"Lord Xingtian, what are you going to do in Wasteland City? Shopping? Attending an auction? Or, asking someone to do something?" Lulu continued, "Our Wasteland City is located between the five major forces. Merchants from all walks of life come here to buy and sell items. Whether it is weapons, technology, potions, materials, slaves, or killing, fire prevention, hiring mercenaries, you can find what you want." Qin Yue looked at the unfamiliar scenes around him. Wasteland City should have been taken over by the Black Loach Society not long ago and is being renovated. It is still hard to see anything now. But eight hundred years later, most of the yellow sand here has been cleared out, and many trees, flowers and plants have been planted. The prosperity is also several chips higher than here. "I want to find a place where my uncle repairs shop. Do you know where it is?" Qin Yue asked. "Oh, I know, come with me!" Lulu agreed without hesitation. Qin Yue was speechless. He didn't lie to me. My uncle's repair shop really has a thousand-year history? Walking through the streets full of yellow sand, Qin Yue didn't look sideways, but Zhizi automatically projected the scenes on both sides in front of him. The streets seemed deserted, but there were countless aliens hiding behind various shops, observing him as a newcomer, just like the bright and beautiful city people came to the countryside and were watched by children.

The eyes were dull, awed, and greedy, which made people disgusted.

The main reason was the beautiful and clean battle suit he wore, which looked very technological.

No one would think that this battle suit was just beautiful, it was out of the sandstorm!

His painting style was completely different from other dilapidated, decadent, and even dirty merchants who had just participated in the war and had not wiped off the blood and gunpowder on their bodies.

The uncle's repair shop was on the other side of the city. The two of them almost walked half a circle around the city wall before they found their target.

This was an extremely vast starship field, the outer circle was surrounded by a wall, and barbed wire was set up on the wall. Qin Yue's talent was very friendly to electromagnetism, and he had sensed the current running back and forth in the power grid, and the voltage was quite high!

There was a sign hanging on the wall, which read: Uncle's Repair Shop in five big characters.

Below the big characters, there is a line of small characters: Replace filter element of life support system, polish starship shell, charge nuclear fusion battery, repair electromagnetic gun, refurbish nuclear warhead, recycle second-hand starship.

The main gate is not big, only 20 meters wide and 25 meters high. One side of the door is open and the other side is closed. There is also a four-meter-tall, hairless animal with six nearly half-meter-long bone spurs on its back tied to the door. It is a transport animal from the neighboring star area, called a spine beast.

The spine spurs of the spine beast were originally used to deal with natural enemies. As a result, after being caught by humans, people found that these bone spurs can be used to hang things and pull ropes. The spine beast has a gentle personality and great strength. It can hang several tons of things at a time and can pull dozens of tons of cars. As a result, it has become a means of transportation for humans.

"Are you Xiaodouzi? Or Xiaodouzi's parents? Ancestor?" Qin Yue thought about it. The life span of a spine beast is only more than 300 years, so the spine beast he had at that time should be the grandfather of this one, or the great-grandson.

"Sir, please!" Lulu said, and pushed open the door directly, and then shouted to the inside: "Uncle, uncle, there are guests!"

"Here!" With a familiar shout, an alien who looked strange to Qin Yue, but also familiar, appeared in front of Qin Yue from far to near.

This is a green-skinned alien, of unknown origin, 4.2 meters tall, with huge and strong upper limbs, knotty muscles, thin and narrow lower limbs, like skin and bones, with only one eye, and born weird and ugly.

This is the uncle.

He also has a huge tumor on his back, which is not a racial feature, but a specially planted immortal fungus, which is also the reason why the uncle can live for 500 years.

Fungi can be transformed into spores when the temperature is not suitable, and will grow again when the temperature is suitable.

Some special fungi are used by some civilizations for genetically modified culture, so that the spores they produce differentiate into cells, become cell culture factories, and then replace the role of bone marrow.

The cells produced by the immortal fungus do not have a self-destruct mechanism. The cells it cultivates are the DNA version of the original memory from beginning to end. Therefore, after the fungus is implanted, the cells can divide infinitely and will not age, and the human body will also be immortal in disguise.

This technology sounds creepy, after all, implanting fungi into the human body, but it is actually a technology widely used in the star sea. It is safe and controllable, environmentally friendly and pollution-free, and low-cost. Except for a little change in appearance, there are basically no disadvantages.

If it is placed on a human, it is implanted in the abdomen, and a part of the large intestine and small intestine is removed, and the space vacated is placed in the immortal fungus ball, because in the interstellar era, nutrients can be directly proportioned through nutrient solution, and the absorption rate is extremely high, resulting in most of the functions of the large intestine and small intestine being idle, and it doesn’t matter if a part is dug out.

After the immortal fungus ball is placed, the naked eye can hardly see the difference from before. Some people with thin waists may feel a slight bulge in the abdomen, but it is harmless.

