Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 74 Four-Eyed Slug Man

"Did we do something big just now?" Bai Langlang asked excitedly when he saw the escaping plane.

After all, two people fought off thousands of fighter jets!

Qin Yue was speechless: "What a big thing, it's just something people use to guard their farmland. On earth, it's almost equivalent to a farmer with a shotgun on the farm!"

"Ah this." Bai Langlang was speechless.

"Concepts, concepts must keep up, this is no longer the earth!" Qin Yue said: "Any power, you have to weaken it a hundred times before you can compete with our earth!"

"Oh~~" Bai Langlang nodded: "Then will this farmer call the police? Will there be stronger forces to surround us later?"

"The police will definitely be called, but we don't know if we will have the power to encircle and suppress them!" Qin Yue pointed to the front: "Let's go, when I just came down, I remembered there was a city over there!"

Standing on a canyon not far from the city, the two looked at the city below.

The Varro people have obviously only taken over Titan for less than a month, and the city here is already quite large, full of technology, and covers a huge area.

It gives Bai Langlang the feeling that he is playing SimCity, and it feels like he has reached the advanced stage.

There are six or seven hundred meter tall buildings everywhere, a three-dimensional transportation network criss-crossing the sky, speeding cars in the sky, and pedestrians underground.

So modern, so sophisticated that he had to wonder, could they really take back what they had grown into?

"Are these people from Wallow?" On the edge of the city, the two of them saw aliens for the first time.

This is a pink monster that is 2.4 meters tall?

It might be a bit rude to call it a monster, but it has no legs and walks like a snail with suckers. The skin on its body is soft and somewhat transparent, and there are some obvious black dots on its abdomen, which looks a bit like **, and a bit like the short legs of a caterpillar.

This monster has four eyes, two on each side, arranged vertically. The shape of the eyes is different from that of humans. It is a huge ball with a black spot in the middle.

How should I put it, it's actually not ugly, it's a bit ugly.

"Yes and no," Qin Yue said softly: "These are four-eyed slug people. Their predecessors evolved from slug-like animals!"

"Slug?" Bai Langlang thought of the slugs on the earth, and then looked at the one in front of him, good guy, this is how a slug becomes a spirit!

"@#¥ @%?" The four-eyed slug man also saw the two of them and muttered.

"What did he say?" Bai Langlang asked.

"Do you think I know everything?" Qin Yue was speechless: "This is an alien language!"

"Okay!" Bai Langlang sighed, so there is something you don't know how to do?

Then he saw Qin Yue walking over and started chirping.

"He asked me who I was. He had never seen us like this before!" After saying a few words, Qin Yue turned around and said, "I told them that we are from the Heavenly Civilization. We accidentally entered this star area and came down to take a look."

"Ah" Bai Langlang was speechless. Are you saying you don't understand alien languages?

"By the way, the Golden Crow has a translation function. If you call it, it will translate it for you in real time!" Qin Yue said again.

Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Turning on the translator, he could finally understand what the two of them were saying.

"Heavenly Civilization, what civilization is that? Are they other heavenly kings in Valo?" the four-eyed slug asked.

"No, we do not belong to the Varro civilization, we are an independent civilization!" Qin Yue said.

"But, I don't think you two look like civilized people at all!" The four-eyed slug pointed at Qin Yue and Bai Langlang.

As long as they are not blind, everyone should be able to see it. After all, of these two people, one has a bird head and should have evolved from birds.

And the other one is a sheep head!

"Our heavenly civilization is like this. We are a civilization formed by the fusion of countless races!" Qin Yue explained: "There are not only sheep and phoenixes, but also crows (Golden Crow), snakes (Xiangliu), dragons ( Ji Meng), there are horses (Yingzhao), rats (Feidan), deers (Feilian), and insects (Qinyuan)."

"Oh!" The four-eyed slug nodded: "I understand, you are a multi-racial civilization just like us, Valo!"

"Bah" Bai Langlang felt as if he had heard some incredible secret. People on earth don't even know what the Warro people look like. We actually already know that Warro is a multi-racial civilization.

"Oh? Is that so? Can you tell us in detail?" Qin Yue asked curiously.

