Starship Troopers: I Become Stronger When I Kill Bugs

Chapter 97 Riding On The Face To Transport Bugs, Tactical Nuclear Bombs!

The tough guy team pressed the Tofit star all the way to fight.

After pushing forward for about two or three hundred meters, the space of the honeycomb hole became larger, and it seemed that it was going to come to an end.

So everyone put all their strength into attacking the last line of defense of the Tofite Stars.

"Getting closer..."

Aiwen was rested in the middle protected by the team members, looked straight ahead and murmured.

Telepathy told it that the transport bug was ahead.

Just now Zarak has issued an order to attack with all his strength when he sees the transport worm, and kill it directly if he has a chance.

He must not let go of this opportunity.

The life energy given by the Arachnis Zerg is based on the rarity of the bug species.

In terms of rarity, transport worms are rarer than brain worms and queen worms.

That is to say, if he kills a transport bug, he can get at least 100,000 life energy.

"Sir, these tentacles are alive!"

Suddenly, Er, the scout in Aiwen's team, shouted.


Aiwen immediately looked at the yellow tentacles in the cave.

Phil was right, these yellow tentacles were indeed alive.

Previously they were like creepers, covering the inside of the hive hole with a coat.

Now they are all moving, wriggling quickly and withdrawing to the west, which is also the direction where the tough guys are attacking.

"Transport bug!!!"

After the yellow tentacles were withdrawn, Aiwen exclaimed.

The honeycomb hole is also part of the radiation mine, but the rock wall here has been completely dimmed, only sporadic fluorescence emerges.

The radioactive elements on it are gone!

Combined with those withdrawn yellow tentacles, Aiwen had a guess in mind.

These yellow tentacles are sprung from the transport worms, and they are some kind of biological instruments for the transport worms to extract radioactive elements.

Transport bugs think this is a gas station!

"Sir, the transport bug is about to run, we need to hurry up!"

Thinking of this level, Aiwen quickly caught up with Zarak in front.

"All attack, rush straight up!"

Zarak's face sank, and he gave another charge order.


Hearing Zalak's order, everyone ran up one after another, and directly pulled up.

The voltage guns of the Tofite Stars are not fatal, and the most serious injuries after being hit are only burns and arrhythmia. They are not afraid at all.

Under the charge of all the tough guys, the remaining Tofi time stars couldn't hold on.

They hit a lot of people in the tough guys with voltage guns.

But the price of shooting from the probe is that more bullets counterattack, and the whole head is blown off.

After about 30 people fell down, the tough guys finally defeated the last line of defense of the Tofit Stars.

Aiwen was the most anxious, so he ran to the front of the line.

He ran with the retreating yellow tentacles and entered a cave.

"Got you!"

This is a new underground space, the terrain is similar to the cliff canyon.

He is standing on the edge of the cliff now, and what is lying under the cliff is his cold-hearted transporter.

The yellow tentacles protruded from under the transport worm, and are now retracting rapidly.

This transport worm doesn't look like an adult worm, its length is only about 300 meters, and it looks about the size of an aircraft carrier as a whole.

The aircraft carrier is a big guy, but it is much smaller than the one he saw on Ocean Star, and there is no comparison at all.

Beside it, surrounded by a large number of soldiers and artillery insects.

Both soldier bugs and cannon bugs have heat sensors, and they have already discovered the tough guy troops on the cliff.

It's just that they can't enter the hive hole, so they have been guarding under the cliff and beside the transport bug.



Seeing Aiwen appear on the edge of the cliff, they all neighed.

Soldiers can only rage impotently, but Cannons can attack.

With their mouths wide open, they turned into pea shooters, and raised their heads to spray ultra-high temperature corrosive liquid at Aiwen.

But of course Aiwen wouldn't just stand there stupidly, he just dodged all the ultra-high temperature corrosive liquid with a flash.


Aiwen ignored soldiers and cannons and such cheap things.

