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Chapter 93 Do It Yourself!

It has to be said that Duanmuhuai's decision to take the upper-level route is still correct. After learning that the actions of the evil dragon may affect human beings' impression of the dragon, especially Guleiya may be driven out of Manaria because of this. After that, Ann immediately wrote to his father to discuss the problem of the evil dragon's rampage.

And Guleya also wrote to her father to discuss countermeasures.

Fortunately, news came from both sides soon.

Guleya's father, the king of the dragon clan, was also worried about the evil dragon's rampage. After communicating with Guleya, he decided to go to the Kingdom of Manaria to discuss the crusade against the evil dragon. And An's father also agreed to the request of the Dragon King, so the two parties decided to discuss the crusade against the evil dragon in the King City of Manaria, and An and Guleya would naturally participate. Attending in the name of a representative of the church——after all, he is also a paladin.

Although it doesn't look like it is.

However, the result of this meeting... was not satisfactory.

"Father is a fool! A big fool!"

An angrily walked into the room, and slammed the door hard. Seeing An's angry look, Duanmu Huai and Gu Leya looked at each other helplessly, of course they also knew why An was so angry.

In fact, the meeting went smoothly at the beginning. Everyone believed that the evil dragon was a threat that needed to be dealt with, and agreed to send a crusade team.

But the selection of the crusade team... has become a big problem.

It goes without saying that the evil dragon Fafna is very powerful, but to defeat such an evil dragon, an elite and powerful team is naturally needed. Then the problem came, the kings of Manaria and Regnese certainly couldn't take risks by themselves, and it wasn't their duty as rulers.

So who should go?

In terms of strength, then An and Guleya are naturally the best candidates, but the problem is that they are also princesses and cannot risk their lives. Not only that, humans and dragons are also at loggerheads over the issue of candidates. From the point of view of humans, the evil dragon is your kin, and you should take the initiative to clean up this mess, so you must send out elite soldiers and strong generals.

But in the eyes of the Dragon Clan, human beings do this to kill people with a knife, let themselves and the evil dragon fight each other, and then they reap the benefits of the fisherman. So they thought it should be fair and just, and asked Manalia to produce the same number of elites.

However, the humans are unwilling again. They think this is the rhythm of the dragon clan wanting to wipe out their top combat power. After all, unlike the dragon clan, all human beings are strong. If all the strong human beings died in the battle against the evil dragon, wouldn't the dragon clan be able to shout at them at will?

As a result, the meeting fell into an endless loop. Both parties were worried that the other party was planning to do something wrong, so naturally they couldn't cooperate sincerely. The issue of candidates was also delayed again and again, and in the end no agreement could be reached. Although Ann protested to her father, there was no result.

In the end, the group returned to the academy without any results.

"Father is also under a lot of pressure. I heard that when he returned this time, many ministers expressed dissatisfaction with him, thinking that Regnis should not take the initiative to participate in the battle between evil dragons and humans... ..."

Guleiya also sighed silently, having nothing to say.

"You don't seem to be so surprised? Mr. Knight?"

Looking curiously at Duanmuhuai who was silently drinking black tea, An asked suspiciously, while Duanmuhuai spread his hands.

"This is normal. Once politics is involved, there will always be many problems. This is why in many stories, there is no critical moment, and everyone cannot work together. Like now, unless the evil dragon attacks Regnes and Mana at the same time Leah, otherwise it will be difficult for the two sides to unite and cooperate sincerely."

"But by then, it will be too late!"

"That can't be helped."

Duanmuhuai shook his head.

"Since I can't make a decision, I plan to go by myself."


Hearing Duanmuhuai's decision, An and Guleya looked at him with wide eyes in surprise.

"Mr. Knight, are you going to defeat the evil dragon?"

