Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 85 Metallic Hydrogen

In April, he had already entered Xinghai to study with a more advanced teacher, so he could skip the basic courses.

He can start directly from the paper.

The first thing to study is mathematics, and the second is physics.

Needless to say, mathematics. If the sword is the king of a hundred weapons, then mathematics is the king of encyclopedia. It sits on the throne and overlooks all living beings in the world.

And physics?

Let’s put it this way, the entire star sea is full of physics, all kinds of complex starry sky environments, stars, black holes, gravitational fields, magnetic fields and chaotic areas. If you don’t understand physics and rashly reach such a dangerous area, you can only ask God for help. Pray to Buddha to see who can save you.

But physicists can find a safe way through knowledge.

Not to mention, the basic levels of civilization, that is, the physical civilization, all study the structure of matter and the general laws of motion. The only difference is that the higher-level research is deeper and the lower-level research is shallower.

Soon, Qin Yue lived a life of six o'clock and one line in the library, canteen, dormitory, playground, dormitory, and Xinghai. She hugged the book when she woke up every day, hugged the book when she entered the Xinghai, and hugged the book when eating. Books, even when commanding a battleship, he held them in his arms, doing two things at once.

Despite this, his record is actually very good and he has always been ranked first. However, this result is not exaggerated to other students. Qin Yue's classmates have already started to spread the word. Qin Yue was in the simulated battle. Defeated Zhou Qiong.

His hard study is not special at Beidou University, because everyone is like this.

The teachers in the school teach very quickly. A 400-page textbook with a thickness of 1.5 centimeters may take one or two semesters in other schools, but at Beidou University, it can be completed in two or three classes. There will be no rest, there will be new courses coming.

Time is so tight, can I finish learning so much content?

The answer is that after learning, people are in the sea of ​​​​stars. These students are inherently smart. After taking the injection, their mental power is a little higher than that of other people who have received the injection. They can generally achieve a photographic memory.

But photographic memory does not mean that you can master it. After studying a book, you still have to read a lot of articles and do a lot of questions to fully master it. The teacher will not give you this time, so you have to find time by yourself.

Qin Yue still held the book and left the calculation part to Tomoko. Most people even brought computers and scratch paper. When walking on the road, an idea suddenly came to them and they had to get down and do some calculations.

Studying and military training used to be quite difficult in July, but because the humid air brought by the hurricane was blown to Gansu, it was rainy at Beidou University throughout July, but the rain was not heavy and it did not delay the military training.

At the end of July, Qin Yue came to the office of the mechanics of materials teacher with a manuscript.

The materials science teacher’s surname is Wang and his given name is Jin Yan. He is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a researcher at the School of Materials, Tianqin Academy of Sciences.

He spends most of his time in the Tianqin Star District, and can only spare five or six hours a week to come here for classes. In order to facilitate classes, he simply moved his home from BJ to Nanfeng Space City, so that he does not have to bear the extreme weather in the sea of ​​stars. High school students are delayed.

"Oh, it's Qin Yue!" Academician Jin Yan is very familiar with Qin Yue, or he is very familiar with every student. This student is usually taciturn, but studies very hard, and his grades have always been good, ranking among the top three. : "Are you going to ask a question?"

"I, I have written a paper here, and I would like you to take a look." Qin Yue carefully took out the manuscript.

Face your classmates and parents, act, face aliens, act.

Up to now, Qin Yue's acting skills have been perfected, and she and the character have almost become one.

"Oh, let's take a look." Wang Jinyan adjusted his glasses. Although college students generally start writing papers in their junior and senior years, students at Beidou University are different after all!

In just this month, many students in the entire school have submitted papers. Many mathematical problems that have not been solved by the mathematics community have been solved in this month. Some students have also begun to tackle the world's seven major mathematical problems. Got it!

It's a pity that they don't know that four of the seven major problems have been solved by their predecessors, but they have not been published.

"A method of preparing metallic hydrogen in the laboratory. Well, metallic hydrogen. This is, eh? Metallic hydrogen?"

Wang Jinyan originally thought it was nothing, but when he thought about the role of metallic hydrogen, he felt something was wrong, so he hurriedly continued reading.

