Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 75 The enemy can come, and I can go too

Good guy, I'm just good guy!

Bai Langlang is also a smart person. Although Qin Yue only chatted with Slug for a few words, he has already understood a lot of information.

The four-eyed slugs are not the Varro people. They are a race conquered by the Varro people. It seems that the home planet has been found, and then it was destroyed by the Varro people. Now they are locked in the nutrition warehouse and can only survive in the sea of ​​​​stars. .

Qin Yue said that the Heavenly Civilization is also a multi-racial fusion civilization, but they did not become strong through conquest, but through integration!

All civilizations do not need to abandon their home planet or their own civilization. Everyone has equal status and can coexist peacefully.

Is this a naked temptation?

"Wait a minute." Next to him, Qin Yue seemed to suddenly realize: "Didn't you enter the nutrition warehouse on your own initiative?"

"This" four-eyed slug scratched its head in embarrassment, but unfortunately its hands were too short to scratch it.

After a moment of silence, he said sincerely: "Of course not, of course not. I envy you so much."

Where do their slugs like to grow most? They like a dark and humid environment. Their home planet is the most suitable place for survival!

Even in the sea of ​​​​stars, it is not impossible to find a suitable place, but that place is either in a deep mountain canyon or underground.

Living in a place like this is suitable for four-eyed slugs, but the Varro people are not happy!

You live in a place like this, how can I take my children to visit you and strengthen patriotic education for them?

We Wallow people hate this kind of environment the most!

So the Waloro people forced four-eyed slugs to live in a seemingly natural tree house. Anyway, in the eyes of the Waloro people, all authentic treehouses are the same!

But it's different for four-eyed slugs. They like to eat leaves, but that doesn't mean they like to live in tree houses. On the contrary, because of the environment in the library, four-eyed slugs become impulsive, irritable, prone to getting sick, and have a weak constitution.

What’s even more uncomfortable is that the high-gravity environment that the Varro people are suitable for living in is an out-and-out hell for four-eyed slugs. The super-habitable planet of the Varro people is extremely unsuitable for four-eyed slugs. Live on the planet!

The hellish gravity and disgusting environment have reduced the lifespan of a four-eyed slug, which originally had an average lifespan of 450 years, to around 200 years old!

However, what can be done? If the war is defeated, the entire race has become a slave. You have to obey other people's arrangements.

If four-eyed slugs were not unbearable in the past, they have been like this since childhood. Even some young slugs who don't pay much attention to history already feel that four-eyed slugs originally grew in tree houses and their life spans are so short.

But there are always some who from time to time envy their ancestors who live happily underground.

That is a scene that I would never dare to dream about.

This slug thought that his life would go by quickly anyway, but he didn't expect that the arrival of two civilized people from heaven would cause ripples in his heart.

Does a civilization where all races are equal and can live wherever they want really exist?

After drinking two glasses of juice, the four-eyed slug sent the two heavenly civilized people away from the clan. Looking at the two figures slowly walking away, he fell into deep thought after a long absence.

"Qin Yue, Brother Qin?" Bai Langlang turned his head and looked at the slug who was still standing guard at the intersection. He turned around and asked, "Are we exporting thoughts?"

"What do you think is the biggest weapon in the world?" Qin Yue asked.

"Patch?" Game Party Bai Langlang answered without hesitation, but seeing Qin Yue's eyes, he quickly changed his answer: "Then, two-way foil? Zeroing formula?"

Two-dimensional foil is a weapon that can make the three-dimensional universe two-dimensional. The whole process is irreversible and unstoppable. However, this kind of weapon currently only exists in novels. No one knows whether it exists in the star sea.

The same is true for the return-to-zero formula, which can end the life of the entire universe early, return it to zero, and then restart the Big Bang. It is a formula that can reset the universe.

But it only exists in novels. No one knows whether it exists in the sea of ​​stars.

Qin Yue shook his head: "Although the two-way foil is strong, it is not stronger than the human will to survive, and no matter how strong the zero return formula is, it is not stronger than the Virgin Heart."

"So the most powerful weapon in the world is thought!"

Qin Yue has experienced the power of thoughts. Not to mention far away, just on the earth, because of different thoughts, several wars that affected the world structure broke out. And the thoughts from thousands of years ago are still relevant thousands of years later. , guiding the behavior of billions of people.

Not to mention that in the sea of ​​​​stars, due to the invasion of Valo's thoughts, the earth has suffered heavy losses and is cleaned every year, but the weeds cannot be eradicated, and the spring breeze blows and grows again!

