Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 280 The happiness of the charterer

"There are so many snakes here. If we kill them all, we can get a lot of four-dimensional particles!" Quark said.

"No, no, no, I think more four-dimensional particles are not here. You see, these two creatures cannot digest four-dimensional particles, so after they die, they will bring the four-dimensional particles into the cemetery. As long as we find their lair, we can We can collect the four-dimensional particles collected by these star beasts for countless years!" said the particle next to him.

"Then find where their graveyard is!" Quark said, killing the black dragon in his hand and then throwing it out.

The half-dead Xuanlong had the desire to return to the Dragon Tomb on his own. This was a memory engraved in his genes. Naturally, He Zhou followed him, and half a month later, he found the huge Dragon Tomb!

"It's coming!" Seeing the white dragon bones all over the place below, and the small four-dimensional particle on top of the dragon bone, only 0.1 cubic centimeters, the three leaders of the Yuanyi Civilization immediately became excited. With so many dragon bones, With so many four-dimensional particles, the total size is close to 1 cube!

This is just the dragon tomb, the snake tomb has not been found yet!

They immediately followed an old thunder snake and found the snake grave.

This is a bowl-shaped week, where old snakes choose to bury themselves after death.

Here, they actually found another 1 cubic four-dimensional particle!

"I think" the particle and the nuclear force said at the same time.

"Speak first!" Sephiroth said.

"Let me say it first. I think killing these Razor and Black Snakes directly is an act of fishing for nothing. We can wait until they are dead and then harvest their four-dimensional particles!" Nuclear Force said.

"Yes, I think so too. It is too dangerous for us to wander outside. If we are discovered by other civilizations, we may be in danger of the destruction of civilization!" Sephiroth said.

"Quark, what do you mean?" Nuclear Power asked.

"So, we are here guarding the Dragon Tomb and the Snake Tomb? Is this too inefficient?" Quark was speechless: "We are a fighting nation, why have we become breeding farm owners now?"

"Although there is no fighting anymore, it is safe!" Nuclear Force said: "Why go out and fight when a steady stream of four-dimensional particles are being born when you can guard two cemeteries?"

"That's the truth!" Zhi nodded: "However, I think we should not take away all the four-dimensional particles, but leave a tenth. Otherwise, if other civilizations pass by, these star beasts can absorb the four-dimensional particles. Particles, but there are no four-dimensional particles in the cemetery, so something will definitely feel wrong!”

"Then take nine-tenths and keep one-tenth!" After some discussion, the three decided.

After Qin Yue saw that this civilization quietly returned one-tenth of the four-dimensional particles, he immediately understood what they meant.

Co-author, are you following me? I will take away nine-tenths, and you will take away nine-tenths?

Okay, that way, if any enemies come, they will only find you, not me who is hiding deeper!

In order to prevent the Yuanyi civilization from discovering problems, Qin Yue simply began to take away the four-dimensional particles in these star beasts during their biological stage, ensuring that the four-dimensional particles in their bodies when they died were only one-tenth of the full amount.

Yuanyi Civilization didn’t think there was anything wrong. After all, these creatures may have evolved from areas with high concentration of four-dimensional particles, but in low-concentration areas, they cannot collect the limit of their race in their lifetime. Isn’t this normal?

They can take away nine-tenths of the one-tenth left by Qin Yue, and think the harvest is quite good.

But after all, they are three people using this four-dimensional particle, and every share they get is divided into three equal parts for use. In addition, they are from the inner circle after all, and are used to eating big fish and meat. With this kind of collection speed, they It's really a bit unbearable.

Qin Yue did not dare to expand the number of Thunder Snakes in a big way, and only placed them not far away. Yuanyi Civilization was much more courageous. They actually freed up five planets in this sector to raise Thunder Snakes and Xuanlong, after raising it, take it to a farther place and release it.

With the help of Yuanyi Civilization, the population numbers of the two races, Thunder Snake and Black Dragon, have increased more than ten times!

There are also other small races that have been bred and released by Yuanyi Civilization, and their numbers have increased.

