Liu Ruoxue had a hint of a smile on her face, and after she and Qin Mu left, Meimu looked towards Qin Mu with some smiles on her face.

"Yes! Although he didn't clearly tell Xu Xiu your purpose, he looked up to you, and you can find him directly if you have any help in the future! As

soon as Liu Ruoxue got into the car, she couldn't help but say to Qin Mu.

"Of course, and this is just a coincidence, I happen to be able to play the piano, and Xu Xiu loves the piano very much!"

Qin Mu shrugged.

"Look at what you said, as if Xu Xiu can't play the piano, you can't get his attention, this time the project in the university town is stable, and then the land will be photographed!"

Liu Ruoxue Road.

This step is a very important step in Liu Ruoxue's opinion.


Qin Mu nodded slightly, and there was also some luster flickering in his eyes.


On the other side, Nan Chen had returned to his Rolls-Royce, his fists clenched, and at this moment he was like a mad lion.

"Bastard, this Qin Mu, really a bastard, who does he think he is! A pig dares to be so rampant, even if it has hundreds of billions of assets? In front of our chaebol, he is something, first smeared the Starry Sky Enterprise, this time he actually plagued me like this! It's just too much!

Nan Chen said viciously.

"Young Master, don't be angry, this Qin Mu does have some skills, but as long as the project in our university town is implemented, Qin Mu can't be our opponent in the future even if he has three heads and six arms!"

The middle-aged man next to him said respectfully.

Nan Chen took a deep breath, the anger on his face slowly dissipated with his breathing, and after a long while, he seemed to regain his composure.

"This bastard, I will definitely calculate the account this time!"

The middle-aged man nodded slightly.

"How are you preparing for the land auction?"

"It's ready, because I'm afraid that Starry Sky Enterprise will be too swaggering, I have arranged for someone to create a company a year ago, and when the land auction comes, their company will make the first move, and this time we quietly allocated 200 million to their company to ensure that we can take down the land!"

Middle-aged humane.

"In order to allow our chaebols to gain a foothold in Shenzhou, we have already started the layout a few years ago, and the university town project is extremely important to us!"

"It is also the first step for Starry Sky Enterprises to take root in the magic capital, as long as this step is good, many enterprises in the magic capital will take the initiative to cooperate with us in the future, when the time comes, Shenzhou's money, we can earn as much as we want!"

"And if this step is not taken well, then we are really finished!"

Nan Chen took a deep breath, and there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly.

"Don't worry, young master, there will be no problem!"


Qin Mu and Liu Ruoxue drove back to their place of residence quickly.

"I'll send you here, contact another day!"

Liu Ruoxue said with a smile.


Qin Mu nodded, after getting out of the car, he touched his stomach, before at the party he was thinking about how to deal with Nan Chen, he didn't eat much for several hours!

I'm really hungry now.

"White chopped chicken!"

Qin Mu saw that there were stalls selling snacks not far away, and he immediately walked over.

After coming to the stall, Qin Mu bought a white-chopped chicken, and then walked upstairs.

This white chopped chicken is fresh and tender in color, fragrant, and delicious at first sight.

Come to your own home.

Qi Xueqin heard the movement outside and walked out, her eyes saw Qin Mu, and asked a little unexpectedly: "You went out to socialize, haven't you eaten yet?"

"Yes! I've been dealing with some things, I don't have time to eat at all, are you full, come and eat with me!

Qin Mu said with a smile.


Qi Xueqin nodded, the two came to the dining table, Qi Xueqin opened a bottle of beer for Qin Mu, and the two ate chicken and chatted with each other.

"I've reviewed all my previous homework during this time, and I'm going to take the exam tomorrow, do you have time then?"

"Do you need me to accompany you?" There should be time, how do you feel about working on the company's affairs while reviewing now?

Qin Mu asked.

"It's okay, it's just that there are some things that I don't understand very well in the company, but Huang Wei has taught me a lot of things, and now I am slowly getting started!"

"But Qin Mu, the configuration of your company is so high, haven't you thought about the future development?"

Qi Xueqin thought about it and asked.

"There is a general idea, but if you manage the company, then deal with it according to your needs, it's just a company, I don't care!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

"Qin Mu!"

Qi Xueqin's eyes looked at Qin Mu, not knowing why there was a hint of tenderness in her eyes.

"Look at you, it's just a company, you are actually moved like this, I want to be kind to you, you must not cry!"

Qin Mu quipped.

"People are just impressed!"

Qi Xueqin pouted and couldn't help it.

"Okay, good, I know, but don't worry, as my woman, no matter what you want to do in the future, I will accompany you!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

"Qin Mu!"

Qi Xueqin's face was touched: "You are so good!"

"Then don't kiss me!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

Qi Xueqin really came over and kissed Qin Mu.

The two usually have less time to communicate, but every time they are together, they have a warm feeling.


Love is, you're messing around, I'm laughing.

Life can sometimes be simple.


In the blink of an eye, it was the next morning, and when Qin Mu had just opened his eyes, a systematic voice came from his mind.

"Ding, it has been detected that the host has not checked in, do you want to sign in?"

"Sign in!"

Qin Mudao.

"Ding! Sign in successfully, congratulations to the host for obtaining god-level computer ability!

A system sound fell, Qin Mu felt that one after another information kept appearing in his mind, originally, Qin Mu was just a computer rookie, but in just a few minutes, he turned into a computer master.


Qin Mu sighed, because of the system, he now had more and more skills.

After asking Nan Chen to pay a billion donation yesterday, he obtained the ability to treasure connoisseur, and according to this situation, it would not take long for him to become an all-round genius.

"I'm kind of looking forward to what the next system upgrade will become!"

For a moment, the corners of Qin Mu's mouth rose, and a faint smile appeared on his face!

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