Even at the stage of advanced civilization, wars abound because of different ideas. For example, the civilization where Sophon lived had wars that lasted for hundreds of millions of years because of ideological disputes!

It was the invasion of foreign enemies that stopped their war, but due to hundreds of millions of years of internal strife, the huge civilization fell apart. In the end, only one sophon was left to bear witness to their existence.

"Sure enough." Bai Langlang guessed correctly, Qin Yue wanted to invade Valo's thoughts!

"But our earth is not even a first-class civilization. Can our thoughts surpass Wallow's?" Bai Langlang was a little curious!

If your thoughts are passed on and can't even make a splash, isn't it meaningless?

"Of course!" Qin Yue replied firmly: "As long as there is oppression and injustice, that idea will be useful!"

The premise is that you must also have strength yourself, otherwise your civilization is weak, and no matter how brilliant your ideas are, it will be useless if others are not even willing to understand them.


Titan, Moranze City, is the target city of Qin Yue and his two men.

A building with the same functions as the police station received an alarm.

Two aliens broke into a farmer's long-tailed lotus field and dug up a long-tailed lotus. The farmer sent a drone to pursue them, but the aliens shot down most of them!

The alien's equipment is extremely powerful, and they are suspected to be a second-level civilization!

The person who received the alarm was named Xiaomo, a member of the Carved Hooves clan. He had a strong build, blue skin, and horns on his head. He looked like a rhinoceros spirit.

"Second-level civilization?" Xiao Moo smiled. I have no knowledge of rural civilization. What do you think the second-level civilization is? Chinese cabbage!

Their suzerain civilization, Valo, is only a second-level civilization!

He pulled up the video sent by the caller, took another glass of Ice City Mixue, put the straw into his mouth, and then lay down on the armchair.

Clicking on the video, he saw the battle scene, and then his mouth movements stopped.

"This orange light, this particle shock wave, is this really a second-level civilization?" Xiao Moo was startled at first, and in an instant, boundless fear struck him.

It was discovered that powerful aliens entered the earth and were shot by farmers with guns. What was the result?

Referring to Raditz and Vegeta, even originally friendly civilizations will have wars because of such provocations!

Not to mention, it may be a civilization with malicious intentions!

This is even an excuse for the enemy civilization to take action!

And are there any civilizations in this world that are kind to other civilizations?

Yes, but they all became dust in the end, became other people's subordinate races, and became other people's slaves.

What is the concept of second-level civilization? Valo is a second-level civilization!

If a war breaks out between two civilizations, it will be an all-out war!

"Wait a minute, maybe it's Valo's ship!" Xiao Mo comforted himself, zooming in on the video, and his heart grew colder.

This height, this dress, this temperament, he is not from Wallow at all, but more like the Blue Star he just dealt with recently!

Speaking of which, these two aliens, one with a sheep's head and the other with a bird's head, looked quite friendly to Xiao Mo. After all, he just had a cow's head!

"But why is the force field orange?" As we all know, orange force fields are used by lifeboats, so these two aliens are not wearing combat suits, but life-saving suits?

Xiao Moo knows that on Valo's side, whether it is an expedition ship or a military ship, as long as it enters a strange star area, it must wear combat uniforms!

After all, a strange star area means there are enemies. If there are enemies, even if you are in trouble, no one will save you, so why are you wearing a survival suit?

He will only wear a survival suit when exploring his own star sector.

So, why did two aliens wear life-saving suits when they entered the Dark Island Star Zone?

Who needs to wear a survival suit?

People who need to be saved will wear life jackets!

Therefore, it is possible that these two aliens are not from any civilization, but are refugees?

If they are refugees from a second-level civilization, would it be possible for them to obtain second-level technology if they come into contact with the Ketu clan?

The fear that had been suppressed just now turned into excitement in an instant. If this is the case, if this is the case

He doesn't know what the result will be

Xiao Mo felt that his brain was not easy to judge this matter, so he decided to report it.

But he also kept a careful eye and did not choose the highest level of alert. Instead, he chose to report it to his immediate superior.

Big moo.

The grapes I planted sprouted

I originally planned to take photos every day after planting it to record its growth, but the seller told me that it would take 45 days to sprout.

Then it happened to rain heavily and hail during those two days, so I stopped taking pictures.

When I saw the results today, I saw that they had sprouted and the leaves had grown very big!

Relationships are not 45 days, but 4~5 days!

It seems that it will be ready to eat in two years. Then I can treat you to grapes.

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