"Master Moran is here!"

Someone shouted loudly, and the whole street became clean in an instant.

Then, the two of them were shocked to see people on the whole street kneeling and lying down.

The most exaggerated thing was a strange race that was more than 6 meters tall. They found a pit and lay down in it.

Not only people, but even the flying cars in the sky stopped and turned on their lights, as if to greet someone.

"This posture" Bai Langlang praised: "It's more exaggerated than the Tianlong people traveling, but we are still standing, isn't it a bit conspicuous?"

"Just be conspicuous. We are not its affiliated race, so why should we kneel down!" Qin Yue continued to stand and look into the distance.

It was a luxurious fleet, headed by a black and gold spherical spaceship. On the top of the ship was a luxurious throne, and sitting on the throne was a Moran.

There was also a sheep-headed girl standing next to him. She was from the Moon Sheep clan. People from this clan were born with a clever mind and could multi-task, making them the most suitable secretary candidates.

As for such a smart clan, why would their civilization be destroyed?

Because they prefer liberal arts, like poetry, music, philosophy, and do not like to engage in science.

Behind the spaceship, there are thirty mighty spaceships. In space, this scale can only be considered small, but on land and in a city, such a scale is suffocating to look at.

"Are these two aliens spreading dangerous ideas everywhere and destroying the stability of Titan? Bring them here!" The ubiquitous sound waves instantly surrounded the two of them.

Two ships flew down, and then two teams of soldiers with loaded guns and thick protective clothing came out, raised their guns, and pointed them at the two people.

Qin Yue raised his hand, and Bai Langlang followed suit and raised it too.

The two were escorted onto the spaceship, and not long after, they stood in front of the Valor man again.

"Is this the Waluo people?" Bai Langlang looked at the alien in front of him curiously. He was only as tall as his waist. Sitting on the throne was the same as a young Puyi, but his muscles were very thick and he looked like he could hit with one punch. Kill several of them!

"Do you still need to disguise yourself in front of me?" Molan Yunze asked: "You think I can't recognize you if you put on a leather cover? Earthlings!"

"Fuck, it's exposed!" Bai Langlang's heart beat violently. He looked at Qin Yue secretly and found that Qin Yue had simply taken off his hood!

"The oxygen concentration here is a bit high. I may be a little drunk here. Please forgive me if I behave inappropriately!" Qin Yue said with cupped hands.

"Huh!" Molan Yunze, hehe, you are still pretending to be an Earthling, do you think I don't know your details?

"Look at my Yunze City. I spent a month to build it with my meager strength!" Molan Yunze didn't talk nonsense to Qin Yue. He pointed to the city below and introduced: "Three people live here. Seventeen hundred races.”

Qin Yue showed a surprised expression in response: "Your Excellency, you have the world in mind, you are awesome!"

Molan Yunze nodded with satisfaction.

As the spaceship flew out of the city, Moran Yunze pointed to the sea of ​​blue flowers below and continued to introduce: "Look at these blue ridge long-tailed lotuses. The environment that this plant likes is quite complex, but my scientific team has mastered the cultivation method. Now I have cultivated 1.5 billion hectares on the entire planet, and can extract 85 tons of gold from it every year!”

Qin Yue's eyes widened. Zhanjin and Fei Metal are metals of the same level. They are both technologies needed to create force fields. However, Fei Metal is more suitable for making life-saving equipment, while Zhanjin is more suitable for use on dangerous planets. Environmentally, build protective shields for immigration areas.

It can also be used on battleships, but because it can only be extracted from plants, the yield is too small, and it is generally not widely used.

"My lord, your technological strength is also very strong. None of us have mastered such technology!" He continued to flatter him.

"Look at my fleet again!" The spaceship came to the sea at the edge of the continent and saw that the vast sea and even the sky above the sea were full of warships!

The sea urchin battleships that have fought against the earth are all at the bottom, and there are larger sea urchins with brighter metallic luster above them.

There are also bullet-shaped and streamlined battleships similar to the Earth battleships. There are also a lot of them, and some are even modeled after the Tianquan fleet!

"Are you trying to imitate the Earth's warships and then use them for strategic deception?" Qin Yue asked in surprise.

Just imagine, you are at war with aliens, and suddenly a group of your own warship-style spaceships fly over. Would you think they are your own reinforcements?

But actually, it’s on the opposite side!

"Them? They are not worthy of my caution!" Molan Yunze shook his head: "However, after all, it is the crystallization of the wisdom of other civilizations. If we study it carefully, it may bring us ideas and trigger a technological explosion!"

Qin Yue nodded. There was nothing wrong with what he said. If a civilization wants to grow, learning and learning from other civilizations is an inevitable process.

"Do you know why I took you to see these?" Molan Yunze asked.

"Well, I see that Mr. Moran has great ambitions, and you don't just want to be a boring district leader." Qin Yue hesitated for a moment, and then replied.

"Haha!" Molan Yunze laughed: "Do you want to seduce me like you seduce other civilizations?"

"Uh" Qin Yue wiped his sweat.

"Don't be afraid, I already know your details clearly. You cannot represent the civilization of Heaven. Heaven's civilization must have been destroyed long ago!" Molan Yunze leaned on the chair and said lazily: "You should They are the descendants of the heavenly civilization. This earth civilization should have been created by your intervention. You want to use the power of the earth to make a comeback, right? "

"Ah this." The surprise on Qin Yue's face could no longer be suppressed.

"This, this, your lord"

"Haha, who do you think I am? I am the most innate spiritual person in the Moran family for three thousand years!" Molan Yunze gritted his teeth: "So, tell me, your purpose, you must remember, No one in this world can deceive me, including you!”

Qin Yue hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed. The submissiveness on his face disappeared instantly, and instead he showed a domineering attitude that had commanded hundreds of millions of warships and fought a war of genocide!

"That's right, I thought we had hidden it deeply, but I didn't expect you to see it out!" Qin Yue showed an ambitious expression and said: "My real name is Shi Luo, and I am the sixth generation of Tianting Civilization. Emperor Jun, 140,000 years ago, we were defeated in the battle with other civilizations. We had no choice but to completely withdraw from the sea of ​​​​stars, then fled, and then came to a planet that had just developed an intelligent race, but had not yet given birth to civilization."

"This planet is the earth!" Molan Yunze interrupted Qin Yue's words: "Did you participate in the war 140,000 years ago?"

"That's right!" Qin Yue sighed: "Starfall War."

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