a basic operation, and the calculation speed is only one slower than when measuring ordinary star areas. After about 14 minutes, I finally got the accurate data.

There are a total of 2,354,769 stars, 2 super large black holes, and 14 small black holes in the Baigen star area.

Because of the gravity of the black hole, the shape of the entire Baigen star region is like two magatama-shaped galaxies combined. The core of magatama is two super black holes.

In addition, on top of the two magatama, there is a small magatama, which is only one-tenth the size of the two large magatama. The core of this magatama is the 14 small black holes. The gravitational fields of these 14 black holes are interconnected with each other. Attraction is actually merging with each other.

However, this fusion process is very slow. According to estimates, it will take about 2.2 billion years to complete the fusion.

This small magatama is an outright dangerous zone because of too many black holes, chaotic gravitational field, and aerial earthquake events from time to time.

But because of its complex environment, many civilizations chose to leave their ruins here when they collapsed. After all, the chaotic environment here is a natural screening formation, which can filter out those explorers who lack strength and have bad luck, and the rest are naturally the ideal inheritors of civilization.

This small magatama galaxy is called Gen Dou Galaxy, also known as Gen Dou Forbidden Land.

The remaining two magatama pieces, the one on the left is Genliang Galaxy, also known as Zuogen Galaxy, Genyuan Galaxy, and Zimu Galaxy.

The one on the right is the Genyu Galaxy, also known as the Right Gen Galaxy, the Gen Rafter Galaxy, and the Vertical Eye Galaxy.

In addition to these names, there are actually many nicknames. Basically, when a civilization arises here, a new name will appear. The cycle continues, and the name has been changed hundreds of times.

Qin Yue collected all the quantum laser cannons, and the speed of the spacecraft quickly slowed down. If a spacecraft is judged by its technological content, it basically depends on the power system and weapon system. As for the outer armor, unless it is a strong interaction material with distinctive characteristics material, otherwise it would be difficult to judge what level the ship belongs to from the outer armor.

Qin Yue slowed down and put away the weapon system. In the eyes of outsiders, this was a first-level or second-level battleship. The possibility of second-level battleships was even higher. After all, first-level battleships sailed in the galaxy. It’s all strenuous, let alone across galaxies.

The spacecraft slowly approached the star closest to him, and then he was stopped at the edge of the galaxy.

"Ship ahead, you have entered the Black Loach Society's sphere of influence, stop reporting immediately!" The two warships wandering at the edge of the galaxy are three hundred meters long and 120 meters wide. They are large in front and small in front, round in front and thin in back. Like a fat-headed fish.

One of the ships sent a voice message, which was repeated several times in multiple languages, for fear that Qin Yue would not understand it.

Among them is the Waro language.

Society is a force that exists widely in the star sea. In a general sense, any force that has its own small universe, sphere of influence, subjects, and fighting force, and is not created by a separate civilization, can be called a society.

A society can be a force of justice or a force of villains. They can farm and support their families honestly, or they can go out to rob. However, within the scope of the society, there will generally be a certain order to facilitate communication with other forces.

This is the reason why Qin Yue named Yuanyi Society She. He inherited the naming habit from his previous life. In fact, Walo was a feudal dynasty ruled by small and large families. Before Yuanyi Society, there were no people in Walo Something like society.

Qin Yue stopped the boat. There was a huge scanner on the top of the two boats. So this was not a fat-headed fish, but a lantern fish?

"What are you doing in our Black Loach Club?" the public channel continued to ask.

"Come to trade!" Qin Yue replied.


"Huang Shaxing!"

"Another Xinghai businessman who wants money rather than life!" complained in the public channel, and then a ship suddenly stretched out its gun muzzle and aimed at Qin Yue's battleship.

Qin Yue didn't panic at all, and saw a ray of light flying out of the running mouth, and then nailed to the shell of Qin Yue's battleship.

"This is the general order for Huangsha Star. You can only go to Huangsha Star. If you break into another planet and are shot down, don't blame me for not warning you!" the public channel said, and looked at the computer again. data, and then enter four words in the filing information: two, ignore.

As we all know, materials with higher hardness can scratch materials with lower hardness, but materials with lower hardness cannot scratch materials with higher hardness.

The material of the pass is not widely applicable, but its hardness is extraordinary and belongs to the second level.

