Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 77 Molan Yunze’s Inference

"Is it done?" Bai Langlang knew what they were here for, and it was just a facade to see Valo.

After all, if you really want to see it, don’t you just get a telescope and look at it from a distance?

In fact, they are here to spread ideas!

But not everyone can do it. It’s not enough to not support Valo, you also have to have a rebellious heart!

In this way, he will take the initiative to accept ideas and actively spread them to the outside world!

I thought it would take a long time, but I didn’t expect that after less than a day of wandering around, someone came to my door!

Bai Langlang looked at Qin Yue, but unfortunately Qin Yue had a bird's head on his head and couldn't see his expression.

"Disrespecting civilization and acting wantonly, Wallow did too much!" Qin Yue nodded: "So, how do you want us to help you?"

"Ah..." Xiao Moo was stunned, so smooth? It seems that the brains of these second-level civilization aliens are not very good!

"Then, can you support us with some technology? If we have the power in our hands, we can definitely stop Valo from invading us!" Xiao Moo said hurriedly.

Qin Yue did not shake his head. After all, in some cultures, shaking his head means nodding.

He said: "The reason why you can still live a stable life under Valo's governance is precisely because you do not have power. If you have power that can harm or even threaten Valo, guess what they will do. ?”

"Ah this." Xiao Moo was stunned, yes!

It is precisely because they feel that they are not a threat that the Keho clan can survive unharmed, right?

It’s not that no civilization has thought about resisting Varro. With the birth of generations of babies, it’s not that no civilization has had peerless geniuses appear, leading them to develop high technology in a simple environment.

However, these geniuses were either recruited or committed suicide by being shot eight times in the back.

The civilization that was able to develop second-level technology and wanted to rebel was easily wiped out.

After all, even if you develop secondary technology, how many years has it been since you started, and how many years has it been since Valo started.

They don't even need to dispatch battleships. Just cutting off the power is enough to destroy the affiliated civilization!

"Then, wouldn't it be possible for us to never turn over?" Xiao Moo was a little confused, and then looked at Qin Yue: "Or, if your heavenly civilization has level three technology?"

Level 2 technology can’t beat Valor, maybe level 3 can!

"Sorry, our Heavenly Civilization is only a second-level civilization. Even our strength is not as good as Wallow!" Qin Yue shook his head.

"This" Xiao Mo became decadent and sat down a little helplessly: "Then what should I do? Do you want me to watch the Keho clan disappear like this, leaving only Black Hoof? I am not willing to do it!"

Qin Yue smiled and said: "Perhaps what you need now is not technology, but other things?"


"For example, something that can unite other forces!" Qin Yue said softly: "How powerful is a Keho clan? But in the entire Dark Island Star Region, how many races are oppressed like you and want to resist? In the entire Twenty-eight How many areas are there in the King of Heaven? How many areas are in the Valoben sector?”

"This" Xiao Moo's eyes lit up little by little: "Yes, there are thousands of civilizations affiliated with Waro, too numerous to count. There simply aren't too many civilizations that are dissatisfied with Waro, if we can unite."

The Varro civilization is so superior that they disdain doing low-level things. As for using mechanization?

How can anyone look noble?

Therefore, all aspects of Valo, large and small matters, including waging war with foreign countries and controlling military power, and other matters are basically the responsibility of the affiliated civilization!

Even those who are responsible for managing the power grid of a civilization's nutrition warehouse are affiliated civilizations!

If such civilizations are all won over, then not only will they have powerful power in the star sea, but in reality they will not need to worry about a sudden power outage, causing the body to die in reality.

"But how can we win over so many races? How can we coexist peacefully?" Xiao Moo asked again.

Vallo can make these people coexist peacefully by relying on strength, but he doesn't dare to develop his strength. How can he let them coexist peacefully?

Maybe someone would complain before the incident even started!

"You need to let them know who is their friend and who is their enemy. Once you distinguish these, you will naturally stand together!" Qin Yue said.

"Yeah!" Xiao Mo nodded repeatedly. Their enemy is Waro, so anyone who resists Waro is a friend, and anyone who supports Waro is an enemy!

"I know what to do!" Xiao Moo stood up, and then lay down again with a pop: "Thank you two gentlemen for your guidance!"

After leaving the bar, Bai Langlang still felt a little unreal: "Is this it?"

"Sure? It's far from it!" Qin Yue shook his head: "I don't even know if that little Moo is an enemy or a friend, or if he is here to test me. Besides, even if he is determined, their current social stage is not enough to be able to revolt. opportunity"

What's more, for such a thick secret book, he only taught one sentence, which was far from enough!

If Vallo can be killed in this way, why not build warships or build fortresses? It would be better to just print books and distribute leaflets.

"That's true..." Bai Langlang nodded: "Then can you tell me, what exactly are we here for? Are we just looking for people to chat with?"

"I'm attracting someone's attention!" Qin Yue said: "It is the decisive force in this star area."

"District Lord, here are all the people those two aliens came into contact with, and their conversations." In the center of Yunze City, in a bamboo shoot-shaped building nearly 1,800 meters high that has reached into the clouds, there is a sheep-headed girl. Hand a light screen to the district leader.

The earth can put surveillance cameras all over the streets. This is the territory of a second-level civilization!

"Heavenly civilization, racial equality? No discrimination and oppression? No kneeling? Damn!" On the blue throne, sitting upright was a man who was only 1.4 meters tall, with two big and round eyes. His skin was blue and his muscles were Qiujie is a hairless creature that looks like a living King Kong.

The star master of the Dark Island Star District is from Valo, a member of the Moran family, Moran Yunze!

"It's okay to fool the fools below, but some people actually believe it? Oh, Niutou, that's okay!" Molan Yunze shook his head disdainfully.

"District Lord, do you mean that this heavenly civilization is fake?" the sheep-headed girl asked.

"Technology cannot be faked!" Molan Yunze chuckled: "But civilization is not necessarily true, and ideas are not necessarily true! The star sea is full of deceit and conspiracy. The word trust must not be used in Other civilizations are irresponsible towards their own civilization!”


"I only believe what I see and what I judge!" Molan Yunze pointed to the two aliens on the screen: "For example, they seem to be aliens, but in fact, they are earthlings. !”

"How is that possible!" The sheep-headed girl was stunned for a moment: "The earth is just a first-level civilization!"

"I'm not wrong. I have already been in contact with the earth and I know a lot about many things on the earth, including the speaking habits of the people on the earth, the audio range, the hearing frequency range, and the visible light frequency range. I have just unfolded them one by one. The test matched them perfectly!" Molan Yunze said: "But their bodies are from Earth, but their identities are not necessarily from Earth. Earthlings are also their disguises!"

"Ah this!" The sheep-headed girl's eyes widened. The heavenly civilization is a disguise, and the people on earth are also a disguise?

So what are their true identities?

"They have lurked into the earth a long time ago and have communicated with the people on earth. Their legends still exist on the earth, so they know the earth very well, and they also know the war between the earth and Valo very well, but why don't they just Why didn't you enter the Star Sea before and did not dare to talk to us directly? "

"Because they once entered the star sea, but their civilization was destroyed and their home planet was found. They fled to the earth in reality!"

"Because they dare not enter the Star Sea, their strength is very weak. Not only are they no match for Valo, they are not even my match!"

"They are the ancient demon clan and refugees from the heavenly civilization!"

I didn’t expect that the demon tribe people, there are my people on the earth, they have sent a lot of information here!

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