Twenty minutes later, the hover train arrived at the Raputara delivery station.

As soon as he got out of the car, Aiwen saw a line of big characters on the wall screen.

[Recruits are requested to receive the ship card according to the identity card, and log in according to the ship card information]

Take out the identity card and swipe it at the card collection area, and a boarding card is spit out by the machine.


Glancing at the boarding card, Aiwen secretly admired it.

Different from ordinary boarding cards, this boarding card has a few more lines on it, the content is the number of recruits and the assigned troops.

As expected, he was assigned to the L base.

There are countless recruits in the Federation, both on the Earth Ancestral Planet and the Colonial Planet.

The most suitable for him is the L base closest to home.

Because he has acquaintances in the L base, during the four years of high school, he almost knew most of the officers in the L base.

Not to mention how good the relationship is, but at least they are familiar with each other in advance.

The recruit period lasts for one month, during which they are not allowed to go to the battlefield, but the base will capture soldiers and insects, which will be used to train recruits to kill insects.

With the advantage of familiarity, he should be able to kill a few more soldiers. For example, the instructor asked him to give a demonstration to the recruits of the same period.

It makes sense!

When we arrived at the boarding area, the shipyard was already full of people.

Surrounding a medium-sized transport ship, countless recruits queued up to drill into the transport ship with their boarding cards.

After queuing for a full hour, he boarded the transport ship.


"Dude, are you biracial?"

Just when Aiwen wanted to squint for a while, a figure rushed to the next seat, still greeting him.

"My mother's genes."

Seeing the smile on the other person's face, Aiwen nodded and said something.

His appearance is like his father's, except his mother's eyes are light blue.

At first, he felt that this combination was a little inconsistent, but he got used to it over time. At least the female students in school were fascinated by this combination.

Compared to him, the buddy sitting next to him is better.

The elongated oval face, coupled with the elongated golden broom head, looks very much like a character in The King of Fighters, it seems to be called Hongwan.

"My dad suggested it, I think it's cool."

Seeing Aiwen's eyes move up, this guy even touched the head of the broom and put on a serious expression, as if he thought it was very handsome.

"Of course, not everyone can control this hairstyle."

Aiwen didn't agree, and boasted with a smile, he can't say that other people's looks are bad.

"My name is Ace Levy."

"My dad used to be ACE, so he gave me this name. You can also call me old A."

"ACE? So did my parents."

"My name is Aiwen Xia Alves, just call me Aiwen."

Facing the familiar old A, Aiwen suddenly had the feeling of finding the same kind.

It's not that he looks like old A, but their parents.

ACE in the Federation means ace pilots, and they all perform high-risk missions that go deep into the battlefield.

"You didn't pass the test either?"

Hearing Aiwen's words, old A's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked.

The descendants of pilots generally aim to become pilots, but unfortunately he is a scumbag, and he can't even touch the threshold of Starfleet Academy.

"It's about the same. The assessment of the biology class is really too difficult."

Aiwen twitched his mouth and told a white lie.

"I hate mathematics even more. One set after another is just shit."

"We are here to drive starships, not to be cashiers. Starfleet Academy should really change the admission requirements."

Old A waved his hand, complaining about the score line of the Starship Military Academy, the more he talked, the higher he got.

Aiwen listened and almost laughed out loud.

High school graduates with less than 20% of the math test may not even understand the coordinate map, so open a hammer starship!

"Um... I mean, mobile units are much simpler."

"We only need to do two things, survive and kill bugs."

"We are all recruits at L base, maybe we can be assigned to a squad."

After complaining for several minutes, seeing that Aiwen hadn't spoken, old A finally realized the embarrassment and stopped talking about the starship.

"I hope so."

Aiwen nodded, and her evaluation of old A was much higher in her heart.

The pilot's son is different, at least he knows what to do on the battlefield.

Unlike other recruits, they are all talking about how many bugs they will kill after going to the battlefield, how strong and brave they are, and so on.

But also normal.

The recruits present were all only eighteen years old, and it was the most passionate and vain period.


While chatting, the starship has arrived at base L.

Base L is not far from the Raputara transport station. If it weren't for the large number of recruits, the base would not dispatch medium-sized transport ships at all.

Under the command of a team of veterans, the recruits stepped off the starship one after another and gathered on the playground.

Before recruits join the army, they more or less know the rules in the army.

In addition, there were heavily armed veterans staring at them, so the recruits were fairly honest, and few of them dared to speak loudly.

"Shut up, everyone, immediately!"

At this time, a second lieutenant came over and yelled at the recruit team with a horn as he walked.


ps: For niche topics, I beg you all to vote for some flowers and comments, thank you! ! !

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