Well, Qin Yue said it so vividly, because he also did this operation himself in order not to expose the immortal vein.

"Uncle!" Qin Yue called softly.

"I didn't expect that I was so famous that even outsiders knew my name!" Uncle's voice was buzzing. His race had a very simple vocal organ and could only say a very limited number of words, so his voice was also modified.

"Of course! I know you very well!" Qin Yue followed Lulu into the door, then raised his hand, activated the electromagnetic force field on his gloves, pulled the spine beast in, and then waved his hand, nearly 10 meters wide, 25 meters wide The meter-high door slammed shut!

"Huh?" The expressions of the two people suddenly became serious, and their hands unconsciously placed on their waists.

If you are seriously looking for someone to repair your boat, you don’t need to close the door!

The old uncle was still calm and asked cautiously: "Are you talking about a confidential matter?"

Qin Yue shook his head and said: "Let me ask you a question, if you knew that someone wanted to kill you, what would you do?"

"Huh?" The old uncle was stunned: "Well, if it were me, I would definitely strike first! Are you asking me to kill people? Sorry, I can't do this kind of thing. I am a maintenance worker. If you want to find a killer, I can help you introduce it!”

"No, I'm looking for you!" Qin Yue stared at the old uncle: "I was still hesitant at first, but since you said so, I don't need to worry about it when I take action!"

"Wait, wait!" Seeing Qin Yue raise her hands, the old uncle quickly raised his hands, which was a common surrender gesture in Xinghai.

He also has a gun on his waist, but that is for dealing with ordinary robbers. If you use this to wear a suit, are you right?

"I'm just a ship repairman, how can I think about killing people? Do you have any misunderstanding?" The old uncle said sincerely: "Or, is someone framed me? Besides, I have work here, thirty days It’s too busy to finish, let alone kill someone in three days!”

Qin Yue sighed, and his thoughts returned to the previous life in an instant.

300 years later, Earth won the war against Valor for the first time.

500 years later, Qin Yue led a fleet into the Sangluo ruins and obtained the longevity vein. When he came out again, it was already 200 years later.

700 years later, Valo died.

710 years later, the Black Thorn civilization arrived in this star region. At this time, Daochang Zhang was dead, and the star gate in this star region was wide open. The earth was unable to resist and perished.

730 years later, the real earth was hit by light quantum, and the earth was destroyed. The only survivor was Qin Yue, who was fused with the longevity vein.

750 years later, Qin Yue fled all the way and entered the market area.

960 years later, Qin Yue left the Ruins with the starship riddled with holes in the Ruins and entered the Baigen Star District and Huangsha Star.

Then, I met the maintenance man in front of me, the old uncle.

The old uncle helped him repair the starship without taking any money, and also taught him how to repair the starship. The two of them were both teachers and friends, and they lived on the Yellow Sand Planet for more than thirty years.

Qin Yue once believed that there were good people among aliens, and there were only a few like Wallow and the Black Thorn Civilization.


"Did you change the permissions of my starship?"


"Why? Aren't we friends?"

"Your civilization is gone, why are you still so naive? You don't have any friends in the star sea. If you didn't have the authority of the starship, do you think you could survive this long?"

Qin Yue raised his hand, and the crimson quantum laser muzzle flashed with dazzling light: "Uncle, sometimes I am very grateful to you. It was you who let me know that the sea of ​​stars is full of intrigues; it was you who let me know Anyone who is not of my race will have a different heart; it was you who made me cruel, and I will kill people without batting an eyelid for the next 70,000 years!"

"So, I will give you a decent way to die. After you die, the entire Huangsha Star will be buried with you!"

"Wait, wait, don't kill me, I'll tell you a secret!"

"I come from the Maishu clan, and our clan has"


The red, bright and dazzling laser shot directly through the old uncle's body from bottom to top.

"Ah!" Lulu screamed, what is a quantum laser cannon?

This is a weapon used to attack starships! It is still a weapon of a third-level civilization, and its energy level is so high!

Released at such a close distance, the power is no less than facing a nuclear explosion!

Lulu only felt that the whole world turned red in an instant, and all the pictures and sounds turned into nothingness and fragmented in front of this endless red.

The whole world darkened, and apart from the endless bright red light, there was no longer any color or brilliance left in the field of vision.

And this kind of brilliance only existed for less than 0.01 seconds. The next second, his career turned into chaos.

The energy dissipated by the quantum laser cannon has blinded his eyes!

But Lulu didn't dare to curse at all. He turned around and shouted: "Spare me, spare me, I am innocent! I have nothing to do with him!"

"There are 100,000 merchants in the wasteland, and every one of them deserves to be killed if they are not guilty!" He raised his arm horizontally and flicked it straight, and the warships parked on the starship platform were cut in half like butter on a hot knife!

Not to mention the escaped Lulu, all the workers in the repair station, the battleship captain, the crew, and the merchants were all wiped out in ashes under the quantum laser cannon!

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