Since they want to do business with other forces, they cannot search other people's ships for no reason, but they are afraid that warships will disguise themselves as merchant ships and enter their sphere of influence. So what should they do?

Just use the method of issuing passes to test the hardness of the outer armor of the incoming ship, and then judge the strength level of the incoming ship based on the hardness of the outer armor.

Qin Yue's battleship's shell was easily dented, so it was judged to be a second-level civilization, which means the more powerful one in the second level.

Ignoring it shows that this kind of strength does not need to be taken too seriously.

Qin Yue was also familiar with the road. She watched them sign the traffic order and then shouted: "Thank you."

Start the spaceship and leave.

The two Lanternfish continued patrolling.

Qin Yue entered the galaxy, which was a star in its prime, named Mazu, so this galaxy was also called the Mazu galaxy.

There are 6 planets in the Mazu galaxy, two of which are gas stars, two are metallic planets, one is the farthest away and has an extremely cold surface, and one is a living planet called Green Zu.

But the Green Ancestor Star was thousands of years ago.

Due to the unrestricted exploitation of resources, the deterioration of the environment, and changes in astronomical weather, the green color on the Green Planet has disappeared, and the permanent population on it has basically moved away, and the Green Planet has turned into a yellow sand star. .

Now, the only people left to make a living on Huangsha Star are the Xinghai merchants from different forces who need to trade here, the descendants of immigrants, and the refugees who have no money to leave Huangsha Star.

Qin Yue quickly approached the Huangsha Star. This is an earth-yellow planet with only a few parts that are blue. It is a pitiful ocean on the planet.

From outer space, there are many huge vortices on the planet, which look magnificent and extraordinary, but Qin Yue knows that these vortices are actually super-large sandstorms.

The wind force of a small sandstorm can reach level 12~15, and the wind force of a super large sandstorm can reach level 25~30!

A sandstorm of this level, let alone a first-level civilization, if the battleship's heart attack is too bad, even a second-level battleship will be damaged by the storm.

The force field protection of the second-level civilization will be consumed extremely quickly under the surging wind and sand, just like a boss with tens of millions of blood who is forcibly drained to death by countless players -1-1.

However, Qin Yue belongs to the second level, and the outer armor of the battleship is hard enough that sand and dust cannot be blown at all!

Controlling the fish intestine, Qin Yue first took out Baoluo Tianjue to identify the direction, and then rushed directly into the sandstorm!

Listening to the tinkling sound coming from his ears, Qin Yue calmly drank a glass of juice, and his eyes slowly began to show some expectation and hesitation.

25 minutes later, the spacecraft finally detected information from the ground before its eyes. Sophon immediately started the engine. The Yuchang fell from its original straight line, changed direction instantly, and drew a horizontal line in the air. The cockpit equipped with a balance system was in such a violent trajectory. It didn't move at all during the transition, and the juice in the cup didn't even spill out.

Finally, the speed of the spacecraft slowed down, and after 5 minutes, it stopped at a location that looked like Mount Huangshan.

Ten meters above the ground, 12 kilometers away from the desolate city half submerged by yellow sand.

After drinking the juice in one gulp, Qin Yue went to the back cabin and pulled out a login battle suit, also known as a micro mecha.

It is said to be a mecha, but every part and every inch of it is designed to fit Qin Yue's muscles, ensuring that Qin Yue will not be restricted by the suit in any movement he makes.

This kind of combat uniform is close-fitting, small in size, light in weight, and easy to carry. It can be worn on the body at ordinary times and can be stored in a box when not in use.

With the Quantum Tidal Battery function, the energy can be said to be endless. It comes with a gravitational field protection system, which is indestructible to non-third-level battleships. It is also equipped with a quantum laser weapon system, which can challenge all types of second-level battleships in single combat, or guerrilla. A third-level battleship, it also has certain combat effectiveness.

The battle suit has no name. After all, it is a makeshift piece of technology from the third-level battleship. If it is a battle suit made by a second-level civilization, it is indeed worthy of a special mention, but if a third-level civilization creates such a suit, Battle clothes.

Isn’t that a basic operation?

He flew down in his suit and snapped his fingers.

The battleship in the sky immediately turned into a ball of light and shadow, and then disappeared without a trace. Even the pass order that was sending positioning information at that moment was also taken away with it and became invisible at this time.