He directly took Gatling off the chain barrel, switched to high-frequency mode, and aimed at the transport bug's neck for a fixed-point attack.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In this dim environment, the 'magic light cannon' produced by high-frequency Gatling reappears.

But as soon as the shuttle was fired, Aiwen stopped.

Can't break the defense!

After being hit by a high-frequency Gatling, there was only a small hole the size of a fist in the carapace of the transport bug, and no blood flowed out.

Its shell is so thick and hard that Gatling can't even break the defense!

Aiwen was a little dumbfounded, he actually forgot about this.

The transport bug is a vicious bug, its defense is high enough to shuttle through the asteroid belt, and holding Gatling can only tickle it.

"All fire!"

At this time, Zarak also arrived with a large force.

The first time Zalak saw the transport bug, he roared.

As his words sounded, rapid gunshots also sounded, which was also mixed with the sound of many shotgun shells and grenades.

The tough guys have great firepower, but the transport bugs have even stronger defenses.

After a wave of bullet-hell shooting, there were only some small holes in the carapace of the transport bug, and the largest ones were no bigger than a human head.

These wounds were placed on the transport worms, which were not even considered pores, and had no defenses at all.


At this moment, a roar sounded from the canyon.

Under everyone's annoyed gazes, blue lights lit up on both sides of the transport worm's abdomen, and it activated the energy injection slot.

next moment.

Its body floated up from the bottom of the cliff, only about ten meters away from the cliff where everyone was standing.

"Reagan, give me the bill!"

Seeing this scene, Aiwen felt ruthless, and stretched out his hand to Reagan.

His team carried two portable shoulder-launched tactical nuclear bombs, which were in the hands of two scouts, Reagan and Phil.

". "Sir, it's going to blow us all to dust!"

Reagan said with a heavy face, but still obeyed Aiwen's order.

He took out the nuclear warhead from his pocket and handed it to Aiwen, then reached for the shoulder-mounted tactical nuclear bomb launcher hanging on his back.

"No, I'm going to use a timed detonation."

Seeing Reagan's actions, Aiwen shook his head and refused.

There are two detonation methods for tactical nuclear bombs, one is launch delay collision detonation, and the other is timing detonation.

Timing detonation is very simple. There are several buttons on the tactical nuclear bomb, which represent ten seconds, thirty seconds, one minute, and five minutes. Just press it.

"Guys, stop firing, let me fix it!"

Holding the tactical nuclear bomb in his hands, Aiwen shouted in the team channel.

"Alves, what are you doing?"

"Stand still and don't move, this is an order!"

Zarak immediately looked at Aiwen who was talking, and after seeing Aiwen standing on the edge of the cliff with a tactical nuclear bomb in his hand, he immediately reprimanded Aiwen.

He knew what Aiwen was thinking.

This canyon cliff is the airstrip for transporting worms, and there must be an exit ahead, and the transporting worms fly into the mountain from there.

So Aiwen wants to jump on the transport worm, and after the transport worm leaves the mountain, Li (Hao Zhao) detonates the nuclear bomb!

This will neither implicate the other members of the tough guy team nor let the transport bug go.

Only Aiwen herself is in danger, because the transport bug's back is too high off the ground.

After activating the nuclear bomb, how will Aiwen jump away?

"When I come back, I am willing to accept whipping."

Aiwen saluted Zarak, then stepped out with a big stride, jumping directly onto the back of the transport bug.

With a super strong physique and a one-piece armor, there is nothing wrong with jumping more than ten meters.

He came to the neck of the transport worm with a tumbling, reached out and grabbed the small hole made with Gatling just now.


Almost as soon as he grasped it firmly, there was a violent vibration on the transport worm.

The next moment, the suspended transport worm started to move, and quickly flew towards the front of the canyon cliff, and disappeared in the eyes of the tough guys in a few seconds.

At this time, Aiwen, who has already hitched a ride, is scrambling for luck.

The exclamations of the team members and the curses of old friends still echoed in his ears, which made Aiwen feel warm in his heart.

See you guys!

He doesn't do anything he's not sure about!.

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