"Um, you are not spies sent by other civilizations, are you?" the four-eyed slug asked hesitantly.

Bai Langlang was immediately frightened and broke into a cold sweat. He was actually discovered?

Do you want to kill people and silence them?

Then Qin Yue laughed and said: "No way, it's just because of the special nature of our heavenly civilization, so we care more about the lives of other racial civilizations."

"Oh, that's it. Then come with me and chat slowly at my house. It's too hot here!" Slug turned his head and looked at the morning light next to him: "When the sun comes out later, the weather will be very uncomfortable."

He actually believed it?

Bai Langlang opened his mouth in surprise, but closed it immediately.

He felt that his cultivation was still too far behind. Maybe it was because he had just come to Xinghai, so he was short-sighted and was startled by everything he saw.

Looking at Qin Yue who has always been calm next to him, this is the demeanor of a boss. I should learn from it.

Not to mention that even if Mount Tai collapses in front of us, we won’t change our attitude. At least we can’t be as surprised as we are now!

The four-eyed slug does not walk slowly, but the speed of the two of them is too fast. However, in order to accommodate the slug, they can only follow slowly.

After half an hour, the sun came out, and the slug finally arrived home.

This is a forest located outside the city. It grows a different kind of tree from the forest next to it.

The trees here are generally low, but thicker, each one as thick as twenty or thirty people hugging each other.

As they got closer to the woods, the two of them also saw more four-eyed slugs. However, because they were not of the same race, they saw that all the four-eyed slugs seemed to look the same?

At most, the size is a little different.

Those four-eyed slugs were curious when they saw the two strangers, but since they were brought back by their tribe, no one asked any questions. They were just busy with their own affairs.

Are you busy? They can’t understand it either.

Entering the tree house, the two found that the decoration inside was surprisingly good!

The floor paved with wooden planks exudes a fragrant smell, like a bed made of nutshells. It is also covered with unknown beard grass, which looks soft.

Next to the bed is a window framed with rattan. The whole room is filled with a natural atmosphere, and there is a feeling of harmonious integration between man and nature.

"Do you live here?" Qin Yue asked.

He actually knew some things about the four-eyed slug clan, but he still had to ask.

After all, can chatting bring us closer?

"Yes." The four-eyed slug pulled over two chairs and sat down.

It is said to be a chair, but more like a recliner, and the four-eyed slug can lie on it very comfortably.

"No, why don't you go back to reality to rest?" Bai Langlang was curious. Although Xinghai is a second world, Earthlings will still return to Earth when they want to sleep!

"Go back?" The four-eyed slug paused, then nodded: "You can't go back!"

A message appeared in the corner of Bai Langlang's eyes: Among the four-eyed slugs, shaking one's head represents sadness and crying.

"Our planet has been destroyed to such an extent that it is no longer habitable. Now all of us are living in a simulation cabin. When we return to reality, we are faced with a pool of stagnant water." The four-eyed slug said and looked at it curiously. To the two of them: "Could it be that you can still return to reality?"

"Uh" Bai Langlang looked at Qin Yue. He didn't dare to ask any more questions, for fear that he would say something wrong and delay his plan.

"We can do it!" Qin Yue nodded.

"How is that possible?" The four-eyed slug was stunned, and his tone immediately became urgent: "Since your civilization has been conquered, why can you still return to reality? Has your home planet not been found yet?"

"This" Bai Langlang was stunned, and his brain exploded.

Wait, wait, what are you doing?

He seemed to suddenly understand what Qin Yue was going to do!

Qin Yue smiled slightly, and then said in a curious tone: "Conquer, what conquest? Our heavenly civilization never conquers other civilizations. Everyone who wants to join us is voluntary!"

"How could it be voluntary? Which civilization would abandon its own civilization and join other civilizations?" The four-eyed slug's voice became louder.

"There are many peace-loving civilizations, defeated wandering civilizations, and some oppressed civilizations that long for redemption." Qin Yue said gently: "Our weak civilizations unite and join forces to keep warm. We are all equal. Why do we need to conquer the other party’s home planet and lock people in nutrition warehouses?”

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