Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 37 Capture a Satellite

The battle lasted for an hour and a half.

The satellite city is still working, but its weapon system and power system have been completely destroyed, just like a person who has had his limbs removed. No matter how much he wants to resist, he is powerless.

Qin Yue's losses were not small. Fourteen unnamed frigates were directly destroyed because they blocked bullets for the battleships.

Three battleships were crippled, one had a damaged tail and lost power, and was pulled by another battleship with a towing rope.

The cockpit of one of the remaining two ships exploded, and a hole was punched in the center of one. The shell passed by the ammunition room. If the trajectory had been a little off, the battleship would have been gone.

Twelve destroyers were damaged and there was no way to repair them. They could only recycle the scraps and rebuild them.

In just one satellite city, Qin Yue lost 27 warships, leaving only 20. Except for the Emperor Jun who was hiding at the back, all of them were injured.

Qin Yue sailed the ship to the satellite city. The entire satellite city was so large that if twenty warships landed on it, it would be as inconspicuous as a fly falling on the table.

This is why the battle is so difficult. Even though they are so far ahead in flexibility, half of their combat strength is still wiped out, because although there is only one enemy, there are too many artillery fires mounted on it!

What Qin Yue faces may be several strengthened rocket forces

"Take a rest, it's going to be one against three next!" Qin Yue looked at the three satellites that had surrounded him, not too panicked.

It stands to reason that if it is so difficult to hit just one, wouldn't it mean that you have to kneel down immediately if you hit three?

But that's not how the accounts were calculated. The reason why Qin Yue had a hard time fighting was because there was no planet-level battleship. He had only been in Wuzhixing for a few days. No matter how fast the industry developed, building a planet-level battleship was too much. point.

What he built was at best an upgraded version of the Blue Star battleship, with nuclear fusion power for speed, and the electromagnetic gun also used the electrical energy converted from nuclear fusion power to fire.

This allows his battleship to surpass the 1-star civilization in terms of speed and low-level lethality.

But the damage limit hasn't caught up yet. For a satellite, it's just a matter of a few cannonballs for a planet-level warship, but Qin Yue has to fight with a small water gun for a long time.

But now, Qin Yue has occupied a satellite!

And there are planet-level weapons on this satellite!

That is, the same planet-level cannon as on the satellites of the Five Stars!

This cannon has never been fired from the beginning because it has been charged for too long and is used to attack large targets. Qin Yue's battleship is too small, so there is no explanation for the cannon's firing, and it is directly vaporized without explanation.

But if you can't hit it, it's equivalent to using your ultimate move in a group fight and hitting the wall with flash. This is a very serious matter!

He found a turret at random, opened the shell, and then Qin Yue pressed his hand on it.

It is not easy for ordinary people to find the core of a satellite city. Where is the entrance, where is the core, and the enemies will disguise themselves. The satellite is so big, it is impossible in a few hours.

But Qin Yuelai is very simple. His spirit directly connects to the electromagnetic force, and then connects to the satellite network along with the electromagnetic force!

"Warning, warning, the system has been invaded!" The artificial intelligence of the satellite city quickly issued a warning. It hopes that someone can help her. Whether it is physically disconnecting the network or directly cutting off the power, these are all ways to save it!

However, at this time, there is no one left in the circular civilization!

"You even warned Broken Horn, but no one came to save you!" Qin Yue said hoarsely: "Zhizi, how are you?"

"The invasion has been successful, the system permissions have been changed, and the main program has been controlled!" Tomoko replied.

"Ding, welcome the new owner!" The artificial intelligence of the satellite city made a submissive voice, still in Chinese, and it was Tomoko who updated the language library by the way.

"Yes, check the largest electromagnetic gun to see if it is damaged and whether it can be fired again!" Qin Yue said.

"Self-checking in progress, ding, a problem has been detected!"

"The guide rail structure is damaged, the power grid loop is damaged, the energy storage structure is damaged, and energy is leaking. Please repair it in time."

"Fortunately, the problem is not that big!" Qin Yue snapped her fingers, and the hatch on the butt of the Emperor Jun opened, and twenty silver-white engineering robots walked down and entered the passage in the direction guided by the artificial intelligence. Went to repair the huge electromagnetic gun.

"Ding, the network signal has been detected. Do you want to access it?"

"Connect!" Qin Yue said.


"Sihe-02, report your current situation, whether the damage is serious, and whether you still have combat effectiveness!"

"Master, how should I reply?" the artificial intelligence asked.

"So your name is Sihe-02..." Qin Yue nodded. Unfortunately, this is an intelligence that is still in the computer program stage and is not considered a real intelligent life.

"Zhizi, is there any trap in the question?" Qin Yue asked.

In the universe, don't think about pretending to be an enemy just by searching an enemy ship. Because of differences in language and culture, a seemingly ordinary greeting may have countless traps hidden behind it.

For example, if an alien is familiar with Xinhua Dictionary and Idiom Dictionary, if you ask him about palace jade liquor, he will most likely not be able to follow the next sentence.

"Insufficient information to judge!" Tomoko replied.

It hasn't read the Circle Dictionary yet, it just accepted some text materials from the Noire Library.

Qin Yue was also afraid that he would be influenced by the culture of Yuanzhou Civilization, so he did not dare to let Zhizi read more. This kind of thing must be studied by specialized scholars, who can then extract the essence and remove the dross, and then integrate it into the Chinese civilization system.

"If you can't judge, then don't judge, just let it hang!" Qin Yue said,

"Sihe-02, report your current situation. Is there still autonomous intelligence? Has the authority been interfered with?!"

"Sihe-02, report your current situation. Does the main program belong to Circle?"

Three inquiries were made, each time more anxious and more severe.

Because it is communication between systems, the entire process does not take more than one second.

A second later, Qin Yue's detector had seen that the three satellites had begun to rotate slowly, and they were about to aim the thick and large electromagnetic gun built by hollowing out the satellite at the satellite!

"So cruel!" Qin Yue sighed. In fact, he knew that this was a routine operation, but if he complimented his opponent a few words, wouldn't it make him look superior?

It's a pity that for such a good show-off scene, there is no one around to praise it.

Fortunately, Bai Langlang is almost here.

"It's time for you to burn your lives!" Qin Yue looked at the warships around him and gave an order directly.

The battleship quickly took off and rushed towards the three satellites.

Except for one that could not move, the Emperor Jun, the remaining 18 warships rushed towards the three satellites. No matter how you looked at it, there was a feeling that the wind was rustling and the water was cold, and the heroes were gone and never returned.

"It's more than spectacular, it's simply heroic!" Qin Yue shook her head and turned her attention to the electromagnetic gun.

"All repairs are expected to take 2 hours and 43 minutes!" Sihe-02 said.

In two hours, the day lilies were cold!

But Qin Yue is still not in a hurry: "How long will it take to repair the power system?"

"12 minutes!"

The power system is the most susceptible part to interference, and will be paralyzed as long as it receives a slight blow.

Relatively speaking, it is also very easy to repair, as long as you repair that point.

When Qin Yue attacked the satellite, he was certainly measured.

Just for this moment!

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