Qi Xueqin's beautiful eyes looked at Qin Mu, and she really found that Qin Mu's voice was simply too good.

"Qin Mu, you are saying two words!"

said Qi Xueqin again.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Mu wondered.

His voice was not loud, like a subwoofer at this time, and for a moment Qi Xueqin felt that goosebumps all over his body rose.

What kind of fairy voice is this.

"Qin Mu, you, can you sing a song?"

asked Qi Xueqin.

Just now, Qin Mu told her that she had mastered a new ability, and she had forgotten it to the back of her mind.

She just wanted to hear Qin Mu sing.

Seeing Qi Xueqin's somewhat fiery eyes, Qin Mu was a little overwhelmed, but soon he sounded, and he got a god-level voice ability.

It should be this skill blessing that allows Qin Mu to have this kind of voice.

"Okay then, listen!"

said Qin Mu.

There was a hint of anticipation in Qi Xueqin's eyes.

At this time, Qin Mu sang a blue and white porcelain.

"The plain embryo outlines the blue and white brush edge of the light bottle, and the peony depicted on the body is just like your first makeup.

"I know what the sandalwood is doing through the window.

"The pen on the rice paper is half on hold. "

The glaze rendering of the lady's charm is privately hidden.

And your smile is like a bud waiting to be released.

"A wisp of your beauty drifts away to where I can't." A

magnetic and emotional voice was transmitted in Qin Mu's throat, and the clear melody echoed in Qi Xueqin's mind.

At this time, Qi Xueqin's entire face was full of shock.

What kind of immortal voice is this, and

why is Qin Mu's voice so good.

"This, this, this is also too good!" Qi

Xueqin couldn't help but say.

To be honest, she couldn't believe that a person's throat could reach such a point.

Qin Mu's voice was definitely kissed by an angel.

How could it be so moving.

And Qin Mu was still singing.

"Azure waits for smoke and rain, and I'm waiting for you." "

The smoke rises, thousands of miles across the river.

"In the bottle bottom of the book Han imitates the ethereal of the previous dynasty, just as I foreshadowed to meet you."

"Azure waits for smoke and rain, and I'm waiting for you."

"The moonlight was salvaged, fainted and ended like a heirloom blue and white porcelain to take care of your own beauty, and you had a smile in your eyes. Qi

Xueqin's heart seemed to have entered a beautiful world with the song at this moment, and she seemed to really see the beautiful scene in the lyrics.

She seemed to have really seen the woman who looked like blue and white porcelain.

With a smile in his eyes, he seems to have an indescribable charm.

Qi Xueqin is not a woman who likes to chase stars, but at this moment, she really can't help but want to chase stars.

The time of a song was very fast, but in a few minutes, Qin Mu finished singing the song.

His eyes looked at Qi Xueqin, and there was a little smile at the corner of his mouth.

"How is it, do you like it?"

asked Qin Mu with a smile.

But Qi Xueqin looked at Qin Mu with a confused expression, and it took a while to come back to her senses, she was still recalling the melody and artistic conception of the song just now.

After she came back to her senses, Qi Xueqin hugged Qin Mu, and then kissed Qin Mu fiercely on the face.

"Qin Mu, I love you to death!" "

This is all old husband and wife, what are you doing?"

said Qin Mu with a smile.

"Excited, I'm really super excited!" said

Qi Xueqin seriously.

"I have something more exciting for you!"

Qin Mu's face had a bit of a smile on his face, and then he threw Qi

Xueqin on the bed.


It seems to be launched at this moment.


More than an hour later, Qi Xueqin's whole body collapsed on the bed, she didn't expect Qin Mu to be so powerful, where did she learn those tricks.

Qin Mu also sighed that the skill was powerful.

In an instant, he learned a lot and mastered a lot of things.

After getting dressed, Qin Mu went outside to prepare breakfast, and Qi Xueqin also rested for a while before he walked out, but from her face, it could be seen that she was a little tired.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Qin Mu walked over and opened the door and found that it was Qin Yue.

"Why did you wake up so late and just eat breakfast!"

Qin Yue was slightly stunned, now it was almost ten o'clock, Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin had only eaten breakfast, and for a moment Qin

Yue's face had some bad smiles.

"Stinky boy, you have to take care of your body!" Qin

Mu was embarrassed, this cousin of his own really managed a lot.

But he didn't say anything, he sat down at the dining table, eating bread while looking at Qin Yue and asked.

"You came to us, is there something wrong?"

"It's not a big deal, it's that I recently applied for a new company and have passed the interview, but the company has a welcome party, and I think if you have nothing to do, you can come with me!"

Qin Yue said with a smile.

She sat down on the side, but after sitting down, her beautiful eyes suddenly looked at Qin Mu.

"Wait, Qin Mu, are you trying to say a word?"

Qin Mu was a little strange.

"My God, I didn't pay attention just now, why did your voice suddenly become so good!" A

trace of essence appeared in Qin Yue's eyes, and she was stunned by Qin Mu's voice.

What kind of voice is this, it sounds so good.

"I secretly practiced bel canto some time ago!" Qin

Mu said a little embarrassed.

It's so awesome, you recommend it to me, and I will practice it!"

said Qin Yue hurriedly.

She found that Qin Mu's voice was too good.

Speaking is like bringing a subwoofer, and every word seems to have an indescribable charm.

"That's specially taught by the master, you can't learn it!" said

Qin Mu perfunctorily.

Qin Yue was a little helpless, she knew that Qin Mu was very rich, and if he turned out to be a master, the price would definitely not be cheap.

Although he had a good relationship with Qin Mu, he was embarrassed to let Qin Mu spend so much money for himself.

"Xueqin, you have to keep an eye on him, his voice is so good now, I guess ah!

"I can't help it if this happens, besides, he is so good, who knows how many wives he will have in the future!"

Qi Xueqin shrugged, before she still wanted to be able to have Qin

Mu all the time.

But now that she was in contact with Qin Mu, she found that Qin Mu was really very good.

In this case, she really might not be able to lock Qin Mu.

So, she also wanted to open.

It is not necessary to completely own Qin Mu, as long as Qin Mu has her in his heart.

Qin Mu's face also had a little smile, he didn't expect that Qi Xueqin's transformation was so big, but he didn't know that now he really didn't make much difference compared to the perfect male god.

Even the small fresh meat with top traffic was nothing in front of Qin Mu.

It is no exaggeration to say that if

Qin Mu is willing to debut, he can definitely win the hearts of a large number of girls in a short period of time.

This look!

This voice is absolutely a must-kill!

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