Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 281 People from the Mad War Zone

The Immortal Tomb is a space that can be generally considered to be spherical.

Although the Qiong element is not affected by gravity, it is concentrated towards the center under the influence of space. The outermost periphery is the area with low density of Qiong element, which is also where most civilizations that have just entered level four and have average combat effectiveness are located.

Therefore, this area is called the periphery, also known as the newcomer area.

Taking a step further inside, there are gathered here a large number of civilizations who think they can do it, or who have entered a higher level, but are beaten back. Because everyone has a high self-esteem, they will fight if they disagree with each other, so they are called crazy. war zone.

Further into the mad battle, it is the area where real masters fight. Not only must they have a certain level of strength, but they must also have a good magical weapon in order to gain a foothold in their own unique skills.

This is the peak battlefield that only civilizations that stand at the top of the fourth-level civilization can come to.

The peak battlefield is within the network, which is a fifth-level civilization activity area where the environment is extremely harsh, the world has been alienated by large tracts of spiritual power, and you may encounter ruins just walking.

Also known as the upper world.

Countless civilizations are envious of the upper world, but they are also full of fear of the upper world. After all, in this area, the fourth-level civilization will suffer huge suppression, and only the fifth-level civilization can show some combat effectiveness.

But it is also in this high-pressure environment that a peak level four civilization can grow to level five as quickly as possible.

The civilization in the Mad War Zone has several habits.

First, have your own small territory.

Secondly, he likes to kill newcomers. He will never treat civilizations who pass by the door with courtesy. Instead, they will kill them if they can, and beat those who cannot kill them half to death.

It becomes its own competitor.

Immortal Tomb is like a magnet, attracting the fourth-level civilizations from the entire Ten Thousand Stars Sea here, and these fourth-level civilizations will enter the Crazy War Zone from the Newcomer Zone. These newcomers will become the material for the progress of the civilization in the Crazy War Zone.

There are also some newcomers who can counterattack, but this is rare.

Originally, life was going on like this, but gradually, the civilizations in the Mad War Zone discovered something was wrong, why there were fewer and fewer civilizations coming from the Newcomer Zone.

There used to be three or four of them a hundred years ago, but why are none of them missing now?

At first, they thought they were unlucky because the newcomer did not leave the door. After exchanging a few words with other civilizations, they discovered that it was not only like this for themselves, but also for other civilizations!

"What happened in the newcomer area?" Duo Yu, the leader of the Kuomen civilization, summoned his subordinates. He was a genius scientist of the Kuomen civilization at that time. He led the entire civilization to the fourth level with one person's power, and he was the first to discover it. Four-dimensional particles.

After discovering four-dimensional particles, he did not make it public. Instead, he first became a four-dimensional life and then made it public. Relying on the powerful combat power and information insight of super-dimensional creatures, he seized control of the entire civilization in one fell swoop and became the leader of Kuomen Civilization. .

He used the power of the entire civilization to collect four-dimensional particles for himself, 90% of which belonged to himself, and the remaining 10%, he distributed to his five subordinates, creating five more high-dimensional beings that were inferior to him but higher than others. .

Duoyu is known as the King of Kuomen, and those five people are known as the Kuomen people. They have ruled the Kuomen civilization until now.

"Go to the newcomer area and see if there is anyone killing people in the newcomer area?" Duo Yu ordered the three people below.

He was not very kind to his subordinates. He was worried that one person might escape, and two people might escape together. But if there were three people, their thoughts would be much more complicated, and it would be difficult to unify them.

He guessed that maybe someone was killing other newcomers in the newcomer area. This was obviously a bad behavior, and maybe they had to go to the newcomer area to stop them.

"Yes!" The three of them accepted the order and quickly drove away in the spacecraft.

At this time, it has been 160 years since Qin Yue entered the Immortal Tomb.

However, the Immortal Tomb does not keep track of years. Qin Yue would check the time from time to time at first, but now he doesn't look at it at all.

He used all the four-dimensional particles harvested in the past 160 years to condense his body. The first thing he improved was his physical strength.

In the past, his body was only 1.80 and his weight was 130 kilograms, but now his body is still 1.80, but his weight is 875 tons!

The cells and molecules in his body began to condense extremely. This cannot be achieved by gradually piling up matter, because the body is the carrier of consciousness, and every part of the body is covered by consciousness. That is the true immortal body.

Therefore, every cell is formed by controlling the division of genes.

Qin Yue discovered that his spirit was not one body, but divided into two parts.

One is the mental power that can be actively controlled to activate talents, scan the surroundings, and control space particles. This part is called immortal consciousness by Qin Yue.

The other part is the shallow consciousness that cannot be actively controlled and has always been passively functioning, such as engraving muscle memory and allowing cells to have souls and integrate into one body.

Qin Yue calls it heart light.