Metallic hydrogen is to break the molecular bonds of hydrogen under high temperature and pressure, and then change them into metallic bonds. The core technical point is to convert the two electrons of the hydrogen molecule into free electrons.

Metallic hydrogen has a wide range of applications. First of all, its density is greater than that of hydrogen. The energy density of an equal volume of metallic hydrogen is seven times that of liquid hydrogen. Therefore, a rocket that uses hydrogen as fuel can have a power system of the same size that can fly seven times. More fuel can make the rocket faster and fly further.

Secondly, the energy contained in the body of metallic hydrogen is 30 to 40 times that of TNT under the same conditions. If the TNT-filled artillery shell is replaced with metallic hydrogen, the explosion power can become 30 to 40 times the original!

Furthermore, metallic hydrogen is approximately a superconducting material, and the resistance in the body is negligible. Using metallic hydrogen to transport electricity, the loss of electricity during transmission will not exceed 1%. Using metallic hydrogen to make wires can replace various components inside spaceships and battleships. Similar circuits can also reduce the thermal radiation of battleships, reduce energy losses, and greatly reduce the possibility of being discovered by the enemy.

The most important thing is that metallic hydrogen can confine plasma, and the product of nuclear fusion is a plasma!

In other words, metallic hydrogen is actually an important piece of the puzzle of nuclear fusion!

How important is such a material that can greatly improve the power, concealment, energy saving of battleships, and even promote the birth of controllable nuclear fusion?

Let's put it this way, if it were placed fifty or sixty years ago, if the paper had no problems, the name Qin Yue would have been sealed, and Qin Yue would have disappeared from the world, maybe in twenty or thirty years. , Qin Yue's name will appear at a certain commendation meeting, and will be glanced at by netizens and then forgotten.

Unfortunately, the principle of this material is simple to say, but extremely difficult to make. Theoretically, you have to use a 1,000-ton hydraulic press to smash it down from the height of the 10th floor to generate an atmospheric pressure of 2 million times, and only then can a child be born. A little bit of metallic hydrogen, and this thing is not stable. It will explode if you let it go for a moment!

Wang Jinyan is well aware of the difficulty of this thing. In fact, they have someone at the Tianqin Academy of Sciences who is studying this thing. They have prepared a little bit of it, but it cannot be stored at room temperature and cannot be used. It can only be stuck with diamonds and cannot be seen by the naked eye. You have to use a microscope to see. If other scientists come to visit, show them off and show off.

Even so, this is already an amazing breakthrough!

But now, what did he see?

A student developed a method to prepare metallic hydrogen?

It can’t be the pressure-based one!

Wang Jinyan continued to look down, and then he realized that he was not using the compression method, but the electron extraction method!

Instead of touching the molecular bonds, we directly target the electrons and use special materials to remove the electrons. Without the electrons, the molecular bonds of the hydrogen molecules will automatically break to form metallic bonds, and metallic hydrogen is born!

The whole paper seems to be wild and unreasonable, and it is completely conjecture, but if you look carefully, it seems to have some truth.

Wang Jinyan looked at it for a long time, then turned on the computer and started to check the calculations.

He found that the application of various formulas and calculation processes were all correct, without any errors or omissions.


"Have you done any experiments?" Wang Jinyan asked.

"No, I don't have the equipment or materials, but after calculation, I think it's OK!" Qin Yue replied.

"Ah this." Wang Jinyan was speechless. This is computational materials science?

People used to think that chemical reactions were predetermined and could only be studied through experiments. Later, people discovered that mathematical formulas and computer programs could be used to calculate and check some chemical problems.

The discipline of computational chemistry came into being.

The same is true for computational materials science, which are new disciplines born after the emergence of computers.

But people use computers, but this student uses a pen!

Is this a young man, so terrifying!

"Come, follow me to the research institute. This matter is very important. Let's check the calculation now!" Wang Jinyan looked at the young Qin Yue and became more and more delighted. Although he had accepted several apprentices, there were also many who had already graduated. .

But who would dislike having too many good apprentices?

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