Zhou Hai's figure trembled slightly, he was not stupid, what Qin Mu meant by this, it was very obvious.

If he escapes the country, there will certainly be mercenaries who will hunt him down directly abroad.

When He Tao, who was standing not far away, heard this, his eyes also glanced towards Qin Mu.

It's really worthy of Qin Ye!

It is actually connected with the Black Panther Security Company.

For ordinary people, such a company is somewhat distant.

But for people like He Tao, such a company is not far away at all, because he often wanders outside, hears things, and has seen far more things than ordinary people.

Black Panther Security Company, although not the world's top mercenary company, but those who know this company know that this company is definitely not as simple as it seems.

This company has a lot of vicious people, it is no exaggeration to say that if it were not for the strict control of Shenzhou, if you provoked the people of the Black Panther Security Company.

Then you will definitely be hunted down endlessly.

Because this company convenes people who are capable and do not want to die.

Provoking such a guy is more terrifying than if you stabbed a hornet's nest.

"Don't worry, just follow me well, I won't treat you badly!"

Your real income is now a few million a year, but if you follow me to do things, and don't play any tricks, I promise that after three years, you will earn at least 10 million a year in the magic capital, and you can call the wind and rain, and from tomorrow you contact Huang Wei of Financial Street, he will give you a job, from today onwards, you will not only work in Starry Sky Enterprise Business, but also in Financial Street!"

Qin Mu said indifferently.

The best way to close people's hearts is to give a stick and then a candy.

This is the most effective approach.


, it is basically impossible for anyone to resist,

because your little life is caught by others.

And everything about you is basically what the other party says.

In this case, the other party can still give you some living space, and you can live well, how can you not submit to him?

"I understand, I will be one of your dogs in the future, Qin Ye let me go east, I definitely don't dare to go west!"

"Just know, take your brother to the hospital, I don't want anyone else to know about today's events!"

"Understood!" Zhou

Hai nodded.

At this time, Qin Mu's eyes looked towards He Tao.

He Tao immediately understood what Qin Mu meant.

"Tonight's matter, if any of you dare to spread it, then I He Tao must have his life!" "

Understand!" "Understand!"


He Tao's subordinates are all pandering.

"As for this guy!" Qin

Mu's eyes turned to Ren Chengkai on the side, this guy had already been beaten, in fact, he didn't know what was happening at all, a large amount of blood loss had long made his brain faint one after another.

"You guys deal with it yourself, you did a good job today, I'm satisfied!" said

Qin Mu to He Tao.

"Thank you Mr. Qin!"

He Tao was grateful.

Qin Mu smiled slightly, and did not explain much, and his figure quickly walked outside.

Today things can develop like this, and he is already very satisfied.

After washing his hands a little in the toilet, Qin Mu's figure walked directly towards the hotel upstairs, before Qi Xueqin said that she was waiting for him upstairs in the hotel.

Qin Mu came to the presidential suite where Qi Xueqin was.

As soon as he opened the door, a figure rushed up.

When Qin Mu saw the other party clearly, his eyes suddenly straightened.

Qi Xueqin actually passed on a piece of erotic underwear, this underwear is obviously specially configured by the president's private room, such a private room, basically you can find anything.

It's like being at home.

"Qin Mu, wouldn't I be a little too bold like this?"

asked Qi Xueqin with a trembling voice.

"Of course not!" Qin

Mu smiled slightly, and the figures of the two suddenly looked like glue.


The night passed quickly.

Qi Xueqin was obviously much bolder than before because of Qin Mu's development, and the two seemed to have unlocked some other interesting things.

After Qin Mu got up, a systematic voice sounded in his mind at this time.

"Detected that the host has not yet signed in, whether to sign

in!", "Sign

in!" "Ding! Since the host has been continuously checking in for fifty days, the system triggers the automatic upgrade effect!" "

Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully won the god-level car skill!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully won the god-level

singing voice!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully drew the golden finger!"

Qin Mu was slightly stunned

! This system actually has this function!

It was automatically upgraded in fifty days.

Doesn't that mean that in a hundred, two hundred, or even three hundred days, it's possible to upgrade?

"System, did you upgrade this time to increase your physical attributes?" Under

Qin Mu's influence, he only obtained an improvement in his physical attributes when he completed the task, and when he checked in, most of them were in terms of money.

"That's right, after this system upgrade, when the host checks in, there is a fifty percent chance of extracting skills, and a fifty percent probability of obtaining wealth!"

"In the critical strike state, the host may receive three or ten system rewards!"

the system replied.

Qin Mu had a look of surprise on his face for a moment.

To be honest,

Qin Mu's heart was a little unbelievable.

After leveling up, you can not only gain a variety of skills, but also have a critical attack opportunity once every ten days.

In this way, as long as he keeps checking in, the system reward he can get one day will be several times or even ten times better than now!

Qi Xueqin also slowly opened her eyes at this time, she was tossed by Qin Mu several times last night, and she was a little tired now.

"Little baby, I just learned something!"

said Qin Mu with a slight smile.


Xueqin was slightly stunned

, because suddenly, she found that this Qin Mu's voice was too good!

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