Starship Troopers: I Become Stronger When I Kill Bugs

Chapter 98 Kill The Transport Bug, 200,000!

After fixing the figure.

Aiwen immediately stuffed the tactical nuclear bomb into the damaged hole where the worm's back shell was transported.

However, the tactical nuclear bomb is as big as three fists stacked, and a small hole the size of a fist cannot be filled at all.

So Aiwen spent another 500 life energy and bought a glue gun from the mall.

This gun is filled with space glue, which can form a polymer film on the object when it is used, improving the ability to resist corrosion and accidents.

The glass of the starship can stick to it, and it is more than enough to stick a small tactical nuclear bomb.

After sticking the tactical nuclear bomb on the back of the transport bug, Aiwen put away the glue gun and moved his gaze forward.

The speed of transporting the worms was getting faster and faster, the surrounding air resistance began to increase, the vibration became more and more severe, and the sound barrier phenomenon had already appeared.

A rapid and intense sonic boom sounded quickly, and Aiwen also opened his mouth wide at this time, causing the eustachian tube to open to maintain the air pressure balance inside and outside the eardrum.

A one-piece armor is good for everything, but it is not soundproof.

Because of his strong physique, he also felt the pain in his ear at this time.

"About to arrive?"

After riding for about half a minute, Aiwen saw a light appearing in front of him.

The light is coming down from the top, and it looks like 173 is a cave, but the cave that can accommodate transport bugs must be a large cave.

Reminiscent of the many volcanoes on the planet Tofit, he thinks that the hole in front should be a crater.


At this time, the body of the transport bug trembled violently, and its speed was obviously weakened.


Aiwen's eyes lit up, and she spent 200 life energy to buy a parachute from the mall.

If the transport bug keeps flying at supersonic speed, then he has to spend a lot of money to buy a better aircraft, and wait for the transport bug to take off before landing.

Now as soon as the speed drops, you can use the basic individual parachute.

Five seconds later.

The transport bug slowly came to the bottom of the bright hole.

Aiwen looked up, and it turned out to be a crater, like an upside-down horn.

When the transport bug was rising slowly, Ai Ai quickly put the umbrella on her back.

One hand is pressing the timing button of the tactical nuclear bomb, and the other hand is holding the parachute opening rope, waiting for the transport bug to rise out of the crater.


After waiting for a few seconds, Aiwen finally looked over the crater and saw the scene outside.

Without the slightest hesitation, Aiwen pressed the timing detonation button of the tactical nuclear bomb, and the timing was one second.

next moment.

Aiwen ran a few steps, jumped directly from the back of the transport bug, and fell towards the crater.

When opening the parachute, Aiwen glanced up.

Although the parachute blocked his view, he could still see a little because of the large size of the transport bug.

The transport bug's energy injection tank was fully activated.

The light emitted by the energy jet changed from light blue to dark blue.

At the moment when the dark blue light appeared, the transport worm seemed to flash, and disappeared above the crater in an instant.

Although he didn't wait until the tactical nuclear bomb exploded, Aiwen was not worried at all.

During the Battle of Ocean Star, the flying troops severely damaged the super-giant transport bug, using only conventional mixed-loaded tactical missiles.

If you can't even handle tactical missiles, how can you handle tactical nuclear bombs.


After counting silently for ten seconds, the expectant voice finally sounded.

Aiwen swears, he has never heard such a beautiful voice.

Even when Carmen and Amy were exercising with him late, the sound was not as good as the sound of the tactical nuclear bomb.

The transport bug may have flown far away, so the explosion was not very loud.

The sound of the explosion was a bit like thunder, and the continuous muffled sound resounded throughout the sky.

"Kill a transport bug and get 200,000 life energy."

"Destroy a soldier egg, get 1 life (bhch) life energy."

"Destroy a cannon egg, gain 5 life energy."

"Destroy a parasite egg and gain life emperor.

The hint panel did not disappoint him, the harvest hints were being refreshed rapidly, and the scrolling speed was so fast that his saliva was left behind.



Aiwen shook his fist heavily, and the excitement in his heart was uncontrollable.


The parachute, which had lost control of the direction, drifted crookedly, and he hit the mountain wall head-on, and then fell directly to the ground.

But the height of the fall is only about ten meters.

The height of more than ten meters can even support a piece of armor, not to mention Aiwen's physique is superb.

Except for a little pain in the shoulder when it hit the ground, there were no major problems.


After getting up from the ground, Aiwen let out a long breath, then sat on the ground and looked at the personal panel.

Host: Aiwen Xia Alves

Age: 18

Occupation: Lieutenant of Tough Guy Army

Attributes: Strength 33, Spirit 33, Speed ​​33, Stamina 33, Energy 0

Skills: melee combat 8, gun use 9, starship driving 7, telepathy 13

Items: Individual Combat Armor*1, Ammunition Source Supplementary Pack*1(10%)

Life energy: 496310

This time it was really rich!

Before this reconnaissance mission, his life energy was only 230,000.

And in just a few hours, the 230,000 rose to 490,000, and the increase reached 260,000!

Among them, nearly 50,000 were collected on the road, and the rest were all obtained from transport bugs.

The total value of the eggs is only over 10,000, which is a bit of a pity.

However, he can understand that after transporting the bugs for so long, all the bugs that should be hatched must have hatched, and it is not bad that there are so many left.

"It's almost half a million..."

After turning off the panel, Aiwen remembered happily.

There are only 11 days until the mall event day!

It's okay even if he can't find the discounted product he likes, he can directly buy the product he wants at the original price.

Five hundred thousand life energy is enough for him to spend, and there will be a lot left for emergency after spending it.

As for now, it's time for him to put the finishing touches on it.

There seemed to be nothing left to do.

Just put the parachute into the system space and the rest of the equipment is his own.

"Sorry, buddy."

When walking back, Aiwen touched the position of the shoulder.

His action recorder was broken again, and it was crashed "accidentally" when he was just out of the mission.

No way, who asked the tactical troops to perform the tasks.

Surprises everywhere!.

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