You must know that Qin Yue's cells are extremely spiritual. Not only do the molecules that make up the cells contain Joan elements, but the gene arrangement has also been adjusted several times, eliminating a large number of negative genes and adding a large number of genetic programs evolved from advanced technologies.

It stands to reason that such a cell, thrown out in nature, can survive by relying on the vacuum zero point, and then reproduce itself. It can even reproduce a little Qin Yue by relying on the DNA in the cell.

But in fact, it is not possible. If he really kills a cell, the cell will only die quickly, even if it is a fourth-level civilization cell!

From this, Qin Yue discovered the existence of Xinguang.

It's not that the more cells there are, the stronger the light will be, but that Qin Yue's heart light is already very strong and can control more cells, and more cells will further liberate and strengthen Qin Yue's mental power.

Mental power and light of heart are two aspects of one body. The growth of mental power will lead to the simultaneous growth of light of heart, and the number of cells that can be manipulated will further increase.

This is a perfect positive cycle.

Qin Yue didn't know if others had made this discovery, but he probably did, because he observed that almost all fourth-level civilizations used Qiong elements on themselves after collecting it.

I just don’t know if it’s because these people are at too low a level, or if this is how the entire fourth-level civilization has been upgraded.

In the 120th year, Qin Yue's weight increased to 500 tons, and then he found that his immortal consciousness seemed to have grown to a new level.

He can use his immortal consciousness to sense the strength of other civilizations!

In his induction, each of those four-dimensional beings was like a ball of light. Qin Yue guessed that this ball of light was the inner light of these beings. The stronger the inner light, the stronger the civilization would naturally be.

Most civilizations are not strong in his sense of immortality, and a few are about the same as him.

There were several Qin Yues who scanned over from a distance, and that person looked over as if he had feelings. Qin Yue could only quickly look away.

Then he determined that this ability was a bit bullying and afraid of the strong. Only the weak could be scanned, but the strong could not.

But it doesn't matter, even if Qin Yue knows that there is a weak person, he will not take action, because even if he is a weak person, he is still his tenant!

He now has thousands of tenant farmers under his command. They know nothing about the upper limit of the Qiong element that the star beast can absorb, and they cannot find Qin Yue who uses his talent to merge with the star beast's spirit, so they can only work for Qin Yue.

Qin Yue's commission for everyone is the same, nine out of ten, but with the exaggerated order of magnitude, his progress speed is tens of thousands of times that of a single civilization!

Among those civilizations that Qin Yue felt were not easy to mess with, within ten years, he found that two of them were no longer aware of his scanning.

Thirty years later, the entire periphery was no longer aware of the civilization it was scanning!

So Qin Yue knew that he had become the king of the periphery, and there was no one stronger than him in Novice Village. It stands to reason that he should go to a higher level map.

But Qin Yue is not in a hurry. Who knows what the advanced maps are like. If I had to fight hard before, I would go there. Now I can obviously lie down and become the sword god of Shilipo, so why should I go out and wander around!

Besides, he doesn’t have an immortal weapon yet!

He had a dagger in his early years, but he didn't use it for many years and simply got rid of it.

He didn't know what the advanced civilization was like or what magical weapons it was using. The peripheral civilizations were all weak, and he had no one to refer to, so he could only choose to wait silently.

He didn't believe that people inside would not be able to notice that the surrounding areas were starting to be farmed. If he felt something was wrong, he would definitely send someone outside to check!

"Here we come!" While the star beasts were looking for food, they were always paying attention to the direction of the frenzied war zone.

Perhaps it was Qin Yue who opened his mind, and the Thunder Snake and Xuanlong were not adapted to the environment in some areas, such as high-heat and high-pressure environments, so some civilizations also began to transform star beasts, and Qin Yue was still under the premise of not being discovered. Silently supports a little computing power.

Therefore, Qinglong is suitable for living on living planets, Suzaku and Golden Crow are suitable for living around stars and absorb the power of stars, Kunpeng and Xuanwu are suitable for surviving in high-pressure environments, and Stone Monkeys are suitable for surviving in meteorite belts. was born.

In order to allow these star beasts to reproduce without any scruples, civilizations have also prepared rich natural resources for them, that is, a rich food chain to ensure that they can eat well and better collect four-dimensional particles.

After all, four-dimensional particles are not heat, and there is no attenuation in their transmission in the food chain. Therefore, the fewer species of organisms at the top of the food chain, the faster they can collect Joan elements.

In the end, those who came out of the frenzied war zone saw a completely changed environment.

Immortal Tomb is a place where fourth-level civilization fights life and death, plunders each other's bodies, and is promoted to fifth-level civilization. How can there be a stable life planet? Even if there is, it has been destroyed long ago!

But now, he actually saw the lush planet, saw the beasts singing in unison, the golden crows flying, the strange monkeys jumping through the meteorite belt, and the countless star beasts fighting and howling in the starry sky.

What is this? Have we traveled through time? From the Immortal Tomb to the Star Beast Civilization Circle?

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