According to Nan Chen's plan, it was impossible for him to give money at all.

But Qin Mu did this, even if he didn't want to give money, he had to give money.

"Donation itself is a matter of public welfare nature, Mr. Qin, it seems a little too domineering for you to let the people present donate so directly!"

Nan Chen stood up and looked at Qin Mu and asked, his gaze faintly flickering with a cold color.

"Mr. Nan Chen, look at what you said, you may have just come to Shenzhou, there are some things that you may not know, we have a saying in Shenzhou called the eldest husband is difficult to chase after a horse!"

"Having decided to donate means that you want to contribute to charity!"

Qin Mu said indifferently.

And Nan Chen's eyes became particularly gloomy at this time.

Qin Mu continued: "Mr. Nan Chen doesn't want to donate on the spot, it won't be that he doesn't plan to donate at all! Or is Mr. Nan Chen's company actually not so much money, even if it is a donation, it plans to installment? When

these words fell, many people's eyes looked at Nan Chen's body.

The strength of a company is not only based on its size, but also its own cash flow.

"How is that possible, it's just a billion yuan, it's nothing to our Starry Sky Enterprise, even Mr. Qin has already said so, then my side will also swipe the card on the spot!"

Nan Chen's face still had a bit of a smile, but if it was close to him, he would find that his fingers were slightly forced, and there were faint bruises bursting, which was caused by his temper.

"Or Mr. Nan is atmospheric, even Mr. Nan is willing to swipe the card on the spot, then my side will also help everyone, hearing Mr. Xu's piano sound before made my hands itchy, so when everyone swipes the card, I am also willing to present a song to everyone, which can be regarded as my apologies for breaking the donation process of the charity gala for so many years!"

Qin Mu said gently.

If it weren't for the system task, Qin Mu might not be so ostentatious, although there were people who supported it, but when Qin Mu's eyes scanned it, he still found that some people were not very happy.

It seems that there are not a few people who want to take loopholes in the rules, but Qin Mu has already spoken to this point.

They don't have a good idea of saying anything.

After all!

Qin Mu's worth and strength are there, but it is only donated tens of millions, in fact, these people can be taken out.

There was a hint of anticipation in Xu Xiu's eyes, when Qin Mu had adjusted the piano for him before, he knew that Qin Mu's attainment on the piano was definitely not shallow.

Being able to hear Qin Mu's playing, he naturally looked forward to it.

At this time, Qin Mu's figure has come to the piano, his slender fingers adjusted the strings to a most suitable state, after sorting out his clothes, Qin Mu sat down, and at this moment Qin Mu's temperament was idyllic.

There is a faint smell of the prince of music.

At this time, Qin Mu's fingers began to beat on the piano.

A melodious tune burst out from Qin Mu's fingers.

At this moment, the entire venue fell silent, and everyone's eyes were quietly looking at Qin Mu.

Suddenly, they seemed to see and hear the scene in the sound of Qin Mu's piano.

It was a heavenly sight, where there was no war, no disputes, and everything was so wonderful.

Birds singing and flowers, people live and work in peace, as if in these music, people's hearts will be cleansed.

Qin Mu's purpose in playing this piano piece was to eliminate other people's dissatisfaction with him.

After all, he has too much limelight tonight, and sometimes it is better to keep a low profile.

A piano piece slowly ended in about ten minutes, and after Qin Mu's last note fell, his fingers slowly stopped.

The venue fell silent at this time.

After a while, many people's eyes were looking towards Qin Mu, and there was excitement and surprise in their eyes at this time.


One after another deafening applause came, and in their eyes, Qin Mu was simply too good, and it was the first time they heard that someone could play a piano music to this point.

"Powerful, simply too powerful, this kind of piano technique, absolutely has reached the pinnacle, not worse than Beethoven at all!"

Xu Xiu said excitedly, he wanted to worship Qin Mu more and more at this moment.

"It's ugly!"

Qin Mu's face had a little smile on his face, and then he took the lead to walk to the platform, and then directly transferred the money, and the donation of two billion yuan arrived in almost a few minutes.

Looking at the huge numbers on the screen, everyone present felt as if their hearts had been shocked.

And Qin Mudu has already donated, these tens of millions, one or two hundred million are naturally embarrassed to delay.

Soon one boss after another stepped forward to make donations.

Nan Chen's face was quite ugly, and the face of the subordinate next to him was also very ugly.

"Young Master, do we really donate?"

"What can I do if I don't donate? This guy is deliberately asking me for trouble, no wonder Nanfeng has not been like that in his hands for a few days, this kid is not simple!

Nan Chen exhaled lightly.

Originally, he came with a purpose in mind tonight.

Originally, he wanted to make himself stand out, but Qin Mu's appearance crushed him perfectly.

Although he was able to gain some fame this time, the effect was not great at all.

This bastard!

It's really unpleasant.

Walking onto the stage, Nan Chen also took out the bank card, and after some operation, the billion yuan soon arrived.

This time, the chairman who presided over glanced at Nan Chen with some complicated eyes.

It seems that he also knows that Nan Chen lost his wife and broke the army!

But he can't say anything, after all, the more donations, the more benefits it will do him.

"Thank you very much to all of you for your contributions to charity, and I am here once again to thank you on behalf of the children in the poor mountainous areas!"

"Thank you, today's charity gala is over here, but we will definitely report on your good deeds today, because the society is because of people like you!"

"Only then can we prosper, and it is precisely because of the kind people that the motherland can be full of warmth and hope..." The

host said a paragraph with great emotion, full of emotion in his tone, and many people applauded after speaking.

Almost ten minutes later, these people present also left one after another, and now the time has reached half past nine.

A charity gala held for such a long time is indeed almost.

"Mr. Qin!"

At this time, Xu Xiu hurriedly ran towards Qin Mu, and there was a hint of urgency on his face.

"If it's a piano problem, you can find me at any time, I can help you answer it at any time!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.


Xu Xiu nodded excitedly, like a child who got candy, he really had a naked heart for music!

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