"Where is your ship parked?" Academician Wang Jinyan asked.

"Well, it's near the rings of Saturn." Qin Yue said.

"I'll apply later and open a star gate for you. The destination is Tianqin Academy of Sciences! You go back first and then contact us in the star sea!" Wang Jinyan said and directly picked up the phone.

"Okay!" Qin Yue nodded: "Then I'll go back first."

Back in the dormitory, Qin Yue entered the sea of ​​​​stars. Each student was given a ship, but they would not participate in combat missions in the early stage. Most of them were patrolling.

In fact, there is nothing to patrol, the main purpose is to become proficient in the operation of warships.

Then soon, Qin Yue received a message.

"No. ZTS-1557, we have been notified here that the star gate leading to Tianqin Academy of Sciences will be opened at 15:33, space coordinates 1997·5542·1086, lasting 5 minutes, please arrive as soon as possible."

"ZTS-1157 received!" Qin Yue turned around and shouted: "Go to coordinates 1997·5542·1086, we have to cross the star gate!"

Human control is really troublesome. If you use Tomoko, you don't even need to speak, the ship can move by itself with just a thought!

An hour and a half later, 1557 arrived at the planet where Tianqin Academy of Sciences is located.

The most eye-catching thing you see is naturally the particle collider that surrounds the entire planet like a Great Wall around the equator.

"Is this the Tianqin Academy of Sciences?" Qin Yue looked at the planet in front of him with some admiration. He had a low status in his previous life and had never been here at all. He had only seen it from pictures.

This particle collider named Shuguang has made great contributions to China's in-depth research in the field of fundamental particles. Some of the theories developed are still used by Qin Yue thousands of years later.

Warships cannot board the planet. Qin Yue could only verify his identity, take a small spacecraft to enter the space station, and then descend to the ground through the space elevator.

This is a super habitable planet. After being tirelessly developed by people on earth for more than 20 years, most of the environment has become almost the same as that of earth. You can live freely here without wearing protective clothing or masks. .

Qin Yue took a plane sent by the Academy of Sciences and spent another three hours traveling across half of the continent from the space elevator station to the Materials Research Institute, which is surrounded by mountains.

A young man wearing VR glasses had been waiting at the entrance of the institute early. When he saw Qin Yue, he waved quickly: "Is it Junior Qin? I am Luo Chuan. Professor Wang asked me to pick you up!"

"Ah, hello!" Qin Yue stretched out her hand, Luochuan, I've never heard of this name!

But this is not surprising. He had never heard of such a big shot like Wang Jinyan in his previous life.

Unless those who engage in material research come up with some earth-shattering material and have a bit of flamboyance, the media will basically not pay attention to it, and no public will know about it.

"I read your paper. How did you come up with this idea?" Luo Chuan said as he walked: "To be honest, I agree that I am a genius. Teachers and classmates have always said this about me, but After reading your paper, I realized that the gap between people is really huge. If I could write a paper like this, it would be worth it even if I die now! "

Qin Yue waved her hands awkwardly: "What, it's not that serious, you may not have thought of it at the moment!"

"It's not that simple. This is not a problem that I didn't think of at the moment. I don't understand the formulas you used or the calculation process. I have to study it carefully when I go back. Even if I think of this way, by then If you can’t calculate it, it’s useless.” Anyone can propose a hypothesis, but just mentioning a hypothesis without writing a research verification formula is an act of civil science.

Qin Yue didn't know how to answer the call, so he couldn't cooperate with others in showing off.

He really wasn't in the mood, so he could only smile. Fortunately, the research room arrived soon.

This is an empty room with pure white floors and walls, and a white cold light above the head.

In the room, four middle-aged people, followed by seven or eight young people, were surrounding a circular device covered with lines and cones.

One of them was Wang Jinyan, the teacher he had just met.

"Qin Yue, you came just in time. Based on your thesis, we have initially produced a preparation equipment, but there are still some problems that have not been solved. Come and see what's going on." Wang Jinyan saw Qin Yue and hurriedly pulled him over. Then he said to the middle-aged people next to him: "Look, this is my student Qin Yue. He is only 18 years old this year and is a freshman!"

"It's shameless. What does the preparation plan that I developed by myself have to do with you!" A middle-aged man suddenly became unhappy.

Qin Yue glanced at his badge, Chang Deng, 65 years old, is also a master of materials science.

"He has taken my class, so what I taught more or less influenced the birth of this device!" Wang Jinyan said proudly, then turned around and asked: "Qin Yue, are you right? ."

Qin Yue smiled and didn't answer. He had already arrived at the device, and Tomoko had already started scanning the device.

"This is our drawing, can you read it?" Wang Jinyan handed over another scroll.

Because the drawings in Xinghai are all scrolls, no matter whether they are thousands or tens of thousands, they are placed in one scroll, so reading drawings and drawings has become a specialized subject.

In the early days, scientists could still draw and transcode their own drawings. But in the later stages, as the number of drawings increased and everyone was overwhelmed, they simply trained cartographers to be responsible for this work.

But Qin Yue didn't need this. He asked Zhizi to scan it and then project it directly on his eyes.

"Most of the functions have been implemented, but there are still some details that are not enough, such as the permanent magnet alloy here, the iron-nickel alloy you used, but I think cobalt alloy will be better, and here."

Qin Yue looked at the drawings and said that there were only some details, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he spoke eloquently for more than an hour.

A dozen scientists didn't take it seriously at first. You have written a paper that is true, but there is still a long way to go from the paper to the equipment that can be used to verify the paper.

Not all theoretical scientists are good at doing things. Chen Ning Yang, for example, is a well-known example of not being good at doing things.

They have been pondering here for most of the day and have created a barely adequate device. Although they have not been able to produce metallic hydrogen, high-density liquid hydrogen has been born. This is enough to show that this idea is correct. If they continue, it should It is possible to succeed.

This is enough. No one thought that they could really handle metallic hydrogen in one afternoon.

However, as Qin Yue explained, the expressions on everyone's faces changed from being casual, to being serious and cautious, to then casually grabbing the pen and paper next to them and starting to record!

"Is this really just a paper? I feel like he has already produced it!" Wang Jinyan was a little unbelievable. Is this a genius?

What a genius!

Geniuses are big men who have not grown up, and Qin Yue looks like a big man now, he is clearly a big man who has grown up!

If according to his instructions, the equipment is modified and metallic hydrogen is prepared, then his status will jump directly from being a student to being on an equal footing with academicians like them!

After all, few academicians have such a heavyweight product as metallic hydrogen!

An hour later, Qin Yue took out a bottle of water from the refrigerator next to him, took a sip, and said, "That's about it."

Luo Chuan looked at Qin Yue like this with a look of amazement. He remembered the praise he had just given to Qin Yue and lamented that his eyesight was so good. He could tell at a glance that this was a big shot! Relying on these fates, there may be a chance to hug you again!

Unfortunately, Qin Yue was already surrounded at this time and had no time to look at him.

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