The robot is frantically repairing the engine, but an engine that can propel a satellite is still too big.

Twelve minutes usually seems like just a short trip to the toilet, but now, it feels like life and death.

Qin Yue controlled eighteen battleships and tried his best to deal with the three satellites, but the strength gap was too big. In the end, the eighteen battleships turned into eighteen flowers blooming in the starry sky.

And the three satellites are still pressing forward step by step.

"Repaired!?" Qin Yue smiled: "Then, start it!"

Blue particles spurted out, and the Sihe Star, which was originally affected by the gravity and thrust of the Sihe Star, suddenly turned in a direction and rushed towards the Sihe Star!

This is to drive the satellite straight to the hometown of Sihexing!

"Danger, danger!" At this time, the three satellites no longer care about inspections, realms, or saving teammates. They have reached this point. If they don't take action, it will be over when the satellites fall to the ground!

The three electromagnetic cannons began to accumulate energy in unison, and then 12 seconds later, they all ejected.

A metal projectile with a diameter of more than 600 meters, carrying unparalleled power at an extremely high speed, just the moment it collided, Qin Yue felt the satellite beneath him shake violently!

"Buzz!" In the holographic image, the satellite started from a certain corner, like an apple that had been pricked with a needle, with a big hole directly poked out!

And the engine is right on the trajectory of this hole!


The engine whined twice, and this time it stalled completely.

But it wasn't over yet. Another electromagnetic gun, from a different angle, aimed at the same position of the engine. It directly penetrated the 100-meter-thick metal layer and directly penetrated the main body of the engine hidden deep in the center of the satellite.

"Very good!" Qin Yue did not panic and clicked on Zhizi's operation interface.

In fact, there is no need for this interface. What operations he wants to do, he can just say it with his mouth.

But isn’t this handsome!

A huge, eye-catching red button was photographed heavily by Qin Yue!

Buried deep throughout the satellite, a part that seemed to have no connection and belonged to various organizations, but was actually cleverly connected through various magical locations, quickly lit up, and the energy involved in the entire satellite was moving towards it. Move forward with these parts!

This part has a scientific name!

"Self-destruct device!"

"Boom!" The entire satellite exploded as if three electromagnetic cannons had hit key parts. If there was any life standing on the Sihe Star at this time, you could see a moon in the sky, exploding!

At the moment of the explosion, countless fragments, stones, and metals immediately rushed in all directions. A few of them rushed to the other three satellites, and some rushed to farther space.

And more of them are naturally affected by the gravity of the planet and run towards the direction with the greatest gravity, Sihe Star!

"Buzz!" Wandering in the orbit of Sihe Star, the small artificial satellites that had just been unqualified to participate in the war stood up. Their targets were those large fragments. The lasers swept over them, and the large fragments were cut into small fragments.

But when talking about small size, it actually means cutting fragments with a diameter of several hundred meters to less than a hundred meters in diameter.

In this way, after fragments with a diameter of tens of meters enter the starry sky, they will burn up in the atmosphere. Even if they are made of special materials and do not burn out, if they fall on the ground, they will only form a small crater, which will not have any impact on the ecology. What a devastating impact.

It is night on this side of Sihe Star. If you are an astronomy enthusiast, you can observe the largest meteor shower of this century at this time.

It's still a pity that no one can see this.

Even Qin Yue can't see it, because he himself is the meteor shower itself.

"It's really exciting!" Qin Yue controlled the Emperor Jun with a look of excitement on his face.

At this time, the Emperor Jun had already changed a lot. The originally fan-shaped Emperor Jun now had two wings spread out on both sides, and a drilling machine was born under its feet, which penetrated tens of meters into the debris beneath its feet. Like an old hen, it grasps a stone tightly.

Of course, Qin Yue doesn't like to be called that. He prefers to use another word to describe his current situation: Golden Crow Holding Bell!

The thousands of meteorites rushing towards Sihe Star naturally have another name: Zhoutian Star Array!

This strategy may seem dangerous, but it is actually a mature system: it is called Hetu Strategy!

The Hetu strategy targets planets with giant defense facilities and network defense arrays. Attacking such targets directly will consume a lot of time and combat power. However, if the Hetu strategy is adopted, a lot of time will be saved. The damage to the ship will also be minimized.

The giant defense facilities here mostly refer to satellites.

For example, if the earth can enter space, the moon will definitely be transformed into a battleship. The same is true for other civilizations.

In order to prevent satellite cities from being used by enemies, self-destruction devices are usually deployed on them.

The core of that strategy is to grab a satellite and then detonate it!

The millions or even tens of millions or hundreds of millions of meteorite fragments produced after the satellite detonates become hundreds of millions of small warships attacking planets. And because they are meteorites, the defense system has a high probability of ignoring them.

There are civilizations that are not ignored, but how much energy ammunition do you have to consume in order to destroy these meteorites?

At that time, wouldn't the fleet deployed at the back be able to wait for work?

This puts people in a dilemma whether they care or not.

Of course, this tactic is only used in level 1 civilizations. Level 2 civilizations have already introduced protective shield technology, so satellites cannot be captured so easily. It will be difficult to use this trick again.

What if some civilizations only have battleships and no satellites?

It’s easy to handle. There are no satellites. If we push a huge meteorite over, it will be the same!

This can be regarded as a variant of Xiaobai's Yiboliu. The core of the tactics is to use things that are insignificant to me but deadly enough to the enemy to consume the enemy's vitality.

The same was true for the choice of the Sihexing defense system at this time. They smashed the big ones and left only small meteorite pieces, because in the conventional sense, warships less than 100 meters cannot be called ships and have to be called boats. .

In a normal star war, boats will not be included in the combat configuration because the combat effectiveness is too small!

It's not that they can be put in if they have low lethality, but it's just the lesser of two evils. They can't focus all their energy on meteorites, and they also have to guard against other attacks in the starry sky.

For this reason, the boat that most likely does not exist can be ignored!

For this moment, Qin Yue specially made a small Emperor Jun, with a size of 50*60*40, which is a little larger than the original giant whale.

At this time, all the power facilities that hide himself and emit strong radiation have been shut down for Di Jun, and his two wings are controlled by pure mechanical power.

These two wings are used to adjust the flight trajectory. They can generate centripetal force through rotation and tilt, thereby changing the direction of the meteorite.

Then calculate the cutting trajectory of the artificial satellite in front and conduct reasonable avoidance. Naturally, you can pass this line of defense without damaging the warship.

It looks like he is surrounded by bullets and bullets, like he is dancing on the tip of the gun in the picture, but in fact he is as steady as an old dog.

It took an hour for Qin Yue to reach the sky above Sihe Star from the location of the satellite explosion, and another 15 minutes to pass the artificial satellite defense array.

Another 20 minutes later, the meteorite passed through the atmosphere.

The Emperor Jun kicked its claws, and the meteorite under its feet was kicked away directly, while it itself hovered in the air.

I'm in!

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