The result is that Qin Yue obviously only got nine-tenths, but the number of four-dimensional particles he got was actually more than ten times that before!

His electromagnetic network talent is also very mysterious. Yuanyi Civilization has also conducted genetic research and transformation work on some star beasts, but it was unable to find that these creatures were spiritually attached to another existence. Qin Yue’s mental power is innate Under the influence of the star beast, it can be perfectly integrated with the star beast without affecting its four-dimensional nature!

However, this kind of unscrupulous expansion will definitely attract the attention of other civilizations.

Qin Yue soon discovered that a new civilization was approaching.

This civilization is not like the Yuanyi civilization that has a family. It is just one person, like a slug that has become a sperm, but the skin color is not transparent, but pink.

He hid in a proton and wandered in the star sea. When he arrived in this area, he also discovered the extraordinary nature of the star beasts here.

However, the Yuanyi civilization did not have sophons, and although its genetic modulation methods were very powerful, they could not be concealed from the eyes of civilizations at the same level.

After the pink slug discovered that something was wrong, it didn't say anything. Instead, it came to the vicinity of the Dragon Tomb and observed silently. It soon discovered the Yuanyi Civilization, which appeared every ten years and usually didn't know where it was hiding.

Sure enough, someone raised it!

After considering the combat power, the pink slug knew that he was no match, but he also wanted to obtain four-dimensional particles in such a comfortable way!

So, he secretly caught tens of thousands of thunder snakes and black dragons, found a place far away from Yuanyi civilization, and started breeding them.

Qin Yue has set enough autonomy for these two races. As long as a birth point is set from the egg, they will automatically complete the process of preying, growing, reproducing, strengthening the race, dying, and returning to their roots.

And after they die, the Joan elements in their minds or abdomens can naturally be harvested by the breeders, without having to worry about it at all.

Isn't this process much more comfortable and safer than going out to find immortal weapons by yourself?

The pink slug didn't know how much four-dimensional particles the star beast should produce. Seeing that the Yuanyi civilization had so many, and he also had so many, there was no problem.

He didn't even take action on the star beast genes that Yuanyi Civilization had changed. After all, Yuanyi Civilization was more technologically advanced than him, and he could tell there was something wrong with the edited genes. If he tried to do it, even the newbies would be able to tell that something was wrong. .

Those who can upgrade to level four are smart people. He soon understood why Yuanyi Civilization wanted to keep one-tenth, so he followed suit and kept one-tenth.

When the star beasts are concentrated in one area, the probability of being discovered is not very high, but after two civilizations have begun professional breeding, the probability of being discovered has greatly increased!

Soon a civilization discovered the pink slug breeding area. This civilization felt that its combat power should be stronger than the pink slug, but it was not much stronger.

If a fight breaks out, the battle will not be resolved within a few decades. Even if the pink slug is killed, it is estimated that not many four-dimensional particles will be obtained.

But this star beast is pretty good. If he can raise it, so can we.

He is so weak and can only raise such a small piece. We are strong and can raise more and harvest more every ten years!

So without Pink Slug's knowledge, many more of his Razer and Odyssey were stolen.

Then, Qin Yue discovered that as more and more star beasts were exposed, more and more new level four civilizations began to breed thunder snakes and black dragons.

One word spreads to ten, and ten spreads to hundreds. Star beast breeding areas are becoming more and more common around the Immortal Tomb. There are more and more, and there is even a trend of connecting them into blocks and pieces!

And nine-tenths of the output of these Thunder Snake Black Dragons come from him!

Qin Yue originally only produced 1.2 cubic meters every 40 years. When Xuanlong took his place and most of the Xuanlongs and Thunder Snakes ended their lives and began to go to the cemetery, he could produce 20 cubic meters every 40 years.

But now, he can collect 80 cubic meters every ten years!

And this number is still rising with the popularity of star beast breeding outside the Immortal Tomb!

"Is this the happiness of the charterer?" Qin Yue felt the gradually condensing and powerful immortal body, and the increasingly powerful spiritual power because of the powerful immortal body. He also took this road for ease. Unexpectedly It turned out to be a thoroughfare to the sky!

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