As for the signal? Of course the signal is gone!

Turning around, Qin Yue jumped up, nearly 30 meters high, 80 meters away, and 12 kilometers away. Qin Yue arrived in the city in less than three minutes.

There is no city gate, and there are no guards. Qin Yue's feet appear to be concrete, but in fact they are the roof of a building. In front of him, there appear to be two buildings with only a dozen floors high. In fact, they are submerged by a sea of ​​sand. What's left after.

The building is flashing with azure light, which is a sign that the azure gold shield has been turned on. It is blocking the invasion of wind and sand, but it looks flickering, as if it will be damaged in the next second.

There were a few blue-skinned and green-skinned aliens chatting in the doorway under the building, but when they saw a red-and-white suit with bright metallic luster and a high-tech look outside, they all immediately stopped. He opened his eyes bigger than a donkey!

Is this a newcomer? Still a big shot!

So, fat sheep?

A green-skinned alien with pointed ears and a wrinkled face flew up and rushed directly to Qin Yue. Before he could speak, he raised his hands.

Because the quantum laser cannon in Qin Yue's hand was already on his forehead.

"Ah, stop, stop, I don't mean any harm, I am the guide of Wasteland, I can help you with things!" The green skin shouted loudly, even if yellow sand was stuffed into his mouth when he opened his mouth, he did not dare to stop, after all If you stop, you might die.

He didn't speak Wallow language, but luckily, Qin Yue understood it.

"Guide? I won't wait, you still need it!" Qin Yue thought for a moment. He had lived here for a long time, but that was a lifetime ago, and many memories were almost forgotten.

Furthermore, he came here nearly 700 years in advance in this life, 800 years?

Eight hundred years later, the world government is almost dead. There must be many places in a desert city that are different from the previous life.

"Haha, sir, come with me!" the alien said, turning around and walking in front, while saying: "Sir, my name is Lulu, and I am a Guru from the Guru planet. What do you call me, sir?"

The name Gulu Planet does not sound very serious at first glance, so it should not be named by the Gulu Planet people themselves, but by the invaders.

Maybe the invaders saw that the people on Gulu Planet spoke in a Gulu Star manner, so they called them Gulu Planet.

Just like we call the planet where cats live, Meow Star, and the planet where dogs live, we call it Dog Star. This is a name born based on the first impression.

"Xingtian!" Qin Yue replied.

Xing Tianwu Qianqiu, fierce ambition is always there, but Qin Yue's name has nothing to do with Xing Tian's ambition, it is just a random thought.

"Lord Xingtian, this suit of yours is so handsome. You must be very powerful in combat. I guess the cost is also very high. Oh my god, you can afford to wear such a luxurious suit. You must not be from any civilization." Prince!" Lulu asked with curiosity and reverence.

Qin Yue chuckled: "It's luxurious. This kind of clothes is just a driving uniform. Every driver who drives in our place has one."

"Ah?" Lulu was stunned: "Why do you need to wear a battle suit when driving?"

Could it be that this person's civilization is full of radiation or lasers, or that the battles are brutal?

"Bulletproof, stabproof, protect life." Qin Yue said casually.

He could actually ignore Lulu, but he knew that such guides often did not act alone. They had organizations behind them, and anything he casually said here would be analyzed by them and then sold as intelligence.

What I say now basically determines my character in Wasteland City.

Obviously, in the eyes of Lulu or the group of people behind them, he has now become a civilization with a very dangerous origin, wars everywhere, and a large number of cold weapons and hot weapons in combat.

Considering that this suit is full of technology and its defense should not be bad, and cold weapons still exist with this kind of suit, it means that the material technology of this civilization is extremely advanced, and there may be particle vibration technology. The cold weapons made can use moves such as high frequency chop

People who came out of this civilization should have strong shooting skills and strong swordsmanship.

In summary, that's about it. Those who want to form a team with Xingtian, or want to cause trouble for Xingtian, need to purchase this information.

As for how much this information is worth, it depends on how strong this Xingtian's trouble-making ability is!

If each chapter is 4,000 words, it seems to be a lot more free to write.

Unlike before when I was 2000~2500, I always thought about whether I should break the chapter, and I would write in a hurry in many places.

I just drank coffee and am still very energetic. There are still two chapters to wait, but you can read it again tomorrow.

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