"Of course, that's what I originally planned. If we can unite everyone to act together, then the chances of winning will be higher. But from the current point of view, although Regnes and Manaria are allies, the relationship between the two parties is not solid. Under such circumstances, even if the two sides form a coalition, it is hard to say whether it will become more difficult and complicated. So I decided to attack the evil dragon—after all, as a paladin, this is also my duty."

Duanmuhuai has now determined that the evil dragon Fafuna is probably the final boss of this world fragment. Originally, he hoped to unite the two countries to ascend together. But now it seems that the contradictions and disputes between the two sides have almost no chance of cooperation. This is probably why it will eventually become a battle between humans and dragons.

Since these two countries can't count on it, Duanmuhuai can only rely on himself. As for whether he can win... He doesn't think it's a big problem. After all, Duanmu Huai also collected a lot of spell cards during his study of magic at Manaria Academy, and because he is in the Fragmented World, he doesn't have to think about sub For the upper limit of space heat, just fill it up and go up.

As for not being able to fight, can you still run?

Not only that, but in the previous meeting, Duanmuhuai also noticed a trace of aura that he was very familiar with.

Obviously, neither side is wrong, but because of some kind of force majeure, they have to step into the abyss step by step. This rhythm really looks like the work of the deceitful god.

This is the biggest reason why he gave up the joint plan. The more complicated the plan, the higher the possibility that the God of Deceit will be involved, and the more likely it will overturn. Apart from anything else, going directly to ransacking the house is the best solution to deal with that scheming guy.

To put it bluntly, no matter how much you know how to play tricks, you will be knocked down with one shot.

It is useless for you to have one hundred and eighty different moves in the follow-up.

It is Duanmuhuai's character to do what he says, or to say that soldiers are precious and fast. On the second day after confirming his action, he expressed to the student union that he had to leave the academy urgently. It just indicated that there was news from the holy city that he needed to go back, and the academy didn't particularly care about it, so he nodded and agreed.

After leaving the city, Duanmuhuai summoned the metal secret dragon to prepare to set off, but at this moment, his head turned to the nearby woods.

"Come out, we've followed all the way, what do you want to do?"

"Hey hey..."

Hearing Duanmuhuai's words, I saw three figures coming out of the woods. The two in front were dressed like thieves and wrapped themselves in cloaks. Needless to say, they were An and Guleya. The only one is the eternal follower, Ann's guardian knight Owen.

"Although I almost guessed it, I still have to ask, what are you trying to do?"

Duanmuhuai looked at them helplessly and asked, while An raised her hand.

"As you can see, Mr. Knight, we also want to go with you to destroy the evil dragon!"

While speaking, An looked at Duanmu Huai, his eyes glowed.

"It shouldn't be a problem, Mr. Knight! Didn't you take part in many adventures before, and defeated the enemy like this?"

"Theoretically, yes, but..."

"But what?"

"But you two spoiled princesses, can you adapt to the adventurous life outside?"

Duanmuhuai looked at An and Guleya, and sighed helplessly.

"I want to explain in advance that the adventurous life in the wild is not as romantic as in novels and stories. There is no place to take a bath, and it is impossible to eat hot food, and there is no soft bed. Maybe you will find it when you wake up. There are snakes and insects everywhere under the body, and if you are in the forest, there will be mosquitoes and poisonous insects. To be honest, this is not something you pampered princesses can bear."

Having said this, Duanmu Huai looked at Owen behind the two of them again.

He has a large suitcase in his left hand and a large suitcase in his right hand, and he is carrying a bag on his back that is bigger than himself, and he doesn't know what's in it.

"Leave two sets of clothes for washing, and then bring some dry food, and throw away the rest."


Hearing this, An was shocked.

"Then the books we're going to read on the way, as well as cosmetics..."

"Of course it is thrown away! Are you going or not? If you don't go, go back!"

Do they really think this is an outing?


Under the intimidation of Duanmu Huai, An hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded obediently.

Anyway, saving the country is more important than clothes, books and cosmetics.

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