Starship Troopers: I Become Stronger When I Kill Bugs

Chapter 7 The Recruit's Life Begins!

After the recruit team was completely quiet, the second lieutenant raised the horn again.

"I'll just say it once, listen to me, idiots!"

"You will spend a month's recruiting period in the new barracks two kilometers to the right."

"Take your luggage to get the recruit handbook and supplies, your instructor is already waiting there, move for me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the crowd exploded.

Everyone was squeezing towards the cargo hatch of the transport ship, for fear of moving too slowly.

Aiwen led the old A out of the crowd and rushed towards the No. 2 camp where they were assigned.

All his things were in the system space, and he carried a small suitcase containing plain clothes in his hand, while old A simply didn't bring anything, because the army issued everything.

There are quite a few people who are as straightforward as they are, perhaps they are all descendants of soldiers who have already known the reports of recruits.

"Look at this group of idiots, they're almost squeezed into cans."

"I'm sure the medic will be busy in half an hour."

Old A glanced back, and smiled gloatingly.

The management of the Mobile Force in the Western Theater is not very strict, but it will not be so loose.

This is a trick for recruits, those cute little ones who are huddled together to carry luggage, will soon be beaten, and will be scolded after the beating.

Simple and rude dismounting.

However, the descendants of soldiers can avoid it in advance, and those who are strong enough can squeeze out of the beating circle in advance, just like a small screening.

"I bet ten minutes."

Aiwen said something affirmatively, because he saw several teams carrying teaching sticks walking towards the transport ship.


The distance of two kilometers is not far, Aiwen and old A quickly found the playground of the No. 2 camp.

There were not many people on the playground, except for the personnel at the supply point, there were only a dozen or so recruits here and there.

The next thing is much simpler.

It took less than three minutes to complete the process of verifying the identity, handing in the communicator, and receiving the supplies for the recruits.


"We were all divided into three classes!"

Old A glanced at the class number on the recruit handbook, and excitedly shook his fist.

He felt that he and Aiwen got along very well, and it must be very interesting to be in the same class.

"Let's go, let's change clothes first."

Aiwen took the suitcase from the scanning table and urged.

The recruit dormitory of the mobile unit is very bad, it looks like a train car one size bigger, and one car is a class of fifty people.

Aiwen and old A are not the fastest.

When they entered the dormitory, there were already four or five people in the dormitory.

Seeing Aiwen and old A, they waved and said hello, and then continued to work.

Aiwen checked around and finally found her name on the upper bunk in the corner of the dormitory.

Thank goodness he's not claustrophobic.

Otherwise, if you sleep in the corner of this long dormitory, you will be so anxious that you will hit the wall in a few days.

"Not bad."

Aiwen put the luggage and supplies on the bedside table and started to make the bed.

He has a set of communication tools in his system space, and this kind of corner location is actually very suitable for him, and it is concealed enough.

After making the bed, Aiwen lit a cigarette and lay down on it.

The management regulations of mobile units are not strict. As far as the Western Theater is concerned, soldiers are only prohibited from carrying communicators and controlled weapons.

For example, common tobacco and alcohol, mobile troops can't help it at all, and canteens sell them on rest days.

After all, they are doing jobs that may cost their heads. If life is unsatisfactory, no one will dare to join the mobile unit.

The eastern theater is stricter than the western theater, but it doesn't interfere with the lives of too many soldiers of the mobile unit.

This is also the only advantage of mobile units. Soldiers like Starfleet and Strategic Force may not necessarily be able to drink a good drink for a week.

"Aiwen, do you want to visit the cafeteria?"

Old A was also smoking a cigarette, walked to Aiwen's bedside and asked.

"OK, let's go."

Aiwen immediately got up from the bed and changed into the boot training uniform.

He was pulled up by Carmen to do exercises early in the morning, and he didn't eat breakfast or lunch. After being told by old A, he felt hungry immediately.


When walking out of the dormitory, Aiwen froze for a moment.

A recruit dragged his suitcase and walked towards the dormitory of the third class. Although he was looking down at the recruit manual, Aiwen still recognized him.

This guy is obviously his high school classmate, the protagonist of the original plot line, Johnny Rico.


"We were all assigned to base L, and we were still in the same recruit class!"

Johnny was also taken aback, and immediately became excited.

It's definitely good news to meet old classmates in the recruit class!

"It seems that my luck is good, and I have a reliable comrade-in-arms."

Aiwen and Johnny hugged, and a flash of memory came back in their minds.

If Johnny is here, Tiz will also submit an application for changing units soon and join the third squad of No. 2 Recruit Battalion at L Base.

(Military ranks are calculated according to [the top two ranks and three soldiers, the top middle and bottom three soldiers, the top middle and junior third lieutenants, the upper middle and junior seniors, and the upper, middle and junior senior generals])

(Do not write a detailed system to avoid possible gaps.)

(Finally, I will ask for the data again. I hope readers who like this subject will support it, because no one has written about this movie before, and the author has no idea.)

(If you are not too optimistic, you can only be Zhao Gao. After all, the family needs to support, and you can’t try and make mistakes. I won’t send these requests for flowers in the future.)

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